Ashampstead Parish Council
Minutes of Ordinary & Annual Meetings
1st April 2020 to 31st March 2021
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meetings
held in the Jubilee Hall on Monday 17th May 2021 at 6.30pm
Present: Councillors R Fisken, C Butler, R Butler, A Keeley and G Light
In attendance: Paul Thompson (Clerk)
Meeting Chair: Councillor Roger Fisken
1. Apologies: Councillor A Dick
2. Minutes of the Previous Annual Parish Meeting:
The Clerk advised that no meeting was held in 2020 due to the pandemic. The Chairman's Report for the year to 31st March 2020 was, however, published in The Leaflet and also on the notice board.
3. Chairman’s Report:
Due to the covid pandemic this has been a difficult year for all, although in many respects it has brought communities closer together. I should therefore firstly like to thank all those residents who have helped with support groups or provided help to those in need.
The Councillors and the Clerk have become used to the new 'zoom' technology which has enabled us to meet ten times during the year to 31st March 2021, including four extraordinary meetings to discuss planning applications.
As in previous years, certain councillors agreed to take lead roles for specific matters. Alex Dick undertook police matters, Colin Butler undertook footpaths and highways, Tony Keeley took the lead on planning matters, Rita Butler manages the Village website, Graham Light is the representative on ART and I manage the defibrillator.
The Council was asked to make observations on a total of eight planning applications over the last year, including two as an adjacent parish. Seven have been granted permission by West Berkshire Council and one refused.
The Clerk continues to report potholes and other highway issues to West Berkshire Council on a regular basis. The Council is also now responsible for providing salt bins and maintaining the level of salt. Consequently I must ask residents to ensure that the salt is only used on the hills for which the bins are provided. Whilst the Clerk does check salt levels periodically on those at Pykes Hill, Palmers Hill and Noakes Hill, if you believe that they are too low, please report the matter to him at Similarly overflowing litter bins should be reported to him or WBC on the 'report a problem' section of their website.
Following complaints, the Council is hoping to improve the lay-by at The Green. The Estate have offered to provide scalpings that a work party will lay when the weather is suitable. It is important that this lay-by is only used by visitors as it is also required for passing vehicles.
There have also been complaints regarding speeding through the village. We have a volunteer to attend SID training once courses resume.
The Council continues to monitor footpaths and byways, reporting problems to either the landowners or West Berkshire Council. We continue to cut the grass on the recreation ground and The Green. We have also allowed sums in the budget to meet the cost of tree surgery and essential playground repairs on behalf of ART. The Council has agreed to meet these costs until a regular hirer of the hall is found, although ART is expected to carry out works on the recreation ground that could be carried out by work parties. There were in fact no such costs falling on the Council this year. The only maintenance costs incurred during the year were in respect of the removal of the salt bin and salt for its replacement, the cost of the salt bin being met from CIL monies held. The underspend from the maintenance budget will be carried forward as a specific reserve since significant work usually needs to be carried out every two to three years. Further inspections of both the trees and the playground will be carried out by ART during the current year.
At this point I would also like to thank those residents who took part in the successful litter pick last October. We had planned to carry one out in the Spring this year but this had to be deferred due to the lockdown.
Councillor Alex Dick continues to update us on police matters both at meetings and also through his whats app messaging service which provides speedy information about possible criminal activity in the area. One can join by contacting Alex at
The Council have continued to liaise with ART regarding suitable qualifying expenditure for the CIL monies held of £4,496.50, having spent £282.46 on the salt bin during the year. I am pleased to advise that, since the year end we have purchased a new bench and an outdoor table tennis table.
Councillor Rita Butler is happy that the village website at is working well. The site provides useful information about the village and its events as well as Parish Council matters. Any difficulties in viewing the website should initially be reported to the Clerk.
As regards finances, the Council received a precept of £6,640 for 2020/21 and the VAT repayment of £450 for the previous year. In addition, we received a 'member's bid' of £215 from WBC, thanks to our District Councillor, which was used to provide sanitiser and dispensers at the village hall.
Income was spent on the following items, excluding VAT:
Clerk's salary £1,680; Administrative costs £564; Grass cutting £2,025; Maintenance £404 including the sanitiser and dispensers; Dog and other waste collection £83; Donations to local charities £545, the library contribution to WBC £375, election contribution of £75 and the CIL expenditure of £282; VAT paid on these items totalling £558 will be recovered in 2021/22. This resulted in a surplus for the year of £714 against a budgeted deficit of £7,560. The difference is largely due to underspends of £4,497 on the CIL budget and £3,805 on the maintenance budget.
The Council’s retained funds of £16,399 at 31st March 2021 include an election reserve of £400, the CIL reserve of £4,497 and the maintenance reserve of £3,805.
The precept for the current year is £6,775. This includes donations of £250 towards grass cutting of the churchyard as the councillors agreed this regular contribution as the church is a special feature of the village and footpath 23 passes through the churchyard and £375 to WBC's library service which is conditional on the continuance of the mobile library. Please use this service as otherwise it may cease.
Finally, I would like to thank our District Councillor, Alan Law, for the information and advice that he has given the Council. I would also like to thank my fellow Councillors for their support over the last year and also Paul Thompson, the Clerk.
If you have any questions regarding the above or other matters concerning the parish please contact the Clerk.
4. Parishioners Questions:
The Clerk confirmed that none had been received.
5. Any Other Business:
There was none and the meeting closed at 6.40pm
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council
held in the Jubilee Hall on Monday 17th May 2021 at 6.42pm
Present: Councillors R Fisken (Chairman), C Butler, A Keeley, R Butler and G Light
In attendance: P Thompson (Clerk)
1. Apologies: Councillor A Dick
2. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman:
Councillor Roger Fisken was re-elected as Chairman and Councillor Alex Dick was re-elected as Vice Chairman. The Chairman completed the formal declaration of acceptance of office.
3&4 Minutes of Previous Meetings:
The Minutes of the last virtual ordinary meeting of the Council were approved and signed by the Chairman.
The Minutes of the virtual extraordinary meeting of the Council held on 12th March 2021were also approved and signed by the Chairman.
5. Confirmation of Register of Councillors' Interests:
Councillors confirmed that there had been no changes to report.
6. Agreement of Roles and Responsibilities:
It was agreed that Graham Light would represent the Council on ART, Rita Butler would continue to manage the village website, Alex Dick would take police matters, Colin Butler would take footpaths and byways, Tony Keeley would take the lead on planning matters and the Chairman would continue to maintain the defibrillator.
7. Standing Orders and Financial Regulations:
The Clerk had circulated the draft documents to Councillors prior to the meeting. He explained the amendments that had been made. The Standing Orders were reviewed and approved. The Financial regulations were also reviewed and approved.
8. Inventory of Land and Assets:
The inventory of land and assets was reviewed and approved.
9. Risk Management Register:
The register was reviewed and approved.
10. Insurance Cover:
It was agreed that the cover offered through BHIB was adequate and should be accepted. The premium proposed was similar to that of the current year.
11. Internal Controls and Annual Governance Statement:
The Councillors reviewed the systems of internal control and the annual governance statement for 2020/21. These, together with the risk management register, accounting records and annual accounts had been reviewed by the Council’s internal auditor, Caroline Billing, as confirmed by her Annual Internal Audit Report. Both were approved and it was agreed that the Annual Governance Statement in the Annual Governance and Accountability Return should be signed by the Chairman and the Clerk. The Chairman recorded his thanks to Caroline for carrying out the internal audit so promptly.
12. Completion of Certificate of Exemption from External Audit:
It was agreed that the Certificate of Exemption from a limited assurance review by the external auditors for 2020/21 should be completed and signed by the Clerk and the Chairman
13. Receipts and Payments Accounts for the Year Ended 31st March 2021:
The detailed annual accounts which had been circulated to the Councillors prior to the meeting were adopted and signed by the Chairman. The accounting statements included in the Annual Return were also adopted and signed by the Chairman.
14. Complaints Procedure:
The complaints procedure was reviewed and approved.
15. Requests Under the Freedom of Information Act:
The existing arrangements were reviewed and approved without amendment.
16. Future Meetings:
It was agreed that ordinary meetings would be held at 7.00 pm on Monday 5th July 2021, on Monday 6th September 2021, on Monday 1st November 2021, on Monday 10th January 2022 and on Monday 7th March 2022.
The Statutory Annual Parish Council Meeting closed at 7.15pm
Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
held in the Jubilee Hall on Monday 17th May 2021 at 7.17pm
Present: Councillors R Fisken (Chairman), C Butler, A Keeley, R Butler and G Light
In Attendance: P Thompson (Clerk) and two residents
1. Apologies: Councillor A Dick
2. Declaration of Interests: None
The Chairman advised that he would change the order of business by bringing forward item 7 and adjourned the meeting to allow the residents present to comment on their application.
7. Planning
21/00985 - Linden House, Burnt Hill: Single storey side extension to create a granny annex.
It was unanimously agreed that 'no objections' should be submitted in respect of this application.
21/00967/LBC2 - Noakes Hill Cottage, Noakes Hill: Replacement of 24 windows with timber double glazed windows. It was unanimously agreed that 'no objections' should be submitted in respect of this application.
21/01014 - Gate Cottage, Haw Farm, Hampstead Norreys (as adjacent parish): Two storey and single storey rear extension and other alterations. It was unanimously agreed that 'no objections' should be submitted in respect of this application.
The Clerk was asked to submit the Council's observations to WBC
21/00436 - Oakley House, Pinfold Lane: First floor extension and external alterations. Coloured render to all walls and new roof tiles to all roofs. Approved by WBC.
3. Police Matters:
None reported.
4. Footpaths and Byways:
Councillor Colin Butler advised that he had received a complaint from a resident concerning footpath 13 and its exit onto the Aldworth Road which is quite steep. The Clerk was asked to write to the Estate regarding the possibility of creating a permitted path to continue footpath 13 to Hartridge Lane, which is a single track road, as an alternative to passing through the crop onto the busy two lane Aldworth Road. He was also asked to contact highways suggesting the creation of steps to make the exit onto the Aldworth Road safer.
The Clerk was asked to complete the WBC PROW survey. This particular path was the only area of concern.
5. Roads:
Concerns were raised regarding waste bins left on Palmers Hill. The Clerk was asked to write to the householders.
The Clerk was also asked to write to WBC regarding weight restrictions for Holly Lane and Palmers Hill, other than for access. This followed complaints regarding HGVs ignoring existing signs.
6. Open Spaces Review:
The Green: The Chairman advised that he would ask residents to remove the logs. The Clerk was asked to write to the Estate regarding scalpings for making good the lay-by.
8. CIL Reserve:
The Clerk advised that, with the recent purchase of the bench and outdoor table tennis table, there is now a balance held of £3,622 which must spent by 2024. The Clerk was asked to investigate whether this could be invested in a match funded scheme set up by Ashampstead Recreational Trust, the charity which owns the hall and recreation ground.
9. Finance:
Payments were authorised as follows:
Scofell Landscapes Ltd £607.46 Grass cutting for March and April
P Thompson £228.80 Clerk's net salary for April and May
P Thompson £ 40.09 Clerk's expenses
BHIB Ltd £144.58 Insurance to 31 May 2020
CPRE £ 36.00 Subscription
Hampshire Association of Local Councils £ 93.50 Subscription
The Information Commissioner £ 35.00 GDPR registration fee (Direct debit)
Payments previously authorised by email:
Table Tennis 365 £749.95 Outdoor table tennis table
Reformation Ltd £299.00 Bench
It was agreed that donations under Section 137 should also be made of £250 to Ashampstead PCC, £60 to Pangbourne & District Volunteer Centre, £25 to West Berkshire Citizens Advice Bureau and £30 to Berkshire Vision.
Internet banking:
It was agreed that the Clerk should investigate further the impact of internet banking on the Council's internal controls.
10. Government Consultation on Remote Council Meetings.
It was agreed that remote meetings would be beneficial where there is little business on the agenda, as in the case of some extraordinary meetings. The Chairman would respond accordingly.
11. Any Other Business: There was none
12. The meeting closed at 8.15pm. The next meeting will convene at 7.00 pm on Monday 5th July 2021.
Minutes of a Virtual Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Monday 1st March 2021 at 7.00pm
Present: Councillors R Fisken (Chairman), C Butler, A Keeley, R Butler and G Light
In attendance: P Thompson (Clerk) and James Hole of Yattendon Estate
1. Apologies: Councillor A Dick and District Councillor Alan Law
2. Declaration of Interests: None
3. Minutes:
The Minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 4 January 2021, which had been circulated, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
4. Matters Arising Not Covered by the Agenda: There were none.
5. District Councillor's Report:
District Councillor Alan Law had provided a brief report prior to the meeting. He advised that the council tax set by WBC would rise by 1.99% for 2021/22. The cost of adult social care for the current year was under budget and consequently it was thought that there should not be an additional ASC special precept for the coming year.
6. Police Matters:
Councillor Alex Dick had advised, prior to the meeting, that he had nothing to report.
7. Footpaths and Byways:
Councillor Colin Butler advised that the broken tree on byway 19 had been removed. The Chairman thanked James Hole for the Estate's prompt action in this matter.
There were no other problems reported.
8. Roads:
Litter pick: The Chairman advised that he will check with WBC as to when this could be carried out..
Lay-by at The Green: The Clerk was asked to consult WBC regarding risks and responsibilities if we place large stones along the roadside edge. The Chairman advised that he would write to the residents in that area requesting that the tree branches, placed on the Green, be removed.
It was agreed that the existing lay-by should be repaired with scalpings in May when the ground is firmer.
Maintenance review: Councillor Rita Butler expressed concern at the poor repair of the uneven surface at the bottom of Palmers Hill. The Clerk advised that Highways had confirmed that they had carried out a temporary repair and would recommend both Palmers Hill and Holly Lane for resurfacing in 2021/22.
9. Open Spaces Maintenance Review:
Playground: Councillor Graham Light reported that ART were considering replacing items piecemeal rather than a complete refurbishment. It was likely that they would start with the climbing frame. The Clerk reminded Graham that the Parish Council owns the existing equipment and can use CIL funds to replace items. ART should recommend to the Council any items that they believe should be purchased. Graham confirmed that no maintenance was needed at the current time.
Trees on Flowers Piece: There were no immediate plans to plant trees as ART had concerns over managing their maintenance in the early years. There were no maintenance requirements in respect of existing trees.
Graham also mentioned that ART had made no decision on the proposed wild flower meadow.
Grass cutting: Graham agreed that he would raise the question of removing any fallen branches on the recreation ground with the ART committee.
10. Community Infrastructure Levy:
The Clerk reaffirmed that there were funds held of £4496.50, of which approximately £50 had to be spent by October 2021.
11. Finance:
The Clerk had circulated his financial report prior to the meeting. He advised that the General Reserve would be approximately £8,200 at 31 March 2021 against a budgeted figure of £7,725. This was largely due to the contingency budget not being spent and the reduced cost of the 2019 election which was invoiced in the current year. An invoice had yet to be received from WBC for waste collection which may delay the VAT claim. In addition, there were specific reserves of £3,805 for maintenance and £400 for the next election as well as the CIL funds. Payments were authorised as follows:
P Thompson £225.30 Clerk's salary and expenses for February and March
HM Revenue & Customs £84.00 PAYE on Clerk's salary
It was also agreed that a donation of £375 under Section 137, would be made to the West Berkshire Council as a contribution to the library service.
Internet banking: It was agreed that the application form should be completed with the Clerk assigned to be the delegated user (creator) with two Councillors authorising transactions. This would meet the Council's existing financial regulations.
Internal audit: It was agreed that Caroline Billing should be asked to carry out this audit.
12. Protocol for Operation London Bridge:
The Clerk was asked to check WBC's own protocol and report back to Councillors.
13. Chairman's Report on BALC's AGM:
The Chairman advised that the organisation held a number of joint courses with the Hampshire branch. These covered items such as knowledge of core skills, finance etc and were currently held via zoom. These courses for Clerks and Councillors are displayed on their website.
There was also a demonstration by "Parish on line ordinance survey", an organisation providing very detailed maps, including details of ownership, which could be useful. Roger advised that he would circulate details to Councillors. The Clerk was asked to add it as an agenda item at the next meeting.
14. Any Other Business:
The Clerk advised that a meeting would be required to discuss the planning application at Oakley House. A planning meeting would be called for 12 March 2021 at 6.00 p.m. The Clerk was asked to supply Councillors with a link to the meeting as well as the zoom id and passcode.
15. Date of the Annual and Next Ordinary Meeting:
It was agreed that these would take place on Monday 17 May 2021, immediately after the Annual Parish Meeting which would convene at 6.30 p.m. on that day.
16. Close of Meeting:
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.58pm
17. Parishioners' Questions: There were none.
Minutes of a Virtual Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Monday 4th January 2021 at 7.00pm
Present: Councillors R Fisken (Chairman), A Dick, C Butler, R Butler and G Light
In attendance: P Thompson (Clerk) and District Councillor Alan Law
1. Apologies: Councillor A Keeley and James Hole of Yattendon Estate
2. Declaration of Interests:
The Clerk confirmed that the Councillors present held dispensations to discuss the draft budget and precept for 2021/22 under item 12 of the agenda.
3. Minutes:
The Minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 2nd November 2020, which had been circulated, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
4. Matters Arising Not Covered by the Agenda:
The Clerk advised that "speed indicator device" training was still suspended by WBC.
The proposed litter pick would be included on the agenda of the next meeting.
5. District Councillor's Report:
District Councillor Alan Law had provided a detailed written report prior to the meeting. He advised that, whilst the report had nothing specific to Ashampstead, the response to the covid pandemic was dictating much of the work carried out by WBC. He emphasised that residents should be aware that there are various grants and other aspects of support available through WBC.
Alan also advised Councillors that they should consider responding to the latest local plan consultation as it includes a review of the policy concerning development in the countryside. There is also a consultation on the minerals and waste plan which ought to be considered.
Responding to a question regarding contact tracing, Alan advised that this was run by local Public Health.
6. Police Matters:
Councillor Alex Dick advised that there had been a bonfire near Sucks Lane and there was concern that some of those attending were taking drugs as well as drinking which would make them a risk to other road users. Alex also mentioned that there had been complaints regarding drivers using the local section of the Ridgeway which is not permitted during the winter months. He requested that any suspected illegal activities should be reported to Thames Valley Police, who are targeting rural crime, and himself so that he can include information on the 'WhatsApp' group.
7. Footpaths and Byways:
Councillor Colin Butler advised that he had nothing to report other than concerns from residents that large groups of pheasants are having an impact on local wildlife. Councillor Alex Dick advised that although shooting has ceased due to lockdowns, the birds in question are still being fed by the Estate's keepers.
(Addendum to the Minutes: After the meeting, the Estate contacted the Parish Council stating that, although shooting has ceased due to the lockdown, for welfare reasons, the pheasants are being fed by the Estate's keepers and the Estate are awaiting further guidance from the Government and Sporting Bodies on the next steps.)
8. Roads:
Salt bins - The Clerk advised that the bin on Noakes Hill was 50% full but that water had seeped into it. He would check it again to ensure that there was no damage to the bin. The one on Palmers hill was about 90% full. He had not checked the one on Pykes Hill but that had been replaced and filled in April 2020. He agreed to check it when passing.
Maintenance review - The Clerk was asked to report again the uneven surface on Palmers Hill near to the junction with the Aldworth Road as well as the large pothole close to the entrance to Stubbles House.
9. Planning Applications:
20/02001- Redwood, Burnt Hill: Demolition of existing house, garage and outbuildings. Erection of 1 new house and detached open car port. Approved by WBC
20/02030 - Redwood, Burnt Hill: Householder application for side and rear extension, including associated improvements to parking and access. Approved by WBC.
20/02119 - The Larches, Burnt Hill (Yattendon Parish): Single story front extension. Approved by WBC.
20/02408 - Crow Croft, Holly Lane: Installation of solar photovoltaic panels on south east facing roof. Approved by WBC.
10. Open Spaces Maintenance Review:
Playground: Councillor Graham Light reported that a committee had been formed with representatives of ART, the Parish Council and local residents to consider requirements and improvements at the recreation ground. Whilst no maintenance was required in respect of the playground at the current time, the committee were considering adding to the equipment.
Trees on Flowers Piece: As part of the review, the committee were seeking advice on planting new trees to replace those that had been taken down in recent years. There were no maintenance requirements at the current time.
The Committee were also considering planting a wild flower meadow and installing a pond.
The Green: A resident had reported, and apologised for, damage made by a delivery driver to the edge of the Green. He had advised that he would endeavour to make good the damage.
11. Community Infrastructure Levy:
Permitted expenditure: The Clerk advised Councillors of expenditure allowed under regulation 123. Most of the items being considered for the recreation ground would be permitted under the 'green infrastructure' section.
The Clerk reaffirmed that there were funds held of £4,496.50, of which approximately £50 had to be spent by October 2021.
12. Finance:
The Clerk had circulated his financial report prior to the meeting. The contingency provision had been reduced to nil as any unplanned expenditure between now and the end of March would likely arise within the maintenance budget. The final surplus after movements to and from reserves was expected to be a little over £600 against a budgeted deficit of £37.
Payments were authorised as follows:
R Butler £ 94.97 Website costs
P Thompson £225.30 Clerk's salary and expenses for December and January
HM Revenue & Customs £ 84.00 PAYE on Clerk's salary
It was also agreed that a donation of £50.00, under Section 137, would be made to the West Berkshire Countryside Society.
Budget and Precept 2021/22:
The Clerk presented his revised budget for the year to 31 March 2022. It was agreed that there should be a small increase in the precept to £6,775 (against £6,640 in the current year) in view of the uncertainty over expenditure on Flowers Piece and concerns regarding the lack of income at the village hall due to the pandemic. Although these are, ultimately, the responsibility of Ashampstead Recreational Trust, they are community properties. Any underspend on maintenance costs for the current year will also be carried forward as a specific reserve.
13. Any Other Business:
Councillor Rita Butler had raised the question of internet banking. The Clerk was asked to research the matter and ascertain what changes would be needed to the Council's financial regulations.
Councillor Colin Butler raised residents' concerns over a water leak from Yew Tree Cottage which was running alongside Dog Lane and down Church Lane. The Clerk was asked to investigate and contact Thames Water if necessary.
14. Date of Next Meeting:
The next meeting will convene at 7.00pm on Monday 1st March 2021.
15. Close of Meeting:
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.52pm
16. Parishioners' Questions:
There were none.
Minutes of a Virtual Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Monday 2nd November 2020 at 7.00pm
Present: Councillors R Fisken (Chairman), A Dick, C Butler, R Butler, A Keeley and G Light
In attendance: P Thompson (Clerk), James Hole (Yattendon Estate) and three residents
1. Apologies: None
2. Declaration of Interests:
The Chairman declared that he had an interest in planning application 20/02408 to be discussed under item 12 of the agenda. Vice Chairman Alex Dick would chair the discussion on this particular planning application.
The Clerk confirmed that the Councillors present held dispensations to discuss the draft budget and precept for 2021/22 under item 16 of the agenda.
3. Minutes:
The Minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 7th September 2020, which had been circulated, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
4. Matters Arising Not Covered the the Agenda:
There were no matters arising that were not covered by the agenda.
5&6. Minutes of Other Meetings:
The Minutes of the extraordinary meetings held on 23rd September 2020 and 12th October 2020, respectively, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
7. Lay-by at The Green:
Following an open discussion, it was agreed that no barriers should be erected around the lay-by and that the logs, which had become a hazard to the grass cutting contractors, should be removed. It was agreed that the Estate would provide scalpings in order that the lay-by could be made good in the spring. It was also agreed that the lay-by was intended as a passing point for vehicles or for temporary visitors. A resident would discuss this matter with his neighbours.
8. District Councillor's Report: No report has been received.
9. Police Matters:
Councillor Alex Dick advised that he had nothing specific to report although he was aware of police action at an incident involving dogs on the Ridgeway. Fly tipping is becoming an increasing problem. Residents should report any illegal activity to the police and to Alex.
10. Footpaths and Byways:
Councillor Colin Butler advised that he had nothing to report although the recent high winds may have brought more trees down. Dog fouling was mentioned as a problem. The Clerk was asked to put an article in The Leaflet and to ensure that appropriate notices appear on the notice boards.
11. Roads:
Litter pick: The litter pick was successfully completed on 11th October. A report was included in the November edition of The Leaflet. It was agreed that the next litter pick should take place in the spring.
Maintenance review: No new potholes to report.
Speeding: The Clerk confirmed that WBC were still not offering SID training courses due to Covid 19. James Hole asked that any speeding Estate vehicles be reported to him.
12. Planning Applications:
20/02119 - The Larches, Burnt Hill (Yattendon Parish): Single story front extension. The Clerk was asked to submit ‘no objections’.
20/02408 - Crow Croft, Holly Lane: Installation of solar photovoltaic panels on south east facing roof. The Councillors agreed by a majority that ‘no objections’ should be submitted although they would have preferred panels that would blend in more with the setting. That said, they were aware that the roof already held two similar panels.
13. Planning Applications Update:
20/01857 - Blorenge Cottage, Holly Lane: Variation of condition 3 on application 19/00934. Approved by WBC.
20/02001 - Redwood, Burnt Hill: Demolition of existing house, garage and outbuildings. Erection of 1 new house and detached open car port. Awaiting decision from WBC
20/02030 - Redwood, Burnt Hill: Householder application for side and rear extension, including associated improvements to parking and access, Awaiting decision from WBC.
14. Open Spaces Maintenance Review:
Playground: No maintenance requirements at present.
Trees on Flowers Piece: No problems had been reported
15. Community Infrastructure Levy:
The Clerk reminded Councillors that the Council had a balance of £4496.50 to spend. Councillor Graham Light advised that ART were considering the replacement of the climbing frame, the cost of which could be met from CIL monies. Graham also mentioned that ART were considering the formation of a separate ‘Flowers Piece’ committee to consider various options for the recreation ground. As well as the playground, it would consider a possible wild flower meadow, lake or pond. Councillor Alex Dick volunteered to offer advice regarding flower meadows. The Clerk was asked to investigate what expenditure would qualify under CIL rules.
16. Finance:
The Clerk had circulated his financial report prior to the meeting. He explained that he had not added to the savings for this year although he thought that the maintenance budget may need to be largely carried forward. The figures were therefore very much in line with budget.
Payments were authorised as follows:
P Thompson £224.00 Clerk's salary for October and November
P Thompson £75.86 Clerk's expenses
Scofell Landscapes Ltd £607.46 Grass cutting for September and October
It was agreed that a donation under Section 137 of £30 would be made to Sue Ryder Duchess of Kent Hospice. It was also agreed that no donations would be paid to Spotlight UK Sports Academy or Brain Tumour Research.
Draft Budget 2021/22:
The Clerk presented his draft budget for the year to 31st March 2022 which indicated that the precept should be increased by 2% to £6,775 to effectively balance the budget over the current and next year. The eventual outcome for both years would very much depend on maintenance requirements for Flowers Piece. Any underspend on maintenance would be carried forward as a separate reserve due to the very high cost of tree surgery when carried out. Most other costs are not subject to significant variations.
17. Any Other Business:
The Chairman invited James Hole to give a brief update of activities at the Estate. James advised that the Xmas trees may be sold online as well as via the usual wholesale business.
James also mentioned that SSE are looking to move power lines underground where they pass through woodland or are quite close to woods. This could result in disruption from next summer.
Councillor Alex Dick queried the licence application for the new gin distillery at Childs Court Farm. James offered to obtain further information from the applicant before the Council considers the matter further.
18: Next Meeting: The next meeting will convene at 7.00pm on Monday 4th January 2021.
19: Meeting Close: There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.30pm
20: Parishioners' Questions: There were none.
Minutes of a Virtual Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Monday 7th September 2020 at 7.00pm
Present: Councillors R Fisken (Chairman), A Dick, C Butler, R Butler, A Keeley and G Light
In attendance: P Thompson (Clerk)
1. Apologies: None
2. Declaration of Interests: None
3. Minutes:
The Minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 6th July 2020, which had been circulated, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
4. Matters Arising Not Covered by the Agenda:
There were none.
5. District Councillor's Report:
There was no report.
6. Police Matters:
Councillor Alex Dick advised that, with harvest having been completed, there is a risk of hare coursing on the stubble. Any such activities should be reported to the police. He also advised that there were a number of cold calling scams which were targeted at the elderly. He advised that residents should keep an eye out for elderly or vulnerable neighbours.
7. Footpaths and Byways:
Councillor Colin Butler confirmed that the fallen tree on Pinfold Lane was removed very quickly by the Estate.
Councillor Alex Dick advised that James Hole had been appointed as Managing Director of Yattendon Estate. It was agreed that Alex would invite him to the next ordinary meeting of the Council.
8. Roads:
Speeding in 30mph limit and SID: The Clerk confirmed that a resident has volunteered to undertake the necessary SID training but, unfortunately, WBC had suspended courses due to the Covid epidemic. The Clerk will book a place once the courses are running again. He will also need to arrange insurance for the use of the equipment. Once the results are obtained from the SID, WBC will decide on what action should be taken to deter speeding. WBC advised that there was no charge for the use of the SID or training.
Litter pick: It was agreed that this would take place at 10.30am on Sunday 11th October 2020. The Chairman will put a notice in The Leaflet.
Maintenance Review: Whilst some parts of Palmers Hill have been marked for repair, the Clerk was concerned that the email received from WBC implied that the poor road surface close to the junction of Palmers Hill with the Aldworth Road did not meet the criteria for repair. It was agreed that the Clerk should forward the email to Councillors so that they could express their concerns individually Councillor Alex Dick confirmed that there had been at least one accident at this spot recently.
9. Planning Applications:
20/01224 – The Larches, Burnt Hill (Yattendon Parish): Proposed porch - Approved by WBC.
It was agreed that a planning meeting would take place at 6.00pm on Wednesday 23rd September to consider two applications which had recently been received.
10. Open Spaces Maintenance Review:
Playground: Councillor Graham Light advised that ART were to meet on Monday 14th September at which time he would raise the question of any maintenance requirements.
Trees on Flowers Piece: No problems had been reported
11. Community Infrastructure Levy:
The Clerk reminded Councillors that the Council had a balance of £4,496.50 to spend. The Chairman suggested that there may be room for an additional item of equipment in the playground rather than a complete revamp.
Councillor Alex Dick suggested that a flower meadow could be considered. The Clerk advised that the subject had been raised in the past but did not proceed as it was thought that the ground was too fertile for a meadow to succeed.
Councillor Graham Light will raise these suggestions with ART.
12. Website:
Website accessibility statement: Councillor Rita Butler had reviewed three examples of statements. It was agreed that the Council should use the one provided by the website host. Rita would post the statement onto the website, adding the Clerk's contact details.
Rita confirmed that a resident had volunteered to be her deputy. She would produce a guide as to the management of the website for both her deputy, fellow Councillors and the Clerk.
13. Finance:
The Clerk had circulated his financial report prior to the meeting. He explained that he had not added to the savings for this year although he thought that the maintenance budget may need to be largely carried forward. The figures were therefore very much in line with budget.
Payments were authorised as follows:
Scofell Landscapes Ltd £607.46 Grass cutting for July and August
P Thompson £227.25 Clerk's net salary for August and September
plus expenses of £3.25
HM Revenue & Customs £ 84.00 PAYE on Clerk's salary, July to September
An earlier payment of £215.28 to Safety Signs and Supplies for dispensers and sanitiser at the village hall had been approved by email. This will be funded by a member's bid from WBC by our District Councillor Alan Law.
Annual Return 2019/20: The Clerk confirmed that no requests for information had been received from residents in response to the notice of public rights.
14. Any Other Business:
There was none.
15. Next Meeting:
The next meeting will convene at 7.00pm on Monday 2nd November 2020.
16. Parish Council Meeting closed at 8.10pm
17. Parishioners' Questions:
There were none.
Minutes of a Virtual Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Monday 6th July 2020 at 7.00pm
Present: Councillors R Fisken (Chairman), A Dick, C Butler, R Butler, A Keeley and G Light
In attendance: P Thompson (Clerk)
1. Apologies: None
2. Declaration of Interests: None
3. Minutes of Previous Meetings:
The Minutes of the Annual Meeting and those of the Ordinary Meeting, both held on 19 May 2019, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
4. Matters Arising Not Covered in the Agenda: There were none.
5. District Councillor's Report: No report available.
6. Police Matters:
Councillor Alex Dick advised that he had nothing to report.
7. Footpaths and Byways:
Councillor Colin Butler confirmed that he had nothing to report.
The Chairman advised that, following his contact with Thames Water regarding the fouling of the Chalk Path, the company were endeavouring to clear a blockage and put a camera down on the morning of this meeting. The Chairman will keep Councillors informed of any further actions in this matter.
8. Roads:
Speeding - The Clerk was asked to contact WBC again regarding the problem of speeding within the 30mph limit. It was suggested that a temporary speed indicator device should be installed in mid September. The Clerk was asked to obtain details of any costs involved. Councillor Alex Dick advised that some signs have children's messages which may have a greater impact, although permission will be required to install these. The responses to the WBC speed management consultation were agreed.
Litter Pick - The Chairman advised that he would contact WBC to confirm that this may now be carried out.
Maintenance Review - The Clerk was asked to speak to District Councillor Alan Law again regarding the poor road surface at the entrance to Palmers Hill from the Aldworth Road, as WBC had not responded to the latest request for action.
9. Planning Applications:
Planning Applications:
Updates -
20/00763 – Redwood, Burnt Hill: Demolition of existing house, garage and outbuildings. Erection of one new dwelling. Refused by WBC
20/01224 – The Larches, Burnt Hill (Yattendon Parish): Proposed porch. No comment submitted.
Planning Appeals:
Updates -
19/00077 Redwood, Burnt Hill: Demolition of existing house, garage and outbuildings. Erection of one new dwelling. Appeal dismissed by Planning Inspector.
10. Open Spaces Maintenance Review:
Councillor Graham Light advised that he would discuss with ART the arrangements or re-opening the playground, including appropriate signage.
Graham will also raise the issue of any tree surgery or tree planting with ART at their next meeting.
11. Community Infrastructure Levy:
The Clerk reminded Councillors that the Council had a balance of £4,496.50 to spend. Graham will raise the matter with ART again.
12. Website Accessibility Statement:
Councillor Rita Butler confirmed that the website met the requirements and was fully up to date as regards Parish Council matters. The Clerk was asked to check the policy statement.
Rita also advised that nobody had volunteered to act as her deputy as regards website management. A document detailing the processes involved will be prepared and circulated to Councillors and the Clerk.
13. Finance:
The Clerk had circulated his financial report prior to the meeting. He explained that the only savings from the budget that had been made to date were £15 on insurance and £125 on 2019's election expenses. He considered that there were adequate funds to meet any maintenance costs for this year.
Payments were authorised as follows:
P Thompson £224.00 Clerk's net salary for June and July
P Thompson £121.14 Clerk's expenses
Scofell Landscapes Ltd £607.46 Grass cutting for May and June
HM Revenue & Customs £ 84.00 PAYE on Clerk's salary, April to June 2020
It was agreed that donations under Section 137 should be made of £50 to Thames Valley Air Ambulance, £25 to Macmillan Cancer Support and £25 to Marie Curie South Region.
Annual Return -The Clerk confirmed that the auditors had acknowledged receipt of the Certificate of Exemption from audit for the year ended 31 March 2020. He also confirmed that all relevant documents had been posted onto the village website ( The Notice of Public Rights had been placed on both the website and the main notice board. No requests for information had been received to date.
14. Any Other Business: There was none.
15. Date of Next Meeting: An Ordinary Meeting will convene at 7.00pm on Monday 7th September 2020
16. Close of Meeting: There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.03pm
17. Parishioners’ Question: There were none.