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Ashampstead Parish Council

Archive: Minutes of Ordinary & Extraordinary Meetings 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022 and the Annual Meetings held in May 22.



Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting

held in the Jubilee Hall on Monday 16th May 2022 at 6.30pm


Present: Councillors R Fisken, A Dick, C Butler, A Keeley and R Butler        


In attendance: Paul Thompson (Clerk)


Apologies: Councillor G Light


Councillor Roger Fisken chaired the meeting


1.    Minutes of the Previous Annual Parish Meeting:

The Minutes of the meeting held on 17th May 2021, which had been published in The Leaflet and on the website, were approved and signed by the Chairman.


2.    Chairman’s Report:

Whilst the pandemic has continued with relatively high infection rates, local councils were obliged to return to public meetings from 7th May, last year. We have held six ordinary meetings in the hall since that date, together with five extraordinary meetings to consider planning applications.


As in previous years, certain councillors agreed to take lead roles for specific matters. Alex Dick undertook police matters, Colin Butler undertook footpaths and highways, Tony Keeley took the lead on planning matters, Rita Butler manages the Village website, Graham Light is the representative on ART and I manage the defibrillator.


The Council was asked to make observations on a total of fifteen planning applications over the last year, including three as an adjacent parish. Of these, ten were granted by WBC, two refused, two withdrawn and one awaiting a decision. In addition, the Council was asked to comment on two lawful development certificates relating to the same property, one of which was granted and one is awaiting a decision from WBC. The Council also chose to object to a large development proposed at Compton as it may lead to excessive traffic on the bottom road, known as the Aldworth Road. We understand that the application was granted at WBC's planning committee meeting, but it is still show as 'awaiting a decision' on WBC's website.


In view of the number of applications cropping up throughout the year, it was agreed that the decision regarding observations on planning applications would be delegated to the Clerk, after consultation with all Councillors. In the event of more controversial proposals, the Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman, may decide that an extraordinary meeting should be called. Councillors will endeavour to seek the views of residents thought to be affected by any proposals but such residents will be advised to submit their own observations to WBC if they object to, or indeed, support a planning application.


The Clerk continues to report potholes and other highway issues to West Berkshire Council on a regular basis. The Council is also responsible for providing salt bins and maintaining the level of salt. Consequently, I must ask residents to ensure that the salt is only used on the hills for which the bins are provided. Whilst the Clerk does check salt levels periodically on those at Pykes Hill, Palmers Hill and Noakes Hill, if you believe that they are too low, please report the matter to him at Similarly, overflowing litter bins should be reported to him or directly to WBC on the 'report a problem' section of its website.


The Council is aware of residents' concerns regarding speeding within the 30mph limit. The parish has been registered on the SID portal at WBC and the Clerk is endeavouring to obtain training for a volunteer.


The Council carried out improvements to the lay-by at The Green. I would like to thank again the local residents who helped with this work and also  the Estate for providing the scalpings. We request that the lay-by is only used by temporary visitors as it is also required for passing vehicles.


The Council continues to monitor footpaths and byways, reporting problems to either the landowners or West Berkshire Council. At this point, I should say a big thank you to the Estate for providing the new permitted path which runs alongside the Aldworth Road from Noakes Hill to a spot almost directly opposite to the access onto footpath 13. With the steps provided by WBC from the road to the said footpath, this route has become a very pleasant walk. I must remind residents that the Estate did ask that walkers should not stray from the public rights of way or permitted paths.


We continue to cut the grass on the recreation ground and The Green. We have also allowed sums in the budget to meet the cost of tree surgery and essential playground repairs on behalf of ART. The Council has agreed to meet these costs until a regular hirer of the hall is found, although ART is expected to carry out works on the recreation ground that could be carried out by work parties. There were in fact no such costs falling on the Council this year. The underspend from the maintenance budget will be carried forward as a specific reserve since significant work usually needs to be carried out every two to three years. Further inspections of both the trees and the playground will be carried out by ART during the current year.


At this point I would also like to thank those residents who took part in the successful litter pick last summer and also the one carried out at the beginning of April.


Councillor Alex Dick continues to update us on police matters both at meetings and also through his WhatsApp messaging service which provides speedy information about possible criminal activity in the area. One can join by contacting Alex at ''.


The Council have continued to liaise with ART regarding suitable qualifying expenditure for the CIL monies held. Whilst having spent £874.13 on a bench and an outdoor table tennis table, we received a further £2,812.25 in respect of a new build at Burnt Hill, leaving a balance of £6,434.62 carried forward at 31st March 2022. We have since purchased a new marquee and three picnic tables costing a total of £2,095.82 but have recently received a further sum of £2,812.25 as the final instalment of the Burnt Hill development. We will continue to look for suggestions as to how this money can be spent to benefit the community.


Whilst Councillor Rita Butler was happy that the village website at '' was working well, she was concerned that it may not meet the new accessibility requirements. It was therefore agreed that the Parish Council should create an additional website at '' which will run alongside the village website for now. This will probably replace the village website in due course.


I am pleased to report that the village defibrillator continues to be 'rescue ready' - it has recently been fitted with a new battery and new electrode pads and is always in good order when it has its regular weekly and monthly checks.  The Council has arranged further training for residents in basic life support and the use of the defibrillator.


As regards finances, the Council received a precept of £6,775 for 2021/22 and the VAT repayment of £558 for the previous year. In addition, we received the CIL contribution of £2,812.

Income was spent on the following items, excluding VAT:

Clerk's salary £1,716; Administrative costs £1,177, including the new website; Grass cutting £2,025; Dog and other waste collection £84; Donations to local charities £545, the library contribution to WBC £375, Platinum jubilee expenses £307 and the CIL expenditure of £874; VAT paid on these items totalling £656 will be recovered in 2022/23. This resulted in a surplus for the year of £2,386 against a budgeted deficit of £7,770. The difference is largely due to underspends of £6,435 on the CIL budget and £4,805 on the maintenance budget.


The Council’s retained funds of £18,785 at 31st March 2022 include an election reserve of £600, the CIL reserve of £6,435 and a maintenance/platinum jubilee reserve of £6,000.


The precept for the current year is £6,910. This includes donations of £250 towards grass cutting of the churchyard, the councillors agreeing this regular contribution as the church is a special feature of the village and footpath 23 passes through the churchyard, and £375 to WBC's library service which is conditional on the continuance of the mobile library. Please use this service as otherwise it may cease.


I would like to thank our District Councillor, Alan Law, for the information and advice that he has given the Council. I would also like to thank my fellow Councillors for their support over the last year and also Paul Thompson, the Clerk.


Finally, I would like to thank those residents who have cared for the more vulnerable during the pandemic and also those who  have volunteered to organise and help with the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations that will take place on the recreation ground on 5th June 2022. I hope that you will all come to celebrate this unique occasion.


If you have any questions regarding the above or other matters concerning the parish, please contact the Clerk.


3.    Parishioners' Questions:

The Clerk confirmed that none had been received.


There being no further business, the meeting closed at 6.40pm



Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

held in the Jubilee Hall on Monday 16th May 2022 at 6.42pm


Present: Councillors R Fisken (Chairman), A Dick, C Butler, A Keeley and R Butler


In attendance: P Thompson (Clerk)


1.    Apologies: Councillor G Light


2.    Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman:

Councillor Roger Fisken was re-elected as Chairman and Councillor Alex Dick was re-elected as Vice Chairman. The Chairman completed the formal declaration of acceptance of office.


3.    Minutes:

The Minutes of the last Ordinary Meeting of the Council were approved and signed by the Chairman.


4.    Confirmation of Register of Councillors' Interests:

Councillor R Fisken provided a copy of his updated register of councillors' interest. The remaining councillors confirmed that they had no changes to report.


5.    Agreement of Roles and Responsibilities:

It was agreed that Graham Light would represent the Council on ART, Rita Butler would continue to manage the village website, Alex Dick would take police matters, Colin Butler would take footpaths and byways, Tony Keeley would take the lead on planning matters and the Chairman would continue to maintain the defibrillator.


6.    Standing Orders and Financial Regulations:

The Clerk had circulated the draft documents to Councillors prior to the meeting. He explained the amendments that had been made. The Standing Orders were reviewed and approved. The Financial Regulations were also reviewed and approved.


7.    Inventory of Land and Assets:

The inventory of land and assets was reviewed and approved.


8.    Risk Management Register:

The register was reviewed and approved.


9.    Insurance Cover:

It was agreed that the cover offered through BHIB was adequate and should be accepted. The premium represented a small increase on that for the current year.



10   Internal Controls and Annual Governance Statement:

The Councillors reviewed the systems of internal control and the annual governance statement for 2021/22. These, together with the risk management register, accounting records and annual accounts had been reviewed by the Council’s internal auditor, Caroline Billing, as confirmed by her Annual Internal Audit Report. Both were approved and it was agreed that the Annual Governance Statement in the Annual Governance and Accountability Return should be signed by the Chairman and the Clerk. The Chairman recorded his thanks to Caroline for carrying out the internal audit so promptly.


11.   Completion of Certificate of Exemption from External Audit:

It was agreed that the Certificate of Exemption from a limited assurance review by the external auditors for 2021/22 should be completed and signed by the Clerk and the Chairman


12.   Receipts and Payments Accounts for the Year Ended 31st March 2022:

The detailed annual accounts which had been circulated to the Councillors prior to the meeting were adopted and signed by the Chairman. The accounting statements included in the Annual Return were also adopted and signed by the Chairman. No matters had arisen on the internal auditor's report.


13.   Complaints Procedure:

The complaints procedure was reviewed and approved.


14.   Requests under the Freedom of Information Act:

The existing arrangements were reviewed and approved without amendment.


15.   Future meetings

It was agreed that ordinary meetings would be held at 7.00pm on Monday 4th July 2022, on Monday 5th September 2022, on Monday 7th November 2022, on Monday 9th January 2023 and on Monday 6th March 2023.


The Statutory Annual Parish Council Meeting closed at 7.06pm




Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting

held in the Jubilee Hall on

Monday 7th March 2022 at 7.00pm


Present: Councillors R Fisken (Chairman), C Butler, A Keeley, R Butler and G Light          


In attendance: Paul Thompson (Clerk) and District Councillor Alan Law


1.    Apologies: Councillor A Dick


2.    Declaration of Interests: None


3.    Minutes:

The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 10th January 2022 were approved and signed by the Chairman.


4.    Matters Arising Not Covered in the Agenda: There were none.


5.    District Councillor's Report:

District Councillor Alan Law advised that the main item that the district council had dealt with recently was the setting of the budget. Council tax will increase by 1% plus an additional 3% for social care.

Alan also advised that residents should use the ‘frequently asked questions’ on WBC's website for bin date changes and other matters.

Alan also mentioned that WBC were entering into a long lease at the rugby club as part of a sports project for football and rugby. In addition, the new lottery that was set up about a year ago has been very successful in supporting good causes.

The Boundary Commission proposals include a Mid Berkshire constituency which will cover a significant rural area. Details can be found on its website. The consultation ends on 4th April 2022.

Alan also advised that the Local Plan for 2020 to 2036 is being revisited as the Government want a 30 year vision to be applied to larger scale developments. WBC are hoping to finalise the plan next year.


6.    Police Matters:

Councillor Alex Dick had advised prior to the meeting that he had nothing to report.


7.    Footpaths and Byways:

Councillor Colin Butler advised that he had nothing to report. The Clerk confirmed that he had sent a map indicating fallen trees to the Estate. Many of these had been cleared.


8.    Roads:

SID training: The Clerk was asked to write again to WBC regarding problems with the website.

Litter pick: This will take place on 3rd April 2022. The Chairman will obtain the equipment from WBC  and seek volunteers via the village WhatsApp group. In addition, mailchimp emails will be sent to residents and Councillor Rita Butler will add to the website. The Clerk was asked to put a notice on the notice boards.

Maintenance Review: The Clerk was asked to report flooding on Dog Lane to WBC when it next occurs as there were concerns that it could cause an accident. For a similar reason he was asked to write to the Estate regarding waste bins left on Palmers Hill.

Residents should ask the Clerk to report flooding and other highways issues to WBC.

The Clerk was asked to write to Sovereign Housing regarding the damage to pavement areas on Flowers Piece following their recent roofing works.


9.    Planning:


22/00265/CERTE - Walnut Tree Cottage, Ashampstead Common: Use of land as domestic curtilage incidental. The Clerk was asked to confirm to WBC that the Council could not comment as to how long the land in question had been used for domestic purposes.

22/00394/FULD - Redwood, Burnt Hill: Section 73A: Variation of Condition 2 of previously approved planning application 20/02001 (additional 3 bay car port). It was unanimously agreed that the Council objected to the proposal as it represented overdevelopment of the site, it was contrary to policy C7, it was disproportionate having regard to the original approved plans and it would have an overbearing/negative impact on the AONB.


20/01336/OUTMAJ - The Institute for Animal Health, Compton: Hybrid application for up to 185 residential units. The District Councillor confirmed that this application had been approved and could not explain why it was shown as ‘Awaiting decision’ on WBC's website.

21/02881 - Sunrise, North Gardens, Burnt Hill (as adjacent parish): Single storey extension to rear aspect to enlarge kitchen.   Approved by WBC.

21/02996 - Walnut Tree Cottage, Ashampstead Common: New Garage.  Withdrawn.

21/02778 - Old Fleece and Feathers, Aldworth Road: Create new driveway access to service existing property.   Refused by WBC


10.   Open Spaces Review:

Playground: Councillor Graham Light advised that ART are still raising funds via ‘The Good Exchange’ for improvements.

Trees on Flowers Piece: No problems reported.

Grass cutting:  It was agreed that volunteers be asked to remove fallen branches, etc on the recreation ground at the time of the litter pick on 3rd April.

Dog waste collection: It was agreed that we should continue to use WBC until we know the terms of the new contract for 2023.


11.   Community Infrastructure Levy Utilisation:

Update: The Clerk confirmed that a sum of £6,434.62 is held.

Picnic tables: The Clerk provided details of different options. Councillor Graham Light will discuss the numbers required and type with ART before an order is made.

Goal posts: Graham will order these.


12.   Finance:

The Clerk produced his financial report for the year to date which showed that income and expenditure would be broadly in line with the revised budget, except in the case of maintenance and CIL. The additional website costs were effectively met from the contingency budget and savings elsewhere. The Jubilee costs to date of £136 were also covered by such savings. The General Reserve carried forward will be £6,576, assuming that  VAT is recovered by 31 March 2022. There will be specific reserves carried forward of £6,000 to cover maintenance and Jubilee celebrations and £600 for the next election.  CIL monies carried forward are expected to be £6,434.62.

Payments were authorised as follows:

P Thompson                                               £228.80 Clerk's salary for February and March

P Thompson                                                 £79.13 Clerk's expenses

Mrs C Butler                                               £136.50 Jubilee celebrations                                                                               

H M Revenue and Customs                        £85.80 PAYE on Clerk's salary

West Berkshire District Council               £100.53 Waste collection                                                 

Donation requests: There were no requests since the previous meeting.

Internal audit: It was agreed that Caroline Billing should be asked to carry out the internal audit.


13.   Platinum Jubilee Celebrations:

Councillor Graham Light confirmed that a commemorative tree had been purchased and would be planted by the Chairman as part of the celebrations. Graham would supply the Clerk with details of the anticipated costs of the family entertainment to be provided.


14.   Any Other Business:

The Clerk requested Councillors views on the planning application 22/00478 for a proposed gazebo at Hilltop, Palmers Hill under delegated powers. There were no objections from those Councillors who were present. The Clerk would seek the views of Councillor Alex Dick before responding to WBC.

Councillor Rita Butler advised that the new website ‘’ was now online. There is still work to be done to build the site, but residents' views would be appreciated.  


15.   Date of the Annual and Next Ordinary Meetings:

It was agreed that these would take place on 16th May 2022 immediately after the Annual Parish Meeting which would convene at 6.30pm on that day. The Annual Parish Meeting would be advertised in The Leaflet.


16.   Meeting Close: There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.40pm


17   Parishioners Questions: There were none.




Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council

held in the Jubilee Hall on Monday 10th January 2022 at 7.00pm


Present: Councillors R Fisken (Chairman), C Butler, A Keeley, R Butler and G Light          


In attendance: Paul Thompson (Clerk) 


1.     Apologies: Councillor A Dick


2.     Declaration of Interests:

The Clerk confirmed that the Councillors held dispensations to consider the budget and precept for 2022/23 under item 17 of the agenda. There were no other declarations of interest.


3, 5, 6.   Minutes:

The Minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 1st November 2021 were approved and signed by the Chairman.

The Minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on 1st December 2021 were approved and signed by the Chairman.

The Minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on 14th December 2021 were approved and signed by the Chairman.


4.     Matters Arising Not Covered by the Agenda: There were none.


7.     District Councillor's Report:

District Councillor Alan Law had advised Councillors prior to the meeting that he had been unable to call into Committee planning application 21/02778, as requested, since the 30 day period, allowed from the date that it had been published, had passed. This was largely due to the holiday break curtailing the time available to consult with officers. Whilst Alan thought that more scope and time should be allowed in extended holiday periods like Christmas, the planning service are adamant that they will not give any latitude mainly because such latitude had been abused in the past.

Councillors asked the Clerk to write to the Planning Department as he had sent a copy of the request to the planning officer within the specified period and thus effectively allowing time for it to be discussed with another member of the planning committee.

Alan also advised that he was not aware of any new arrangements regarding the emptying of public litter bins such as those on the recreation ground.


8.     Police Matters:

Councillor Alex Dick had submitted a report prior to the meeting in which he advised that Thames Valley Police now have a dedicated Rural Crime team and are being very proactive in combating poachers in the area with multiple arrests and vehicle/dog seizures in the last month or so. Remember to call 999 if you see any illegal activity, including hare coursing, and ask for a URN from the operator.


9.     Footpaths and Byways:

Councillor Colin Butler advised Councillors that the new permitted path running alongside the Aldworth Road was now in place, with appropriate signage. Councillors were most grateful to the Estate for providing this path and hope that it will be well used. The Chairman will put a brief item on the village mailchimp and the Clerk will put an article in The Leaflet.


10.   Roads:

Salt bins: It was agreed that the Clerk should check these on a regular basis. Residents should be reminded that the salt is for use only on the roads for which they are provided, namely Noakes Hill, Palmers Hill and Pykes Hill.  

SID training: The Clerk advised that he had confirmed with our insurers that no additional cover for the equipment and its use is required. He also confirmed that we have a volunteer for training.   

Maintenance review: The Clerk was asked to report drainage issues which were causing flooding on Holly Lane.


11.   Planning Applications:


20/01336/OUTMAJ - The Institute for Animal Health, Compton: Hybrid application for up to 185 residential units.   Awaiting decision from WBC.

21/02346 - Quicks Green House, Quicks Green: Replacement of existing attached annexe with new single storey extension to accommodate new swimming pool, gym, plant and changing room.   Approved by WBC.

21/02819 - Oakley House, Pinfold Lane: Single storey extension and change of use of garage. Approved by WBC

21/02881 - Sunrise, North Gardens, Burnt Hill (as adjacent parish): Single storey extension to rear aspect to enlarge kitchen.   Awaiting decision from WBC.

21/02934 - Walnut Tree Cottage, Ashampstead Common: New Garage. WBC issued in error.

21/02996 - Walnut Tree Cottage, Ashampstead Common: New Garage.  Awaiting decision from WBC.

21/02778 - Old Fleece and Feathers, Aldworth Road: Create new driveway access to service existing property.   Awaiting decision from WBC

Planning observations procedure:

It was agreed that decisions arising under development control consultations would be delegated to the Clerk in consultation with all Councillors.

Consultation may be by correspondence, including email, virtually via ‘zoom’ or in person. It may also take place at meetings of the Council.

The Clerk is to issue relevant papers to the Councillors who should return their comments to the Clerk for determination of the Council's response within the prescribed consultation period.

Delegated decisions will be reported to and recorded in the Minutes of the next meeting of the Council.

In respect of controversial or major development proposals, the Clerk in consultation with the Chairman may decide that an extraordinary meeting of the Council should be called to consider the matter.

Councillors will endeavour to seek the views of residents thought to be affected by any proposals but such residents will be advised to submit their own observations if they object to or, indeed, support a planning application.


12.   Open Spaces Review:

WBC ‘Blossom into Spring’ project and ‘Greening Campaign’: The Chairman reported that there seemed to be little support for these schemes. Councillor Graham Light advised that ART were still considering a community orchard although the cost of providing water to that part of the recreation ground would be expensive.

Playground: Councillor Graham Light advised that ART are still seeking funds via 'The Good Exchange' for improvements. It may be possible to replace the fence and purchase one item of equipment.  

Trees on Flowers Piece: No problems reported.


13.   Community Infrastructure Levy Utilisation:

Update: The Clerk confirmed that a sum of £6,434.62 is held. The Clerk was asked to obtain prices for picnic tables and chairs. It was agreed that there was little enthusiasm for a flagpole. New football goals may be needed as the items donated for repairs were not an exact fit.


14.   Website Accessibility:

Councillor Rita Butler confirmed that she had received quotations for a new website which would meet the accessibility requirements. The likely cost for building the site would be £350 with annual hosting and domain name costs of £174. The website would replace the existing one under a new domain name. Rita was authorised to process the order.


15.   Demand Responsive Transport Survey:

It was agreed that there were too few users in the parish to influence bus service providers.


16.   Defibrillator:

The Chairman reported that the battery is low but may be used, if necessary, until a replacement is received free of charge under our contract with the provider. We will have to meet the cost of any future batteries.


17.   Finance:

The Clerk produced his financial report for the year to date which showed that income and expenditure would be broadly in line with the revised budget, except in the case of maintenance and CIL. The contingency and maintenance budgets would be used to cover the cost of the website.  It was likely, however, that much of the maintenance budget and also the CIL reserve would be carried forward. The latter does not affect the budget as it is a ring-fenced fund.  

Payments were authorised as follows:

P Thompson                                               £230.75 Clerk's salary for December and January

                                                                                     and expenses of £1.95      

H M Revenue and Customs                        £85.80 PAYE on Clerk's salary                                                

Donation requests:

It was agreed that donations would be made under Section 137 of £50 to West Berkshire Countryside Society and £375 to West Berkshire Council in respect of the library service.

Budget and Precept for 2022/23:

The Clerk presented his revised budget for the year to 31st March 2023. He had assumed that the CIL monies would be spent before 31st March 2022 although this was looking unlikely. He had also assumed that little would be spent on maintenance by that date. Ignoring CIL monies, the budget indicated that the precept should be set at £6,910 and this was agreed.

It was agreed that of the underspend on maintenance in the current year, estimated at £4,400 should be carried forward with an additional reserve of £1,600 to cover not only maintenance but also potential Platinum Jubilee Celebrations. Councillor Graham Light will discuss the proposal at the next ART meeting. The Clerk suggested that £4,000 could be allocated to the Jubilee. 


18.   Any Other Business:

The Clerk was asked to contact WBC again regarding the overflowing litter bins on the recreation ground.

Regarding the enquiry from another Parish Council concerning superfast broadband, it was thought that there were no problems and that all residents who wished to be connected were able to do so through Gigaclear.


19.    Date of next Ordinary Meeting: 

The next Ordinary Meeting will convene at 7.00pm on Monday 7th March 2022.


20.   There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.25pm.


21.   Parishioners' Question:  There were none.




Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council

held in the Jubilee Hall on Monday 1st November 2021 at 7.00pm


Present: Councillors R Fisken (Chairman), A Keeley, R Butler and G Light          


In attendance: Paul Thompson (Clerk) 


1.     Apologies: Councillors A Dick and C Butler and District Councillor Alan Law


2.     Declaration of Interests:

The Clerk confirmed that the Councillors held dispensations to consider the draft budget for 2022/23 under item 15 of the agenda. There were no other declarations of interest.


3.     Minutes of the Last Ordinary Meeting:

The Minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 6 September 2021 were approved and signed by the Chairman.


4.     Matters Arising Not Covered in the Agenda: There were no matters arising that were not covered by the agenda.


5.     Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on 12 October 2021:

The minutes were approved and signed by the Chairman.


6.     District Councillor's Report:

District Councillor Alan Law had circulated a detailed report prior to the meeting. The main points affecting local residents were Alan's support in enforcing planning conditions at Redwood, Burnt Hill and WBC's concerns regarding overgrown vegetation. WBC will be asking landowners to cut back vegetation where it is considered to be a risk to pedestrians and motorists, due to it overhanging or otherwise interfering with a public highway.


7.     Police Matters:

Councillor Alex Dick had submitted a report from the Thames Valley Police Rural Crime Group prior to the meeting. The Chairman said that it was pleasing that action being taken against organised crime groups, regarding the theft of machinery for sale overseas, is now having some success. Alex had also updated his whatsapp group.

Alex also advised that criminals are known to take advantage of the clocks changing with walk in burglaries shortly after you return from work and before you have locked up. This has happened in the parish before! 


8.     Footpaths and Byways:

Councillor Colin Butler had advised Councillors prior to the meeting that he had nothing to report other than that Highways had installed the steps leading from Footpath 13 onto the Aldworth Road. The Chairman advised that he had also visited the steps but thought that the footpath sign had been removed. The Clerk was asked to check and advise WBC if necessary.


9.     Roads:

Lay-by at The Green:  The Chairman reported that the work had been completed.

SID training:  The Chairman will seek resident's views at the next pub evening.

Highways winter service plan:  It was noted that the B4009, Aldworth Road and Yattendon Lane were the only parish roads included in West Berkshire Council’s snow clearance and primary treatment routes. Roads through and within the main village will qualify for secondary treatment only. Salt bins are available on Noakes Hill, Palmers Hill and Pykes Hill to help clear those particular roads.

Maintenance review:  The Clerk was asked to report drainage issues which were causing flooding on the Aldworth Road to WBC. He was also asked to write to the landowner regarding a hedge leaning significantly into the road on Palmers Hill.    


10.   Planning Applications:


21/01014 - Gate Cottage, Haw Farm, Hampstead Norreys (as adjacent parish): Two storey and single storey rear extension and other alterations.  Approved by WBC.

21/01678/HOUSE - Lye View, Holly Lane, Ashampstead: Infilling the rear under croft and conversion of the loft.  Approved by WBC.

20/01336/OUTMAJ - The Institute for Animal Health, Compton:  Hybrid application for up to 185 residential units.  Awaiting decision from WBC.

21/02346 - Quicks Green House, Quicks Green:  Replacement of existing attached annexe with new single storey extension to accommodate new swimming pool, gym, plant and changing room.  Awaiting decision from WBC.


11.   Open Spaces Review:

WBC ‘Blossom into Spring’ project and ‘Greening Campaign’: The Clerk confirmed that WBC would not provide bulbs. The Chairman will seek residents' views.

Playground: Councillor Graham Light advised that ART had set up a funding page on ‘The Good Exchange’ to raise monies for the proposed improvements to the playground.

Trees on Flowers Piece: No problems reported.


12.   Community Infrastructure Levy Utilisation:

Update: The Clerk confirmed that a sum of £2,812.25 had been received regarding the development at Redwood. The funds held now totalled £6,434.62. It was suggested that picnic furniture could be provided on the recreation ground.

Proposed flagpole: The Clerk produced one quotation in the sum of £1,936.00 plus VAT. No response had been received from the other firm that he had approached. It was agreed that this should be considered further at the next meeting as there were a number of issues involved. 


13.   Website Accessibility:

Councillor Rita Butler confirmed that she was carrying out an audit of the accessibility to the website. Rita was not convinced that it met all criteria and that it may be advisable to have a website solely for the Parish Council hosted by a company geared to the new legal requirements. This would probably cost £250 per annum with a set up cost of £500. The Clerk advised that this could be met within the overall budget. It was agreed that Rita should provide her recommendation for approval at the next meeting.

It was also agreed that the Parish Council would continue to meet the cost of the village website. Links could be provided between the two.


14.   Demand Responsive Transport Survey:

The Chairman advised that one bus was provided fortnightly for shopping trips to Newbury. He will try to ascertain the number of regular users.  


15.   Finance:

The Clerk produced his financial report for the year to date which showed that income and expenditure would be broadly in line with the revised budget. It was likely, however, that much of the maintenance budget and also the CIL reserve would be carried forward. 


Payments were authorised as follows:

Scofell Landscapes Ltd                             £607.46 Grass cutting for September and October

P Thompson                                               £228.80 Clerk's salary for October and November    

P Thompson                                                 £76.88 Clerk's Expenses 


It was agreed that the Council would subscribe to the mapping software provided by Parish Online for one year at a cost of £50. 

Donation requests: It was agreed that a donation under Section 137 of £30 would be made to Sue Ryder Duchess of Kent Hospice.


Draft Budget 2022/23:

The Clerk presented his draft budget for the year to 31st March 2023 which indicated that the precept should be increased by 2% to £6,910. The eventual outcome would very much depend on maintenance requirements for Flowers Piece. Any underspend on maintenance would be carried forward as a separate reserve due to the very high cost of tree surgery when carried out. Most other costs are not subject to significant variations. The final budget would be approved and the precept formally set at the next meeting.


16.   Any Other Business:

There was none.


17.   Date of Next Meeting:

The next Ordinary Meeting will be held on Monday 10th January 2022 at 7.00pm.


18.   The meeting closed 8.37pm


19.   Parishioners’ Questions: There were none.




Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council

Held in the Jubilee Hall on Monday 6th September 2021 at 7.00pm


Present: Councillors R Fisken (Chairman), A Dick, R Butler and G Light          


In attendance: James Hole (Yattendon Estate) 


1.    Apologies: Councillors C Butler and A Keeley and Paul Thompson (Clerk)


2.    Declaration of Interests: None


3.    Minutes:

The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 5th July 2021 were approved and signed by the Chairman.


4.    Matters Arising Nor Covered by the Agenda: There were none.


5.    Minutes:

The Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on 26th July were approved and signed by the Chairman.


6.    District Councillor's Report:

District Councillor Alan Law had advised by email that he had nothing to report other than the refusal of a planning application at Burnt Hill which is reported under item 10 on the agenda.


7.    Police Matters:

Councillor Alex Dick reported that the Thames Valley Police Rural Crime Group were meeting tomorrow. At this time of year hare and deer coursing are particular issues. Any such activities should be reported to the police along with registration numbers of suspicious vehicles. Ask for a crime number when reporting incidents and advise Alex. 


8.    Footpaths and Byways:

Footpath 13: James Hole advised that the Estate are drawing up plans to create a permissive footpath to connect with footpath 16 on the opposite side of the road. The Chairman will contact residents advising them of the Estate's intentions and request that they should continue to only use the existing public rights of way, including that of footpath 13, until the permissive path has been formally created and signposted

Maintenance review: Councillor Colin Butler had confirmed prior to the meeting that he had no problems to report.


9.    Roads:

Lay-by at The Green: James Hole confirmed that the Estate were expecting the scalpings to be delivered tomorrow. Once on site, volunteers will be asked to spread them.

SID portal registration: The Clerk had advised prior to the meeting that the Parish Council is a registered user and can now set up volunteers for training and use of the equipment. The resident who had volunteered cannot undertake training and operate the equipment at the present time due to work commitments. 

Maintenance review: It was agreed that the whole of Holly Lane and Palmers Hill needed resurfacing. The Clerk should put in another request to WBC to bring the date of resurfacing forward. It is currently scheduled for 2022/23.     


10.   Planning Applications:

Updates -

21/01014 - Gate Cottage, Haw Farm, Hampstead Norreys (as adjacent parish): Two storey and single storey rear extension and other alterations.  Awaiting decision from WBC.

21/01174 - The Old Bakery, Aldworth Road: Three bay garage with first floor room above for home office and storage area.  Approved by WBC.

21/01363 - Walnut Tree Cottage, Burnt Hill: Application for a lawful certificate for an existing use including those in breach of a planning condition. ‘The site is used for the storage of a personal collection of vehicles’.  Approved by WBC.

21/01366/LBC2 - Slade Gate Cottage, Buckhold (Bradfield Parish): Convert one of the five bedrooms into an en-suite for one of the bedrooms.  Approved by WBC.

21/01645/FULD - Redwood, Burnt Hill: Section 73A application to vary condition 2 (approved plans) of approved planning permission 20/02001. Councillor Alex Dick confirmed that he had attended the WBC committee meeting, via zoom, and that the application was refused. The formal decision notice is still to be received. The committee had visited the site previously and noticed contraventions of the existing planning conditions. The Chairman thanked Alex for his work on this issue.

21/01678/HOUSE - Lye View, Holly Lane, Ashampstead: Infilling the rear under croft and conversion of the loft.  Awaiting decision from WBC.

20/01336/OUTMAJ - The Institute for Animal Health, Compton:  Hybrid application for up to 185 residential units.  Awaiting decision from WBC.


11.   Open Spaces Review:

Grass cutting at The Green: A resident had suggested that the area should be left as a wild meadow and cut once a year, in part to avoid unnecessary signage to prevent vehicles being driven over it. The Council agreed that the grass should continue to be cut monthly, from April to October, in accordance with the three year contract. The Chairman confirmed that he and the Clerk had visited a resident to discuss the path cut through the green and understand that this was not specifically requested but carried out by another resident to make access on foot easier, due to exceptional growth at the time.

WBC ‘Blossom into Spring’ project and ‘Greening Campaign’:  As the Council does not own any land it was agreed that residents could be asked to plant bulbs on their verges. The Clerk was asked to investigate whether WBC would provide the bulbs.

Playground: Councillor Graham Light advised that ART had arranged repair of the damaged seats on the roundabout at a cost of £400. Graham was not sure whether ART wished the Parish Council to meet this cost. Replacement of the climbing frame and a new soft crumb surface would cost £46,000.

Trees on Flowers Piece: Graham advised that ART are awaiting a survey by Michael Cairns.


12.   Community Infrastructure Levy Utilisation:

Councillor Graham Light advised that ART's proposed community orchard and pond had been put on the Good Exchange. Specific quotations of the cost are required before the appeal goes live.

A flagpole was suggested. The Clerk was asked to ascertain probable cost.  


13.   Finance:

The Clerk had, prior to the meeting, produced his financial report for the year to date which showed that income and expenditure would be broadly in line with the revised budget. The only variance to date was a saving of £13 on insurance.

Payments were authorised as follows:

Scofell Landscapes Ltd                             £607.46 Grass cutting for July and August

P Thompson                                               £232.05 Clerk's salary, August and September, plus    

                                                                                     Expenses £3.25                                                

HM Revenue & Customs                           £ 85.80 PAYE on Clerk's salary, July to September

Donation requests: It was agreed that the Council would contribute £375 to the library service for the current year.

Annual Return 2020/21: The Clerk confirmed that no requests for information had been received from residents in response to the notice of public rights.


14.   Any Other Business:

It was suggested that a beacon could be set up for the next Jubilee, perhaps arranged by ART with a contribution from the Parish Council.

A resident of Burnt Hill had indicated that she may be interested in becoming a councillor in the future if an opportunity arises. She has a planning background.

The Estate has made a deposit under Section 15(1) of the Commons Act 2006 in conjunction with a declaration under Section 31(6) of the Highways Act 1980. The former seeks to protect established village greens and the latter records the public rights of way which run across the Estate. 


15.   Date of next Ordinary Meeting:

The next Ordinary Meeting will convene at 7.00pm on Monday 1st November 2021.


16.   There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.40pm


17.   Parishioners' Question Time:  There were none.




Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council

held in The Jubilee Hall on Monday 5th July 2021 at 7.00pm


Present: Councillors R Fisken (Chairman), A Dick, C Butler, A Keeley, R Butler and G Light          


In attendance: P Thompson (Clerk) 


1.     Apologies: None


2.     Declaration of Interests: There were none.


3.     Minutes:

The Minutes of the Annual Meeting and the last Ordinary Meeting were approved and signed by the Chairman.


4.     Matters Arising Not Covered in the Agenda: There were none.


5.     Minutes of an Extraordinary Meeting:

The minutes of an Extraordinary Meeting held on 11th June 2021 were approved and signed by the Chairman.


6.     District Councillor's Report:

No report was received. The Clerk was asked to write to the District Councillor and request brief written reports.


7.     Police Matters:

Councillor Alex Dick was pleased to advise that he had nothing to report.


8.     Footpaths and Byways:

Footpath 13: The Clerk was asked to follow up his request for WBC to cut steps into the embankment. The Estate had advised that they could not provide a permitted path to extend footpath 13 to meet Hartridge Lane. The Clerk was asked to raise the matter again.

Maintenance review: Councillor Colin Butler confirmed that there were no issues. 


9.     Roads:

Lay-by at The Green: The Clerk was asked to contact the Estate for a delivery date for the scalpings. This was needed so that a work party could be organised to spread the same. The Clerk was also asked to arrange the removal of the logs.

Litter pick: The Chairman advised that the litter pick was successfully carried out. There was less litter than in previous years but this may be due to uncut verges hiding items.

Maintenance review: The Clerk was asked to raise the poor surface and potholes on Palmers Hill and Holly Lane with our District Councillor. There is a safety issue as drivers try to avoid the potholes in this long narrow lane.       


10.   Planning;

Applications -

21/01363 - Walnut Tree Cottage, Burnt Hill: Application for a lawful certificate for an existing use including those in breach of a planning condition. ‘The site is used for the storage of a personal collection of vehicles’. The Clerk was asked to advise WBC that the Council had no knowledge as to how the building in question was used.

21/01366/LBC2 - Slade Gate Cottage, Buckhold (Bradfield Parish): Convert one of the five bedrooms into an en-suite for one of the bedrooms. No comment raised on this application. 


It was agreed at this point that an extraordinary meeting would be held on 26th July 2021 to discuss any applications received on or before 21st July 2021, including one at Redwood, Burnt Hill.


Updates -

21/00967/LBC2 - Noakes Hill Cottage, Noakes Hill. Replacement of 24 windows with timber double glazed windows. Approved by WBC.

21/00985 - Linden House, Burnt Hill: Single storey side extension to create a granny annex. Approved by WBC.

21/01014 - Gate Cottage, Haw Farm, Hampstead Norreys (as adjacent parish): Two storey and single storey rear extension and other alterations. Awaiting decision from WBC

21/01174 - The Old Bakery, Aldworth Road: Three bay garage with first floor room above for home office and storage area. Awaiting decision from WBC.


11.   Open Spaces Review:

Access at The Green: The Clerk advised that under the terms of the lease the public are to have access on foot only and the Council are to ensure that no encroachment occurs in the form of paths or other easements. It had been noted that a path had been cut across the green although seemingly not used. It was agreed that the Chairman and Clerk should try to ascertain why the path was cut and notify the landlord in accordance with the lease.   

Playground: Councillor Graham Light advised that Sovereign Housing had offered a contribution to improve the playground. Graham was pleased to report that the new table tennis table was being used.

Trees on Flowers Piece: Graham advised that a small rowan had been taken down but there were no other problems.


12.   Community Infrastructure Levy Utilisation:

The Clerk confirmed there was a total of £3,622.37 to spend on qualifying expenditure by 2024. Councillor Graham Light advised that ART were planning a community orchard and flower meadow on the recreation ground between the lime tress and the chalk path to be met from this fund.


13.   Finance:

The Clerk presented his financial report for the year to date which showed that income and expenditure would be broadly in line with the revised budget. The only variance to date was a saving of £13 on insurance.

Payments were authorised as follows:

P Thompson                                               £228.80 Clerk's net salary for June and July

P Thompson                                               £  35.85 Clerk's expenses              

Scofell Landscapes Ltd                             £607.46 Grass cutting for May and June

HM Revenue & Customs                          £  85.80 PAYE on Clerk's salary, April to June


It was agreed that donations under Section 137 should also be made of £50 to Thames Valley Air Ambulance, £25 to Macmillan Cancer Support and £25 to Marie Curie South Region.


Annual Return: The Clerk confirmed that the auditors had acknowledged receipt of the Certificate of Exemption from audit for the year ended 31st March 2021. He also confirmed that all relevant documents had been posted onto the village website ( The notice of public rights had been placed on both the website and the main notice board. No requests for information had been received to date.


14.   Any Other Business:

The Chairman completed the WBC survey regarding Engagement with Local Town and Parish Councils following a discussion.


15.   Date of Next Ordinary Meeting:

The next Ordinary Meeting will convene at 7.00pm on Monday 6th September 2021.


16.   There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.10pm


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