Ashampstead Parish Council
Minutes Ordinary & Annual Meetings
1st April 2017 to 31st March 2018
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council 2017/18
held in the Jubilee Hall on Tuesday 14 May 2018 at 7.12pm
Present: Councillors T Butcher, C Butler, R Butler, A Keeley and R Fisken.
In attendance: P Thompson (Clerk) and D Slack (Yattendon Estate)
1. Apologies: Councillor A Dick
2. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman:
Councillor Trudi Butcher was elected as Chairman and Councillor Colin Butler was elected as Vice Chairman. Both accepted their respective offices.
3&4 Minutes:
The minutes of the last ordinary meeting of the Council were approved and signed by the Chairman.
The minutes of the extraordinary meeting of 26 March 2018 were approved and signed by R Fisken as the Chairman had not attended that meeting.
5. Agreement of Roles and Responsibilities:
It was agreed that the Chairman would continue to represent the Council on ART and take responsibility for Data Protection, Alex Dick would take police matters, Colin Butler would take footpaths and byways, Tony Keeley would take the lead on planning matters, Rita Butler would manage the village website and Roger Fisken would maintain the defibrillator.
6. Standing Orders and Financial Regulations:
The Clerk explained that the amended the documents, circulated to councillors prior to meeting, contained changes due to the new Accounts and Audit Regulations applying to smaller authorities. The Standing Orders were reviewed and approved. The Financial regulations were also reviewed and approved.
7. Inventory of Land and Assets:
The inventory of land and assets was reviewed and approved.
8. Risk Management Register:
The risks and responses thereto were considered and the register approved.
9. Insurance Cover:
It was agreed that the cover offered through BHIB was adequate, being similar to that of AON our current insurers. BHIB's premium was significantly lower than the other quotation received.
10. Internal Controls and Annual Governance Statement:
The Councillors reviewed the statement of internal controls and the annual governance statement. These, together with the risk management register, accounting records and annual accounts had been reviewed by the Council’s internal auditor, Caroline Billing, as confirmed by her Annual Internal Audit Report. Both were approved and the Annual Governance Statement in the Annual Governance and Accountability Return was duly signed by the Chairman and the Clerk. The Chairman recorded her thanks to Caroline for carrying out the internal audit so promptly.
11. Receipts and Payments Accounts for the Year Ended 31 March 2018:
The annual accounts which had been circulated to the Councillors prior to the meeting were adopted and signed by the Chairman and the Clerk. The Accounting statements included in the Annual Return were also adopted and signed by the Chairman and the Clerk.
It was agreed that the Certificate of Exemption from a limited assurance review by the external auditors should be completed and signed by the Clerk and the Chairman.
12. Complaints Procedure:
The complaints procedure was reviewed and approved.
13. Requests under the Freedom of Information Act:
The existing arrangements were reviewed and approved without amendment.
14. Future Meetings:
It was agreed that ordinary meetings would be held at 7.00pm on Monday 2 July 2018, on Monday 3 September 2018, on Monday 5 November 2018, on Monday 14 January 2019 and on Monday 4 March 2019.
The Statutory Annual Parish Council Meeting closed at 7.25pm
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting 2017/18
held in the Jubilee Hall on Monday 14 May 2018 at 6.30pm
Present: Councillors T Butcher, C Butler, R Butler, A Keeley and R Fisken
In attendance: Paul Thompson (Clerk), District Councillor V Von Celsing, D Slack (Yattendon Estate) and three parishioners
Councillor Trudi Butcher chaired the meeting.
1. Apologies: Councillor A Dick
2. Minutes:
The Minutes of the last Annual Meeting were approved and signed by the Chairman.
3. Chairman’s Report:
The Council met nine times during the year to 31 March 2018, including three extraordinary meeting to discuss planning applications.
As in previous years, certain councillors agreed to take lead roles for specific matters. Alex Dick undertook police matters, Colin Butler undertook footpaths and highways, Tony Keeley took the lead on planning matters, Rita Butler manages the Village website and I continued to represent the Council on ART. More recently I had volunteered to undertake the role of Data Protection Officer although we have since been advised that this position may not be a requirement for smaller councils. In any event, I will take responsibility for the new data protection regulations with regard to their impact on the Council. Alastair Jeffery resigned in July,2017 as he was moving away from the village but we were fortunate to co-opt Roger Fisken onto the Council in September. Roger volunteered to take responsibility for maintaining the defibrillator, more of which later.
The Council was asked to make observations on a total of fourteen planning applications over the last year, two of which were subsequently withdrawn following objections. The remaining twelve have been granted permission by West Berkshire Council. The Council also chose to object to an application for the change of use of the grain store at Wyld Court Farm to B2 storage as it will bring more heavy traffic onto local roads. Unfortunately, the application was approved by the planning committee at WBC, despite the best efforts of Councillor Alex Dick and the representative of Hampstead Norreys Parish Council who were allowed to speak at the meeting.
The Clerk continues to report potholes and other highway issues to West Berkshire Council on a regular basis. The Council is also now responsible for providing salt bins and consequently I must ask residents to ensure that the salt is only used on the hills for which the bins are provided. The contractors responsible for the damage to The Green have twice reseeded the area, at our request, but sadly this has again been followed by further damage from other vehicles. The Council will decide what further action is required at the next ordinary meeting.
The Council continues to monitor footpaths and byways, reporting problems to either the landowners or West Berkshire Council. We continue to cut the grass on the recreation ground and The Green. We have also allowed sums in the budget to meet the cost of tree surgery and essential playground repairs on behalf of ART. The Council has agreed to meet these costs until a regular hirer of the hall is found, although ART is expected to carry out works on the recreation ground that could be carried out by work parties. No such costs arose in the last year but the budgeted cost has been carried forward as a specific reserve since work usually needs to be carried out every two to three years. Further inspections of both the trees and the playground will be carried out by ART during the current year.
Councillor Alex Dick continues to update us on police matters through the text alert system and dog watch which help to reduce local crime. These do however rely on residents being vigilant and reporting any suspicious activity to the police and Alex.
The Council had received a Community Infrastructure Levy of £2,263 in October 2016 which must be spent on capital projects within five years. The Council decided that a defibrillator would benefit the community and this was purchased and installed at the Village Hall in September at a cost of £1,725. Subsequent training sessions provided by South Central Ambulance Service were attended by a total of 27 residents. Portable goal posts and nets were also purchased from this fund at a cost of £208, leaving a balance of £330 still available.
Due to problems with the previous website, Councillor Rita Butler has started a new website at which is working well! The site provides information about the village and its events as well as Parish Council matters.
As regards finances, the Council had set a precept of £6,680 for 2017/18 and also received a VAT repayment of £453 for the previous year..
Income was spent on the following items, excluding VAT:
Clerk's salary £1,590; Clerk's expenses and other administrative costs £482; Grass cutting £1,985; Dog and other waste collection £118; Donations to local charities £345; the library contribution to WBC £375 and the CIL expenditure of £1,933; VAT paid on these items totalling £784 has been recovered in 2018/19. This resulted in a deficit for the year of £479 against a budgeted deficit of £2,408. The difference is largely due to the underspend on Flowers Piece maintenance.
The Council’s retained funds of £8,727 at 31 March 2018 include an election reserve of £600, the CIL reserve of £330 and a Flowers Piece maintenance reserve of £2,000.
The precept for the current year is £6,640. This will include a donation of £250 towards grass cutting of the churchyard. The councillors agreed to a request for this contribution as the church is a special feature of the village and footpath 23 passes through the churchyard.
I would like to thank our District Councillor, Virginia Von Celsing, for the information and support that she has given the Council on a number of matters. I would also like to thank my fellow Councillors for their support over the last year but most particularly Paul Thompson, the Clerk, whose help and advice are, as usual, so invaluable to the smooth running of the Parish Council.
The Chairman invited District Councillor Virginia Von Celsing to update parishioners on matters concerning WBC.
Virginia reported that the District Council was continuing to face problems in managing its budgets with the government grant having gone from £24 million to nothing in recent years. Social care was continuing to take up a large proportion of the budget. One adult or child with substantial special needs moving into the area can have a significant impact on funds available.
A green bin tax has had to be introduced in order to raise funds, which has been successful for other councils.
Virginia explained that planning decisions can be difficult but the impact of the change of use of the grain store at Wyld Court Farm will depend on its eventual use.
Virginia also advised that boundary changes will affect next year' Council elections. Ashampstead will no longer be in Compton ward but will join Upper Basildon, Aldworth and Streatley.
Finally, Virginia thanked the Parish Council and the Clerk for their support.
4. Parishioners Questions:
A resident raised concerns regarding the state of the lay-by in Chapel Lane and wondered whether the parish council could make it good with hardcore. Councillor Colin Butler offered to look at it and report back.
Another resident advised that the Carebus which provides one journey on Tuesdays to Reading is underused. With WBC now only providing a proportion of the running costs there are sufficient funds to run it for only one more year. If residents do not use it they will lose it! Advertisements are to be placed, including in The Leaflet.
A resident questioned the arrangements for parking on the recreation ground. The Chairman advised that the matter was being considered by ART.
A resident asked whether the contractors carrying out work in Noakes Hill will be asked to make good the damage to the roadside wasteland. The Chairman advised that she would have a word with the householder employing them.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 7.10pm.
Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
held in the Jubilee Hall on Monday 05 March 2018 at 7.00pm
Present: Councillors Trudi Butcher (Chairman), Colin Butler, Alex Dick, Anthony Keeley and Roger Fisken
In attendance: Paul Thompson (Clerk) and District Councillor Virginia Von Celsing
1. Apologies: Councillor Rita Butler
2. Declaration of Interests: None
3. Minutes: The Minutes of the last ordinary meeting of the Council were approved and signed by the Chairman.
4. Matters Arising Not Covered in the Agenda: There were no matters arising not covered by the agenda.
5. Minutes: The Minutes of the extraordinary meeting of the Council held on 24 January 2018 were approved and signed by the Chairman.
6. District Councillor's Report:
District Councillor Virginia Von Celsing advised that whilst there has been a reduction in crime in the district, there is a noticeable problem with fly tipping locally. This is in fact a crime although it is largely unreported other than to the District Council.
Virginia also mentioned that another parish council within her ward was refusing to supply salt bins or salt as it believed that this was the responsibility of the Highway Authority. The Clerk confirmed that the Parish Council had accepted responsibility for the existing salt bins but that
no costs had been incurred to date.
Virginia explained that the District Council was facing severe budgetary constraints largely due to elderly care and has been forced to increase council tax by the maximum permitted. There will also be a separate charge for green bin collection in the future, a practice adopted by other district councils.
7. Police Matters:
Councillor Alex Dick reported that outbuildings had been broken into on Noakes Hill although nothing was taken. It is likely that further incidents
will occur and residents must therefore be vigilant.
8. Footpaths and Byways:
Following further complaints, the Clerk was asked to remind the Estate that the tree down across the footpath in Long Croft Shaw should be removed as quickly as possible as it was completely blocking the footpath.
9. Roads:
Councillor Tony Keeley raised concerns that, although the large pothole in Chapel Lane had been marked for repair by WBC, no further action had yet been taken. It was accepted that in the current weather conditions the repair was likely to be delayed.
Councillor Alex Dick undertook to look into land regarded as parish or roadside waste.
The Chairman advised that ART was reviewing parking on the recreation ground.
10. Planning Applications Update:
17/03183 Remove conservatories, demolish garage, ground/first floor extensions and replacement garage at The Birches, Burnt Hill. Approved by WBC.
17/03279 Two storey side and rear extension and new front porch at 9 Flowers Piece. Approved by WBC.
17/03356 Single Storey side extension and two storey garage/art studio at Linden House. "Objection" submitted; awaiting decision from WBC.
17/02772 Change of use to B8 storage at the Grain Store, Wyld Court Farm. Councillor Alex Dick volunteered to attend the WBC planning meeting to present the Parish Council's concerns regarding the impact on the roads in the area, some of which have been designated by WBC to be unsuitable for heavy vehicles.
11. Flowers Piece and The Green:
The Chairman reported that she and Caroline Butler, on behalf of ART, will carry out an inspection of the trees on Flowers Piece once they are in leaf. The Chairman also advised that the playground inspection has been completed but that the report is still awaited Any maintenance work required will be carried out by the Parish Council.
12. Library Service:
WBC proposal for contribution to the library service: It was agreed that the section 137 contribution of £375 should be made to the library service as it was still well used by parishioners.
13. Defibrillator Training:
Councillors confirmed that the two training sessions provided by South Central Ambulance Service were well received.
14. Community Infrastructure Levy:
The Chairman advised that James Bartlett had purchased the goal posts and that she would check whether the invoice could be issued to the Parish Council.
15. Finance:
The Clerk provided his report for the year to date together with his estimate of the final outcome for 2017/18, he explained that this would largely depend on whether the VAT refund was received before the end of the year. Expenditure on Flowers Piece would be deferred until 2018/19 with a specific reserve carried forward of £2,000. It was still not clear how much of the CIL reserve would be carried forward as this depended on the invoice for the goal posts. The only other uncertainty was the invoice due from WBC for dog and other excess waste collection for 2017/18 which would be paid on receipt.
Payments were authorised as follows:
P Thompson £240.08 Clerk's salary and expenses for February and March
HM Revenue & Customs £ 39.00 PAYE on Clerk's salary
West Berkshire Council £375.00 Section 137 library service contribution
It was agreed that a donation under Section 137 should also be made of £50 to South Central Ambulance Charity in recognition of the work that SCAS do for local residents and the defibrillator training that they so kindly provided. It was agreed that donations would not be made this year to Berkshire Vision nor to Parenting Special Children.
It was agreed that the Clerk should ask Caroline Billing to undertake the internal audit.
16. Any Other Business:
The Chairman advised that ART was once again looking into improvements to the chair store. New carpet tiles were to be purchased and essential repairs carried out to the small letting room floor. ART finance will also be affected by the cancellation of the Winter Party due to a lack of support. Trudi also advised that John George was to update ART on the new Data Protection regulations.
17. Date of Next Meeting:
It was agreed that the next ordinary meeting of the Parish Council will follow the Annual Parish Council Meeting which will convene at the earlier time of 6.45 p.m. on Monday 14 May 2018. This will follow the Annual Parish Meeting which will convene at 6.30 p.m. The Clerk was asked to advertise that meeting in the next edition of The Leaflet, drawing particular attention to the earlier time.
18. Meeting Closes: There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.46 p.m.
19. Parishioners' Question Time: There were none.
Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting Held in the Jubilee Hall
on Monday 08 January 2018 at 7.00pm
Present: Councillors Trudi Butcher (Chairman), Colin Butler, Rita Butler, Anthony Keeley and Roger Fisken
In attendance: Paul Thompson (Clerk) and District Councillor Virginia Von Celsing
1. Apologies: Councillor Alex Dick
2. Declaration of Interests:
The Chairman advised that she had had an interest in the planning application at St Clements Cottage which was to have been discussed under item 9 of the agenda. As, however, WBC had announced that the application could not be determined no observations were required from the council.
The Clerk confirmed that the Councillors held dispensations to determine the budget and precept for 2018/19 under item 15 of the agenda.
3. Minutes:
The Minutes of the last ordinary meeting of the Council were approved and signed by the Chairman.
There were no matters arising not covered by the agenda.
4. Matters Arising Not In the Minutes:
There were no matter arising.
5. District Councillor's Report:
District Councillor Virginia Von Celsing advised that she had little to report other than the large number of potholes in the area and a problem with fly tipping particularly between Upper Basildon and Aldworth. Virginia explained that anyone can report such issues to West Berkshire Council via its website.
6. Police Matters:
There had been no report from Councillor Alex Dick, but Councillors also noted that there had been no dog watch reports lately. Councillors concluded that this may suggest a reduction in local criminal activity
7. Footpaths and Byways:
The Clerk advised that there was a tree down across the footpath in Long Croft Shaw. He was asked to report this to Yattendon Estate.
8. Roads:
The Clerk was asked to report potholes on Palmers Hill and also several on the Aldworth Road between the entrance to Palmers Hill and the junction with Yattendon Lane. He was also asked to report a large pothole and an unusual small hole in Chapel Lane.
The Clerk confirmed that he had reported the fallen branch on Palmers Hill.
9. Planning Applications Update:
17/03398 Greenhouse at St Clements Cottage, Church Lane. Cannot be determined per WBC.
17/03078 Double garage, bicycle store with store/office above at The Oakes, Burnt Hill. "No objections" submitted and approved by WBC.
17/03183 Remove conservatories, demolish garage, ground/first floor extensions and replacement garage at The Birches, Burnt Hill. " No objections" submitted, awaiting a decision from WBC.
17/03279 Two storey side and rear extension and new open front porch at 9 Flowers Piece. "No objections" submitted, subject to some Councillors' reservations regarding size and potential terracing effect. Awaiting decision from WBC.
Future policy for dealing with planning applications:
The Councillors agreed that they would continue to require copies of the detailed plans from WBC although it was accepted that WBC will make a small charge for these with effect from April 2018.
The Clerk will circulate the plans and advise Councillors by email of the application number so that they could also inspect these on line. Councillors can make comments, via email, whilst the plans are in circulation but the final decision regarding the Council's observations must now be made at an extraordinary planning meeting called by the Chairman. Such planning meetings are held as when necessary to meet WBC deadlines. The Clerk will ask for extensions for submitting observations should there be difficulty in raising a quorum. Agendas for such meetings would continue to be placed on the website and also on the main notice board on the recreation ground.
The Chairman confirmed that an extraordinary meeting would be held on 24 January at 5.00 pm to discuss an application at Linden House, Burnt Hill and any other applications that may arise before the Agenda is posted on the website on 19 January.
10. Flowers Piece and The Green:
The Chairman confirmed that ART will re-seed in the Spring, those areas of the recreation ground affected by the bonfire party. ART will also organise a working party to clear the brambles along its western boundary. The playground inspection is still to be carried out.
11. Website and the Transparency Code Requirements:
Councillor Rita Butler confirmed that the new website was working well and that a small annual payment was required to prevent unauthorised advertising on the site.
The Clerk had discussed issues concerning the previous website with BALC, but they confirmed that the new site showed that we were meeting the Transparency Code requirements. Councillors agreed that as we do not have a permanent office it was not necessary to purchase computer equipment for such work although grants may be available.
12. Data Protection Act 2018:
The Councillors discussed the proposals and were satisfied that no personal data was held other than that relating to the Councillors or Clerk. There were no arrangements to share data with third parties. The Chairman agreed to act as Data Protection Officer and would keep the matter under review.
13. Defibrillator:
The Clerk was asked to advertise the training sessions, arranged for Thursday 8 February at 7.30 pm and Saturday 17 February at 10.30 am, in the next issue of The Leaflet and on the Ashampstead website. The training sessions will be carried out by South Central Ambulance Service.
14. Community Infrastructure Levy:
It was confirmed that the Council's policy for spending such receipts would continue to be that of meeting the demands that development places on the Parish whether this be by way of the provision, improvement, replacement or maintenance of infrastructure or anything else. It was agreed that any such expenditure must have a long term benefit.
It was agreed that the proposed new football goal posts and nets would meet the criteria.
15. Finance:
The Clerk provided his report for the year to date together with his estimate of the final outcome for 2017/18. It was assumed that any Flowers Piece maintenance would now be deferred until 2018/19 with the intended expenditure of £2,000 carried forward as a specific reserve at 31 March 2018. It was assumed that the remaining CIL receipt would be spent.
Payments were authorised as follows:
R Butler £ 82.50 Reimbursement of website costs
P Thompson £243.08 Clerk's salary and expenses for December and January
HM Revenue & Customs £ 39.00 PAYE on Clerk's salary
It was agreed that a donation under Section 137 should be made of £30 to West Berkshire Countryside Society. A donation to South Central Ambulance Service will be considered at the next Meeting. The Clerk was asked to check the arrangements for making a donation to WBC' library service.
Budget and Precept for 2018/19:
The Clerk presented his revised budget for 2018/19 and explained the basis for his amended calculations. He suggested that reserves at 31 March 2019 would total £6,916 including an election reserve of £800. This would be in line with recommended practice. The budget was formally approved and the precept set at £6,680.
16. Any Other Business:
Councillor R Fisken raised concerns at the number of power cuts that had occurred within recent months. The Clerk was asked to raise the matter with SSE having regard to the number of elderly residents in the parish.
There were no Parishioners' questions
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.09 p.m.
The next meeting will convene at 7.00 pm on Monday 5 March 2018.
Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
held in the Jubilee Hall
on Monday 06 November 2017 at 7.00pm
Present: Councillors Trudi Butcher (Chairman), Colin Butler, Anthony Keeley, Rita Butler and Roger Fisken
In attendance: Paul Thompson (Clerk) and District Councillor Virginia Von Celsing
1. Apologies: Councillor Alex Dick
2. Declaration of Interests:
The Clerk confirmed that the Councillors held dispensations to consider the draft budget for 2018/19 under item 13
of the agenda.
3. Minutes:
The Minutes of the last Ordinary Meeting of the Council were approved and signed by the Chairman.
4. Matters Arising not covered in the Agenda:
There were no matters arising.
5. District Councillor's Report:
District Councillor Virginia Von Celsing advised the Councillors that she was surprised to see a retrospective
application for Linden House, albeit for which no decision taken, on West Berkshire Council's weekly planning lists
issued earlier in the day. The Councillors were also surprised as they had not been asked for their observations.
Virginia confirmed that she had raised the matter with the planning department and would report back.
Virginia also asked the Councillors as to whether they had made observations regarding the change of use to
storage and distribution for the grain store at Wyld Court Farm which was causing some disquiet in Hampstead
Norreys. The Clerk confirmed that the Council had not been requested to make observations on this application and
were not aware of it. Virginia was concerned that it may significantly increase traffic in the area and would advise the
Clerk of the application number so that he could arrange for the Council to submit observations if the Councillors
chose to do so.
6. Police Matters:
The Chairman read a brief report from Councillor Alex Dick which warned residents to keep doors locked at this time
of year as, when the clocks change, thieves are known to undertake more walk-in burglaries. It was agreed that the
Chairman should put an article in The Leaflet.
7. Footpaths and Byways:
No problems had been reported. The Clerk confirmed that he had advised WBC of fly tipping at the junction of
footpath 14 with the Aldworth Road from Upper Basildon.
8. Roads:
It was noted that the B4009, Aldworth Road and Yattendon Lane were the only parish roads included in West
Berkshire Council’s snow clearance and primary treatment routes. Roads through the main village will qualify for
secondary treatment only.
It is important that the salt bins are only used to clear the hills for which they are provided as the Parish Council now
have to meet the cost of refilling these bins and also replacing them when necessary.
9. Planning Applications Update:
17/02216 Installation of backup power generator and associated ancillary development at Scratchface Lane.
Approved by WBC.
17/02284 Demolition of single storey building and construction of loading bay and tray washing area at Casey Fields
Farm. Approved by WBC.
17/02285 Extension of existing fowl processing building by the addition of a refrigeration unit at Casey Fields Farm.
Approved by WBC.
17/02504 Demolition of outbuilding and erection of linking extension and separate garage block at Drift House. "No
objections" had been submitted. Approved by WBC.
10. Flowers Piece Maintenance:
The Chairman advised that Caroline Butler and James Bartlett, of ART, would carry out inspections of the trees
before and after they are in full leaf. Any work is therefore likely to fall into the next financial year. The Clerk
confirmed that a specific reserve will be carried forward to meet the probable cost of the work.
Caroline is also to organise an inspection of the playground.
ART had also asked whether the Parish Council could use the remaining CIL monies to replace the football posts and
nets following requests from local children. The Clerks was asked to check the position with WBC.
11. Upkeep of Churchyard:
The Chairman had received a request from Ashampstead PCC for a donation of £250 to help meet the cost of
mowing the churchyard. As the church is a special feature of the village and footpath 23 passes through the
churchyard, the Councillors agreed that a donation would be appropriate and will be included in the budget for
2018/19. The Clerk was asked to notify David Mountain of the decision.
12. Defibrillator:
Councillor Roger Fisken confirmed that the defibrillator had been installed and that he had checked that it was in
working order. The Council had been persuaded to retain the unlocked cabinet due to the need to act swiftly in the
case of an emergency. The suppliers had confirmed that the equipment was covered by their insurance and a locked
cabinet would be supplied free of charge should this prove to be necessary in the future.
The Clerk was asked to arrange a training session with South Central Ambulance Service. Those residents who had
volunteered for training will be notified of the date by email. The session will be advertised to other residents so that
they can join the training session if they wish.
13. Finance:
The Clerk produced his report of receipts and payments to date and the comparison to budget. He explained that
there was unlikely to be any expenditure on Flowers Piece following the Chairman's earlier comments concerning
inspections. The budgeted expenditure of £2,000 was likely therefore to be carried forward as a special reserve.
Payments were authorised as follows:
P Thompson £241.16 Clerk's salary and expenses for October and November
Scofell Landscapes Ltd £595.56 Grass cutting
Sue Ryder £ 30.00 Donation re Duchess of Kent Hospice
The Clerk confirmed that the bank mandate had been acknowledged and that Councillor Roger Fisken was now an
authorised signatory.
The Clerk presented his draft budget for the year to 31 March 2019 which indicated that the precept could remain
unchanged even allowing for the donation to Ashampstead PCC. Councillor Rita Butler advised that she was having
difficulty with the current website due to updates making posting of pdf files quite difficult. The site is becoming
much less user friendly. In addition we have discovered that there are advertising links which are not suitable. Whilst
we can pay a monthly fee of approximately £8 to avoid the advertisements it does not solve the other problems with
the site. Rita is investigating other possibly more suitable sites but these will cost in the region of £400. Government
grants may be available to cover all or part of the cost. It was agreed that any additional cost could be paid from
reserves should this prove necessary.
There being no further business and no Parishioners present the meeting closed at 8.39pm
The next meeting will convene at 7.00pm on Monday 8 January 2018.
Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
held in the Jubilee Hall
on Monday 11 September 2017 at 7.00pm
Present: Councillors Trudi Butcher (Chairman), Alex Dick, Anthony Keeley and Rita Butler
In attendance: Paul Thompson (Clerk) and four members of the public
1. Apologies: Councillors Colin Butler and District Councillor Virginia Von Celsing
2. Declaration of Interests: None
3. Minutes:
The Minutes of the last Ordinary Meeting of the Council were approved and signed by the Chairman.
4. Matters Arising: None
5. Co-option of Councillor:
By a unanimous vote Mr Roger Fisken was co-opted onto the Council to fill the vacancy following Alastair Jeffrey's
resignation in July. Roger duly completed the acceptance of his office and was invited to join the meeting. He had no
interests to declare. The Clerk asked Roger to complete the Register of Member's Interests form and return it to him so
that he could forward a copy to West Berkshire Council (WBC) within the 28 day deadline.
At this point the Chairman adjourned the Meeting so that the members of the public could raise the matters which they wished to bring to the Councillors attention.
Mr Dylan Ball and his architect advised those present of their plans for further development at Drift House. The Chairman confirmed that the plans would be considered in the usual way once they were received from WBC. Mr Ball and his architect then left the meeting.
Mr David Slack, of Yattendon Estate, advised the meeting that the owners of Ashampstead Lodge wished to change the access to their property by creating a track through the Common to possibly join up with the bridleway leading to Straight Ash. Whilst the Councillors understood the concerns on road safety as regards the existing access, the Chairman advised that again no comment or decision could be made until formal plans were received from WBC. Mr Slack then left and the formal meeting recommenced.
6. District Councillor's Report:
The Chairman advised that Virginia had submitted a report confirming discussions that she has had with Gigaclear. Virginia
has had extensive contact with the company and was most impressed with the manager in charge of the Ashampstead
project. Installation should be completed by late October. As soon as the cable is laid past your property you can connect.
7. Police Matters:
Councillor Alex Dick advised that there were the usual problems of poaching and hare coursing. The individuals concerned were moving from one landed estate to another.
8. Footpaths and Byways:
No problems had been reported.
9. Roads:
The Clerk was asked to report foliage obscuring the road signs, to Quicks Green and others along the Pangbourne Road, to
WBC. The Clerk was also asked to write to the Architect overseeing the alterations at Field House regarding the damage to The Green.
10. Planning Applications Update:
17/01454 Oaktree Cottage, Church Lane - single storey extension at. Approved by WBC.
17/01648 1 Flowers Piece - replace conservatory with a single storey extension at the rear and a new single storey
extension to provide a garden room at. Approved by WBC.
17/02056 Church Farm Cottage - replace conservatory with a single storey extension and add ensuite window at. Approved
by WBC.
17/02216 Scratchface Lane - installation of backup power generator and associated ancillary development at. "No
objections" had been submitted, awaiting decision from WBC.
17/02284 Casey Fields Farm - demolition of single storey building and construction of loading bay and tray washing area at.
"No objections" had been submitted, awaiting decision from WBC.
17/02285 Casey Fields Farm - extension of existing fowl processing building by the addition of a refrigeration unit at. "No
objections" had been submitted, awaiting decision from WBC.
11. Flowers Piece Maintenance:
Councillor Trudi Butcher confirmed that maintenance of both the trees and playground would be discussed at the next ART
12. Defibrillator:
The defibrillator had been supplied but with an unlocked cabinet. The Clerk was asked to contact the suppliers and see
how this could be changed to the locked form. In the meantime the defibrillator would be kept by the Clerk.
Councillor Roger Fisken agreed to be responsible for the maintenance of the defibrillator.
The Clerk was asked to put an article in The Leaflet seeking volunteers for defibrillator and possibly CPR training.
13. Finance:
The Clerk produced his report of receipts and payments to date and the comparison to budget. He explained that the only
variance from budget to date was in respect of the Section 137 donation of £100 to The Rosemary Appeal for equipment at
West Berkshire Hospital. He also advised that a three year budget may be required in the future as the maintenance of the playground and trees at Flowers Piece is not necessarily an annual cost. A separate reserve would be made for such costs.
Payments were authorised as follows:
P Thompson £248.60 Clerk's salary for August and September
P Thompson £ 54.51 Clerk's expenses
Scofell Landscapes Ltd £595.56 Grass cutting
HM Revenue & Customs £ 24.60 PAYE on Clerk's salary
K L Pentecost £145.00 Installation of defibrillator cabinet
An earlier payment of £1,896.00 to Cardiac Science Holdings (UK) Ltd for the defibrillator had been approved by email.
External Audit:
The Clerk advised that the audit had been completed with no matters raised. There was no fee this year due to the lower
level of income. A copy of the audit report and notice of completion of audit had been put on the website. Councillor Rita
Butler confirmed that there were still problems with reading pdf files placed on the website which she was trying to solve.
In view of the problems the Clerk had placed a copy of the Annual Return and notice of completion of audit on the main
notice board.
The Clerk reported that new auditors, PKF Littlejohn, had been appointed for the future. Although no audit may be
required, due to our low level of income, they will be obliged to investigate any enquiries from residents concerning the
financial activities of the Council for which there would be a charge.
Bank Mandate:
The new mandate was completed. Councillor Roger Fisken would deliver this to the bank when providing his identification
The Clerk advised that our current insurers were ceasing to underwrite cover for parish councils and that a new broker
would take over when our current three year contract ends in May 2018.
14. Any Other Business:
The Chairman advised that there would be a "Open Garden" event in July 2018 with the proceeds shared between ART and
the Church. ART will also organise a "Bonfire Event" on 2 December 2017 and a "Winter Party" to be held on 27 January
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.36pm
The next meeting will convene at 7.00pm on Monday 6 November 2017
Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
held in the Jubilee Hall on Monday 3 July 2017 at 7.00pm
Present: Councillors Trudi Butcher (Chairman), Alex Dick, Alistair Jeffrey and Anthony Keeley
In attendance: Paul Thompson (Clerk)
1. Apologies: Councillors Colin Butler and Rita Butler and District Councillor Virginia Von Celsing
2. Declaration of Interests: None
3. Minutes:
The Minutes of the Annual Meeting and the last Ordinary Meeting of the Council were approved and signed by the
4. Matters Arising not covered in the Agenda: None
5. District Councillor's Report: None
6. Police matters:
Councillor Alex Dick advised that he was happy to state that he had nothing to report.
7. Footpaths and byways:
It was agreed that there were no matters to report. Councillors were pleased with the Estate's efforts to keep the paths
across crops well cleared.
8. Roads:
Councillor Tony Keeley advised that there was a large pothole on Chapel Lane but WBC had marked it for attention.
9. Planning applications:
17/01648 Replace conservatory with a single storey extension at the rear and a new single storey extension to provide
a garden room at 1 Flowers Piece. It was agreed that the Clerk should submit "no objections" to this application.
17/01454 Single storey extension at Oaktree Cottage, Church Lane. "No objections" had been submitted, awaiting
decision from WBC.
16/03600 Replacement of outbuildings with an extension to the existing garage and annexe at Noakes Hill Cottage.
Approved on appeal.
10. Flowers Piece Maintenance:
Councillor Trudi Butcher confirmed that no maintenance work was to be funded by the Parish Council at the present
time. Trudi will however ask ART to arrange a playground safety inspection and also to consider tree maintenance
requirements at their next meeting.
11. Defibrillator:
It was agreed that Cardiac Science's package offered the best value compared to Welmedical and also to the offer
from St John Ambulance. The cost of the equipment would be met from the Community Infrastructure Levy.
12. Finance:
The Clerk produced his report of receipts and payments to date. He advised that Councillor Rita Butler was trialling
another website application as she had had some problems when posting the Annual Return documents to the
website. This may give rise to an additional cost in 2017/18.
Payments were authorised as follows:
P Thompson £248.60 Clerk's salary for June and July
P Thompson £34.00 Clerk's expenses
Scofell Landscapes Ltd £595.56 Grass cutting
HM Revenue & Customs £24.40 PAYE on Clerk's salary
BALC £98.03 Subscription
Thames Valley Air Ambulance £50.00 Section 137 donation
It was agreed that a Section 137 payment would be made to WBC's library service, when demanded, as it was
continuing the mobile library and home service as well as retaining the local libraries at Pangbourne and Theale.
External audit:
The Clerk advised that the Annual Return had been submitted to the external auditors but that no response has been
received to date.
Notices of electors' rights had been posted on the website along with a copy of the Annual Return for 2016/17 in
accordance with the Transparency Code. Notices of electors' rights were also put on notice boards.
13. Any other business:
Councillor Alastair Jeffrey advised the meeting that as he was moving away from the district he was resigning from the
Council. The Chairman thanked Alastair for his support and wished him well in his retirement.
There being no further business nor Parishisioners questions the meeting closed at 7.48pm
The next meeting will convene at 7.00pm on Monday 11 September 2017.
Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
held in The Jubilee Hall on Monday 15 May 2017 at 7.50pm
Present: Councillors Trudi Butcher (Chairman), Colin Butler, Rita Butler and Alistair Jeffrey
In attendance: Paul Thompson (Clerk) and David Slack (Yattendon Estate)
1. Apologies: Councillor Alex Dick and Anthony Keeley
2. Police Matters:
Councillor Alex Dick had provided a brief report to say that thefts of Landrover Defenders were on the increase. It was
thought that they are being used as spare parts.
3. Footpaths and Byways:
Councillor Colin Butler confirmed that there had been no reports on the state of footpaths and byways other than the
matter raised by a parishioner at the Annual Parish Meeting which the Clerk would report to WBC.
A parishioner had requested that the Council should consider removing the tree stump and place a bench on the small
piece of waste land opposite The Green. The Councillors were not able to act on this matter as the ownership of the land is
not known.
4. Roads:
It was reported that the state of Chapel Lane had worsened due to works at Field House. The Clerk was asked to write to the
owners requesting that they make good the area in question.
5. Flowers Piece:
The Chairman advised that ART were not aware of any works required at this stage although the safety inspection of the
playground is still to be carried out.
6. Planning Applications update:
17/00554 Erection of swimming pool and terrace at Burnt Hill House. "No objections" submitted and approved by WBC.
17/00714 Single storey rear extension and new front porch at 12 Flowers Piece. This application has been withdrawn.
7. Community Infrastructure Levy:
The Clerk reported on the discussion that he had with a representative of St John Ambulance regarding the proposed
purchase of a defibrillator. It was agreed that he should now discuss the matter with South Central Ambulance Service who
had provided the one at Yattendon and who were also providing training at Hampstead Norreys.
The Clerk advised that the installation of a zip wire was likely to cost up to £8600, due to the need for a ramp, installation
and safety surface. This was well in excess of the funds available and it was agreed that the Council should initially use the
levy for the defibrillator.
8. Finance:
Payments were authorised as follows:
P Thompson £248.80 Clerk's salary for April and May
P Thompson £ 56.43 Clerk's expenses
Scofell Landscapes Ltd £595.56 Grass cutting
CPRE £ 36.00 Subscription
Aon UK Ltd £160.20 Insurance
It was agreed that the following donations should be made:
West Berkshire Citizens Advice Bureau £ 25.00 Provides a wide range of advice and guidance.
Pangbourne and District Volunteer Centre £ 60.00 Provides transport to surgery and hospital.
The Rosemary Appeal £100.00 To provide a Chemotherapy Centre and Renal Dialysis Unit at West
Berkshire Community Hospital.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.29pm
The next meeting will convene at 7.00pm on Monday 3 July 2017.