Ashampstead Parish Council
Archive: Minutes of Ordinary & Extraordinary Meetings 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023 and the Annual Meetings held in May 23.
Please Note:
In order to comply with legal regulations for accessibility, we are currently building a new website for Parish Council activity. This can be found at: www.ashampsteadpc.org.uk
At the moment, information can be found on both sites.
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council for 2022-23
held in the Jubilee Hall on Monday 22nd May 2023 at 6.38pm
Present: Councillors R Fisken (Chairman), R Butler and G Light
In attendance: P Thompson (Clerk), James Hole of Yattendon Estate and one parishioner
1. Apologies: None
2. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman:
Councillor Roger Fisken was re-elected as Chairman. It was agreed that the election of a Vice Chairman should be deferred until the July ordinary meeting.
3. Co-option of Councillors:
It was proposed that Alex Dick be co-opted onto the Council and this was carried unanimously. The Council will endeavour to fill the two remaining vacancies.
4. Declarations of Acceptance of Office:
The declarations of acceptance of office, including that of Chairman, were completed and signed in the presence of the Clerk.
5. Confirmation of Register of Councillors' Interests:
These were presented to the Clerk, by the elected Councillors, for forwarding to the District Council. The Clerk will liaise with Councillor Alex Dick regarding his form.
6. Minutes of the Last Ordinary Meeting of the Council:
The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 6th March 2023 were approved and signed by the Chairman.
7. Agreement of Roles and Responsibilities:
It was agreed that Graham Light would represent the Council on ART and also take over footpaths, Rita Butler would continue to manage the village website, Alex Dick would take police matters and the Chairman would continue to maintain the defibrillator.
7. Review and Adoption of Standing Orders and Financial Regulations:
The Clerk had circulated the draft documents to Councillors prior to the meeting. He explained the amendments that had been made to the Standing Orders. These were approved and the Standing Orders adopted. The Financial Regulations, adopted in May 2021, were also reviewed and approved.
8. Review and Approval of Inventory of Land and Assets:
The inventory of land and assets was reviewed and approved.
9. Review and Approval of Risk Management Register:
The register was reviewed and approved.
10. Review and Confirmation of Arrangements for Insurance Cover:
The quotations from Zurich and BHIB were discussed. It was agreed that the cover offered through BHIB was adequate and should be accepted. Whilst the premium had increased by over 36% it was very significantly lower than the alternative quotation.
11. Review Systems of Internal Control and Annual Governance Statement:
The Councillors reviewed the systems of internal control and the annual governance statement for 2022/23. These, together with the risk management register, accounting records and annual accounts had been reviewed by the Council’s internal auditor, Caroline Billing, as confirmed by her Annual Internal Audit Report. Both were approved and it was agreed that the Annual Governance Statement in the Annual Governance and Accountability Return should be signed by the Chairman and the Clerk. The Chairman recorded his thanks to Caroline for carrying out the internal audit so promptly.
12. Completion of Certificate of Exemption from External Audit:
It was agreed that the Certificate of Exemption from a limited assurance review by the external auditors for 2022/23 should be completed and signed by the Clerk and the Chairman
13. Adoption of the Receipts and Payments Account for the Year Ended 31st March 2023 and Review of Internal Auditor's Report:
The detailed annual accounts which had been circulated to the Councillors prior to the meeting were adopted and signed by the Chairman. The accounting statements included in the Annual Return were also adopted and signed by the Chairman. No matters had arisen on the internal auditor's report.
14. Review of the Council's Complaints Procedure:
The complaints procedure was reviewed and approved.
15. Review Arrangements for Handling Requests under the Freedom of Information Act:
The existing arrangements were reviewed and approved without amendment.
16. Future Meetings
It was agreed that Ordinary Meetings would be held at 7.00pm on Monday 3rd July 2023, on Monday 4th September 2023, on Monday 6th November 2023, on Monday 8th January 2024 and on Monday 4th March 2024, subject to the Hall being available.
17. The Statutory Annual Parish Council Meeting closed at 7.01pm
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting for 2022-23
held in the Jubilee Hall on Monday 22nd May 2023 at 6.30pm
Present: Councillors R Fisken, R Butler and G Light
In Attendance: Paul Thompson (Clerk) and one parishioner
Councillor Roger Fisken chaired the meeting
1. Apologies: None
2. Minutes of the Previous Annual Parish Meeting:
The Minutes of the meeting held on 16th May 2022, which had been published in The Leaflet and on the website were approved and signed by the Chairman.
3. Chairman’s Report:
Having got back to normal after the pandemic, it seems to have been a quieter year for the Council. I believe that this is in some part due to the village WhatsApp group which has enabled some pressing problems to be dealt with more quickly. That said, there have been one or two more thorny issues concerning the Green and speeding within the village that are taking time to resolve.
As in previous years, certain councillors agreed to take lead roles for specific matters. Alex Dick undertook police matters, Colin Butler undertook footpaths and highways, Tony Keeley took the lead on planning matters, Rita Butler manages both the Village and Parish Council websites, Graham Light is the representative on ART and I manage the defibrillator.
The Council was asked to make observations on only six planning applications this year one of which was deemed not required by the District Council. Of the remainder, one was granted by West Berkshire Council, one was refused and the other three are awaiting its decision. Whilst the number of applications has fallen quite considerably over the last year, the Council has continued its policy of delegating the decision regarding observations on planning applications to the Clerk after consultation with all Councillors. In the event of more controversial proposals, the Chairman or Councillors may decide that an extraordinary meeting should be called. No such meetings were considered necessary over the last year. Councillors will endeavour to seek the views of residents thought to be affected by any proposals but such residents will be advised to submit their own observations to WBC if they object to, or indeed support, a planning application.
The Clerk continues to report potholes and other highway issues to West Berkshire Council on a regular basis. I am pleased that WBC has recently carried out the significant repairs and resurfacing work on Holly Lane and Palmers Hill that we had requested sometime ago..
The Council is also responsible for providing salt bins and maintaining the level of salt. Consequently I must ask residents to ensure that the salt is only used on the hills for which the bins are provided. Whilst the Clerk does check salt levels periodically on those at Pykes Hill, Palmers Hill and Noakes Hill, if you believe that they are too low please report the matter to him at clerk.ashampstead@gmail.com. Similarly overflowing litter bins should be reported to him or directly to WBC on the 'report a problem' section of its website.
The Council is aware of residents' concerns regarding speeding within the 30mph limit. The parish is registered on the SID portal at WBC and training is currently being arranged for a volunteer to set up and monitor the equipment that will be provided by WBC. The Clerk has requested that WBC should consider extending the 30mph limit to the junction of Palmers Hill with the Aldworth Road and also move the 'road narrows' sign at the top of Palmers Hill to that junction. He also requested that they consider a reduced speed limit on the Aldworth Road. Whilst WBC seem reluctant to change speed limits they will consider moving the other signs.
The Council is disappointed that there has been some misuse of The Green and its lay-by in Chapel Lane.We had taken a long lease on The Green some years ago as, historically, this land had been used by the village as a valued open space and recreation ground. It is the Council's intention that the lay-by should only be used for visitor parking, as its prime purpose is to provide a passing point. Delivery drivers should be requested to use it rather than to drive on other parts of The Green. Any other use may contravene the lease. In the meantime the Council is considering other options to protect The Green.
The Council continues to monitor footpaths and byways, reporting problems to either the landowners or West Berkshire Council. The Council was grateful to Mike Lawson who carried out repairs to the notice board at Ashampstead Common and added a commemoration to it for the late Queen's Platinum Jubilee. A donation was made to The Trussell Trust in return for his labour.
We continue to cut the grass on the recreation ground and The Green. We had also allowed sums in the budget to meet the cost of tree surgery and essential playground repairs on behalf of ART. The Council has agreed to meet these costs until a regular hirer of the hall is found, although ART is expected to carry out works on the recreation ground that could be carried out by work parties. That said, ART had sufficient funds to meet the costs of such works this year. Further inspections of both the trees and the playground will be carried out by ART during the current year. The underspend from the maintenance budget will be carried forward as a specific reserve since significant work usually needs to be carried out every two to three years. Part of the fund may also be used to solve issues at The Green.
At this point I would like to thank those residents who took part in the annual litter pick at the beginning of April.
I believe that the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations were a great success, being well attended despite the inclement weather. The Council was happy to support ART with this event meeting the cost of entertainment and equipment.
Councillor Alex Dick continues to update us on police matters both at meetings and also through his WhatsApp messaging service which provides speedy information about possible criminal activity in the area. One can join by contacting Alex at add@culdenfawltd.com.
The Council has continued to liaise with ART, through Councillor Graham Light, regarding suitable qualifying expenditure for the CIL monies held. We purchased three picnic tables and a marquee at an overall cost of £2,095.82 and also replaced the football goals at a cost of £224.92. After receiving a further £2,812.25 for the new build at Burnt Hill, we are left with a balance of £6,926.13 to spend on installing new play equipment that is being chosen by ART.
Councillor Rita Butler has continued to manage both the Parish Council website at www.ashampsteadpc.org.uk and the village website at www.ashampstead.net. Please visit these websites as they provide much local information, not just parish council matters.
I am pleased to report that the village defibrillator continues to be 'rescue ready'. It is checked regularly to ensure that this is the case. I was pleased with the demand for defibrillator and CPR training which allowed us to run two courses over the last year. We now have many residents with the basic skills required.
As regards finances, the Council received a precept of £6,910 for 2022/23 and the VAT repayment of £656 for the previous year. In addition, we received the CIL contribution of £2,812.
Income was spent on the following items, excluding VAT:
Clerk's salary £1,758; Administrative costs £778; Grass cutting £2,066; Maintenance £151; Dog and other waste collection £147; Training £500; Donations to local charities £595; the library contribution to WBC £375; Platinum jubilee expenses £1,191; CIL expenditure of £2,321. VAT paid on these items totalling £963 will be recovered in 2023/24. This resulted in a deficit for the year of £467 against a budgeted deficit of £11,624. The difference is largely due to underspends of £6,926 on the CIL budget, after adjusting the additional receipt in the year, and £4,809 on the maintenance budget.
The Council’s retained funds of £18,318 at 31st March 2023 include an election reserve of £800, the CIL reserve of £6,926 and a maintenance reserve of £4,809.
The precept for the current year is £7,048. This includes donations of £250 towards grass cutting of the churchyard, the councillors agreeing this regular contribution as the church is a special feature of the village and footpath 23 passes through the churchyard, and £375 to WBC's library service which is conditional on the continuance of the mobile library. Please use this service as otherwise it may cease.
I would like to thank our former District Councillor, Alan Law, for the information and advice that he has given the Council. I would also like to thank my fellow Councillors for their support over the last year. We are sorry to lose Councillors Colin Butler and Tony Keeley who have served on the Council for 14 years and 7 years, respectively. I would also like to thank Paul Thompson, the Clerk, who has also advised us of his intention to retire after almost 15 years' service.
If you have any questions regarding the above or other matters concerning the parish please contact the Clerk.
5. Parishioners Questions:
The Clerk confirmed that none had been received.
6. There being no further business, the meeting closed at 6.36pm
Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
held in the Jubilee Hall on Monday 6th March 2023 at 7.00pm
Present: Councillors R Fisken (Chairman), A Dick, C Butler, A Keeley, R Butler and G Light
In attendance: Paul Thompson (Clerk), District Councillor Alan Law and one member of the public.
1. Apologies: None
2. Declaration of Interests: None
3. Minutes:
The Minutes of the last Ordinary Meeting, held on 9th January 2023, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
4. Matters Arising Not Covered in the Agenda: None
5. District Councillor's Report:
District Councillor Alan Law advised that WBC had recently met to approve the budget for 2023/24 which would result in an overall increase in council tax of 4.99% including 2% for social care. In addition, the capital budget proposals included an investment of £393m over the next ten years which would largely be spent in supporting everyone to reach their full potential and on local infrastructure, including housing, to support and grow the local economy. Two new primary schools were planned. In addition, disabled facility grants would be made available so that residents in need may continue to live independently in their own homes.
Alan advised that if you are not already registered to vote, you need to do so by 17 April. Voter ID is required but you can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate, if appropriate.
A new digital planning system is being introduced which will speed up the process for both applicants and the planning department. New housing will be geared to existing infrastructure in towns and service villages already identified. Ashampstead is not even a village for this purpose, being designated as open countryside.
Finally, Alan advised that the West Berkshire lottery was proving a great success in helping local causes.
6. Police Matters:
Councillor Alex Dick advised that he had met the local MP in Henley along with the lead officer of The Thames Valley Police Rural Crime Group (TVPRCG) and others. The TVPRCG had recently received a national award for being the most proactive in their sector. Much of the stolen equipment is quickly taken by lorry abroad. The TVPRCG are concentrating on conducting spot checks on anyone moving equipment out of hours with a view to catching individuals and recovering stolen goods. Whilst this has been successful, it is often not possible to return stolen items to their owners as they are not marked for identification in some way
Finally, Alex advised that it is important to report any suspicious activity to the police on either 101 or 999, depending on the circumstances.
7. Footpaths and Byways:
Councillor Colin Butler confirmed that he had nothing to report.
8. Roads:
Litter pick: it was agreed that this would be carried out on 16th April.
Councillor Alex Dick advised that he had contacted Yattendon Estate to complain about the continuing issue of white plastic haylage bags being left in the field containing horses alongside Palmers Hill. These bags are now blowing out onto the road and into neighbouring properties.
Maintenance: The Clerk advised that Holly Lane and Palmers Hill had been marked for repair following his report of potholes but that WBC had refused to take any action regarding those at the junction of Noakes Hill with the Aldworth Road as they did not meet its criteria.
District Councillor Alan Law advised that gas pipe repairs are to be carried out in Streatley which will result in closures of the A329 and also the B4009 at Streatley Hill from May.
9. Planning Applications:
22/02901 - St Clements Church: Traditional ironwork arch over the eastern approach. Awaiting decision from WBC.
23/00220 & 00221/LBC - Blorenge House: Formation of bedroom and en-suite together with new staircase and installation of new wood burning stove, flue and replacement windows in the coach house. The Clerk advised that WBC's conservation officer had also raised concerns regarding the proposed metal flue. Awaiting a decision from WBC.
The Clerk advised that WBC has a new system for notification of planning applications in a parish which involves checking an 'in tray' on the site. The in tray will also include those of adjacent parishes. He suggested that a Councillor should also have access in case of holidays or sickness. It was agreed that a Councillor will be appointed after the election.
The Chairman advised that he had recently attended a parish conference on planning matters. He will circulate notes to Councillors.
10. Open Spaces Review:
Parking at The Green: The Chairman advised that he was awaiting responses from some involved.
Fencing at the Green: The Clerk had obtain one quote for installing posts, that we would supply, in the sum of £2,500. One other contractor had failed to quote despite saying that he would do so and another declined to quote saying that we should install treated round fencing posts using a mounted post driver. The Clerk had concerns that it appeared that there were several underground services supplying electricity, water, telephone and internet to the properties around the Green. There was a Gigaclear access point which suggested that their cable would run alongside the established lay-by. The Clerk was asked to ascertain the position of these services and also to check the price of stone barriers.
The Clerk was asked to write to the Estate to see whether it would agree to a sign asking drivers to turn round on the parking area at the end of the lane.
Memorial trees: Councillor Graham Light confirmed that ART had agreed that the trees could be planted on the recreation ground.
Dog waste bin on the recreation ground: The Councillors agreed that one bin was insufficient and the Clerk was asked to arrange for the second bin to be emptied.
Playground: Councillor Graham Light presented details of an item of equipment that ART considered appropriate. It was agreed that the Council should purchase this using CIL funds..
11. Community Infrastructure Levy Reserve:
update: The Clerk confirmed that £6,926.13 is currently held but much of this will be used to purchase and install the new item of play equipment.
It was agreed that ART should meet the cost of the electrical improvements at the hall.
12. Finance:
The Clerk presented his report for the year to date and explained that he has not yet received the invoice for waste collection. This may delay the VAT claim. The only other expenditure which may occur before 31st March is the installation of the play equipment and any work on the Green. It was therefore agreed that any underspend of the maintenance budget, currently £4,923, should be carried forward. The general reserve carried forward is likely to be £6,658, including VAT yet to be claimed of £931. There is also an election reserve of £800.
The payments schedule was approved and signed by the Chairman.
Donation requests: None.
Internal audit: The Clerk confirmed that Caroline Billing had agreed to carry out the internal audit for this year.
13. Election 4th May 2023:
The Clerk confirmed that a notice had been placed in the March edition of The Leaflet. Councillor Rita Butler advised that a similar notice had been placed on the website. As Councillors Colin Butler and Tony Keeley advised that they would not be standing for re-election, the Chairman will issue a village WhatsApp message.
14. Coronation:
It was confirmed that celebrations would be as part of the pub night event.
15. Date of the Annual and Next Ordinary Meeting:
It was agreed that these would take place on 22nd May 2023, immediately after the Annual Parish Meeting which would convene at 6.30pm on that day. The Annual Parish Meeting would be advertised in The Leaflet.
16. Any Other Business:
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.50pm
17. Parishioners' Questions: There were none.
Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
held in the Jubilee Hall on Monday 9th January 2023 at 7.00pm
Present: Councillors R Fisken (Chairman), A Dick, C Butler, A Keeley, R Butler and G Light
In attendance: Paul Thompson (Clerk) and James Hole of Yattendon Estate
1. Apologies: There were none.
2. Declaration of Interests:
The Clerk confirmed that the Councillors present held dispensations to set the budget and precept for 2023/24 under item 12 of the agenda. There were no other declarations of interest.
3. Minutes:
The Minutes of the last Ordinary Meeting, held on 7 November 2022, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
4. Matters Arising not Covered in the Agenda: There were none.
5. District Councillor's Report: No report was received.
6. Police Matters:
Councillor Alex Dick had advised that he had nothing to report other than the recent spate of robberies in Leckhampstead, Peasemore and Brightwalton in which a Land Rover without number plates was thought to be involved. Residents should report sightings of suspect vehicles or activities to the police.
7. Footpaths and Byways:
Councillor Colin Butler confirmed that he had nothing to report other than the fact that the paths were very wet. Mr Hole confirmed that the Estate had been made aware of the damage to byways 25 and 30 caused by the forestry works and this will be made good once the works are completed.
8. Roads:
The Clerk was asked to report a pothole at the junction of Noakes Hill with the Aldworth Road to WBC. The Clerk was also asked to report flooding on Dog Lane and the B4009 as well as problems with surface water drainage in Church Lane.
The Chairman and the Clerk confirmed that they had each reported the fly tipping alongside the Aldworth Road, between Pyt Cottages and Yattendon Lane, to WBC.
Councillor Graham Light confirmed that he had drilled holes to drain the water from the salt bin on Noakes Hill.
9. Planning Applications:
22/02901 - St Clement's Church: Traditional ironwork arch over the eastern approach: 'No objections' had been submitted and awaiting decision from WBC.
10. Open Spaces Review:
Parking at The Green - The Chairman had raised the matter with all involved and hoped that a solution would soon be found. The Clerk was asked to obtain quotations for chain and post fencing to prevent vehicles driving on the Green.
Cherry tree by the Millennium Cross - The Clerk confirmed that WBC had removed the tree but were not prepared to give permission for a replacement due to a number of underground services at the site. Councillor Graham Light will ask ART whether the proposed cherry tree and the Jubilee apple tree could be planted on the recreation ground. The Chairman will also talk to residents regarding the possibility of planting the cherry tree in Chapel Lane.
Dog waste bins - The Clerk confirmed that the dog waste bin by the playground had been taken out of use. In view of the bin by the notice board being rather full over the Christmas period, he will monitor collections to ensure that the second bin is not needed before it is finally removed.
Grass cutting contract - The quotation from Scofell Landscapes Limited in the annual sum of £2271.92, plus VAT, for both 2023 and 2024 was accepted. This represents a 10% increase on 2023. Two other contractors failed to respond
Playground - Councillor Graham Light confirmed that ART was still raising money for the project. It was thought that the Parish Council would be asked to provide a new climbing frame.
11. Community Infrastructure Levy Reserve:
Update: The Clerk confirmed that £6,926.13 is currently held after purchasing the football goals for £224.92. The balance will be spent on the playground project.
12. Finance:
The Clerk presented his report for the year to date and explained that he has not assumed any savings from budget at this stage as it is intended that part of the maintenance budget will be used for playground improvements. A sum may also be required for the proposed chain and post fencing at The Green.
Payments were authorised for the following -
Clerk's net salary and expenses for two months £235.76
New goals, including recoverable VAT £269.90
Village website domain name and support £ 93.60
PAYE on Clerk's salary for three months £ 87.80
Donation requests - It was agreed that a donation of £50 would be made to West Berkshire Countryside Society. £375 would be paid to West Berkshire Library Service as they have continued to provide the mobile library to the village.
Budget 2023/24 - The Clerk presented his revised budget, still restricting the increase in the precept to 2%. This indicated that there would be a small surplus of £17 against one of £610 for the current year. The budget was unanimously agreed and the precept set at £7,048.
13. Any Other Business:
It was suggested that the Clerk should place an article in The Leaflet and on the website in respect of the May election.
It was suggested that the Clerk should ask Caroline Billing whether she would be able to carry out the internal audit this year now that she has moved away from the village.
14. There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.02pm
15. Date of the Next Meeting:
The next ordinary meeting will convene at 7.00pm on 6th March 2023.
16. Parishioners' Questions: There were none.
Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
held in the Jubilee Hall on
Monday 7th November 2022 at 7.00pm
Present: Councillors R Fisken (Chairman), C Butler and G Light
In attendance: Paul Thompson (Clerk) and 3 Parishioners
1. Apologies: Councillors Alex Dick, Tony Keeley and Rita Butler
2. Declaration of Interests:
The Clerk confirmed that the Councillors present held dispensations to discuss the draft budget for 2023/24 under item 13 of the agenda.
3. Minutes:
The Minutes of the last Ordinary Meeting, held on 5th September 2022, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
4. Matters Arising Not Covered in the Agenda:
The Chairman reported that there had been positive feedback on the defibrillator training course. Those present were very impressed with the trainer.
5. District Councillor's Report:
None received.
6. Police Matters:
The Chairman reported the break in on a car at the recreation ground which was thought to be an attempt to steal valuables from inside. The advice therefore is not to leave any valuables in an unattended vehicle.
Councillor Alex Dick had advised prior to the meeting that he will provide a report once he was well enough to do so.
7. Footpaths and Byways:
Councillor Colin Butler confirmed that he had nothing to report.
8. Roads:
The Clerk was asked to check the road surface on Palmers Hill as it was thought that there was one pothole that may need reporting to WBC.
9. Planning:
Application Updates:
22/01287 - Walnut Tree Cottage, Ashampstead Common: Construction of new garage. Refused by WBC.
22/01437 - The Grain Store, Wyld Court Farm: Change of use to B8 storage. Approved by WBC.
10. Open Spaces:
Parking at The Green: The Clerk was asked to report the matter to the Estate in accordance with the terms of the lease and to ask whether hedging would be permitted alongside the road to discourage vehicles from driving onto the green. Separate legal advice would be sought in order to ensure that we do not breach any conditions of the lease.
Cherry tree by the Millennium Cross: The Clerk was asked to chase WBC for a response to our request for its removal.
Waste bins: WBC has advised that the new contract for emptying dog waste bins would increase to £177 per annum for each bin. Other Councils had reported that outside contractors would charge more. As there will be weekly collections, it was agreed that the bin near the playground would be removed. It was agreed the litter bin within the playground should be kept for the time being although the cost for emptying it will increase to £136.
Playground: Councillor Graham Light confirmed that ART were considering the removal of the fence and not replacing it. This would allow more to be spent on new equipment. ART
were continuing to raise monies via The Good Exchange.
Trees on Flowers Piece: Graham advised that ART were now meeting the cost of tree surgery. The Clerk advised that if the maintenance reserve was no longer required for this purpose, the Council could consider using it to replace playground equipment.
11. Community Infrastructure Levy Reserve:
Update: The Clerk confirmed that £7,151.05 is currently held but that this must be spent by October 2024. This has largely been earmarked for the playground project.
Goal post replacement: Councillor Graham Light confirmed that he will obtain quotes for new goal posts as the existing ones were beyond repair.
12. Website Advertising Policy:
It was agreed that no advertising would be allowed on the Parish Council website.
13. Finance:
The Clerk presented his report for the year to date and explained that he has not assumed any savings from budget at this stage as it is intended that part of the maintenance budget will be used for playground improvements.
Payments were authorised for the following:
Grass cutting for two months £619.60
Clerk's net salary and expenses for two months £235.76
Mapping software: It was agreed that we should continue with this for another year.
Donation requests: It was agreed that a donation of £30 would be made to Sue Ryder re The Duchess of Kent Hospice. This had been included in the budget for the current year.
Budget 2023/24: The Clerk presented his initial draft, restricting the increase in the precept to 2%. This indicated that there would be a deficit of £732 against an anticipated surplus of £610 for the current year. He explained that the figures were more uncertain for that year as we need to obtain quotations for grass cutting at the recreation ground and the green. Councillors would consider various options to reduce costs where possible. We must also assume that an election will be held in May 2023.
14. Any Other Business:
There was none.
15. Date of the Next Meeting:
The next ordinary meeting will convene at 7.00pm on Monday 9th January 2023.
16. The meeting closed at 8.34pm
17. Parishioners' Questions:
There were none.
Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
held in the Jubilee Hall on Monday 5th September 2022 at 7.00pm
Present: Councillors R Fisken (Chairman), C Butler, A Keeley, R Butler and G Light
In attendance: Paul Thompson (Clerk) and District Councillor Alan Law
1. Apologies: Councillor Alex Dick
2. Declaration of Interests: None
3. Minutes:
The Minutes of the last Ordinary Meeting, held on 4th July 2022, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
4. Matter Arising Not Covered in the Agenda: There were none.
5. District Councillor's Report:
District Councillor Alan Law was pleased to report that there had been a significant increase in library services in recent months. In addition, parks in Newbury and Calcot had been given Green Flag awards. It has been established that West Berkshire now has a population of 166,400 in 66,000 households. The main concern for the District Council is that there has been an increase of 20% in the over 65s, This has put considerable pressure on the social care budget.
6. Police Matters:
Councillor Alex Dick had advised prior to the meeting that he had nothing to report.
7. Footpaths and Byways:
Councillor Colin Butler confirmed that he had nothing to report.
8. Roads:
Highways winter service plan: It was noted that the B4009, Aldworth Road and Yattendon Lane were the only parish roads included in West Berkshire Council’s snow clearance and primary treatment routes. Roads through and within the main village will qualify for secondary treatment only. This is similar to the plan for previous years. Salt bins are available on Noakes Hill, Palmers Hill and Pykes Hill to help clear those particular roads. The Clerk was asked to check salt levels.
Maintenance review: Notices had been put up concerning road closures for the repairs to
Palmers Hill, Holly Lane and Noakes Hill. Councillor Rita Butler advised that she had put the details on the website. The Chairman advised that he had contacted WBC regarding the poor information provided in connection with the 4 day closure of the B4009 from Hermitage to Streatley. The Clerk advised that he had received a response shortly before the meeting which indicated that the work of clearing gullies would have separate phases over the 4 days. Sections of the road would therefore only be closed for one day at a time. The Chairman will issue details to residents via the local WhatsApp group .
9. Open Spaces:
Parking at The Green: It was agreed that the Chairman and the Clerk should talk to residents regarding regular parking on the green which may be contrary to the terms of the Parish Council's lease with the Estate. The layby was created for visitor parking and also to provide a passing point on that narrow road.
Maintenance review: Councillor Graham Light confirmed that ART were considering the removal of the fence and the bench which are in a poor state of repair. A decision will then be made as to how best to improve the playground from the overall funds available. The District Councillor advised that he may be able to help the project through a 'member's bid' to WBC. This is likely to be available in February 2023.
10. Planning:
22/01287 - Walnut Tree Cottage, Ashampstead Common: Construction of new garage. Awaiting decision from WBC.
22/01437 - The Grain Store, Wyld Court Farm: Change of use to B8 storage. Awaiting decision from WBC.
11. Community Infrastructure Levy Reserve:
Update: The Clerk confirmed that £7,151.05 is currently held but that this must be spent by October 2024. This has been earmarked for the playground project. Councillor Graham Light confirmed that he was currently obtaining quotations to replace equipment and fencing.
12. Defibrillator Training:
The Chairman confirmed that there were 12 residents to attend the course on 28th September.
13. Finance:
The Clerk presented his report for the year to date and explained that he has not assumed any savings from budget at this stage as it is intended that part of the maintenance budget will be used for playground improvements.
Payments were authorised for the following:
Grass cutting for two months £619.60
Clerk's net salary and expenses for two months £237.80
PAYE on Clerk's salary for three months £ 88.00
Donation requests: It was agreed that no further donations would be made as the remaining budget was committed to charities which benefit residents.
Annual Return 2021/22: The Clerk confirmed that no requests for information had been received from residents in response to the notice of public rights.
14. Any Other Business:
The Clerk advised Councillors that the SAAA were to appoint external auditors for local authorities for the next 5 year term. There was little point in appointing our own auditors as the parish council is currently exempt from an external audit as its annual income or expenditure is below £25,000. The External Auditors may, however, deal with any enquiries from residents regarding the annual return.
The Clerk was asked to write to the Estate to thank them for the work on the trees in Dog Lane which has greatly improved their appearance and also for cutting the grass on some footpaths and byways.
15. Date of the Next Meeting:
The next ordinary meeting would convene at 7.00pm on Monday 7th November 2022.
16. There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.58pm
17. Parishioners' Questions. There were none.
Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
held in the Jubilee Hall on Monday 4th July 2022 at 7.00pm
Present: Councillors R Fisken (Chairman), A Dick, C Butler, R Butler and G Light
In attendance: Paul Thompson (Clerk)
1. Apologies: Councillor Anthony Keeley
2. Declaration of Interests: None
3. Minutes:
The Minutes of the Annual Meeting and the last Ordinary Meeting, held on 16th May 2022, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
4. Matters Arising Not Covered in the Agenda: There were none.
5. District Councillor's Report: None received.
6. Police Matters:
Councillor Alex Dick advised that there were concerns regarding theft of keyless cars. It was suggested that key devices should be kept in a metal box to prevent signal being accessed by thieves nearby.
7. Footpaths and Byways:
Councillor Colin Butler confirmed that he had nothing to report.
Ashampstead Common notice board: Councillors recorded their thanks to Mr Mike Lawson for his excellent repair of the notice board. They agreed that a donation should be made to The Trussell Trust, nominated by Mr Lawson, in recognition of his efforts.
8. Roads:
Maintenance review - The Clerk was asked to write to West Berkshire Council regarding the poor road surface and other issues on Palmers Hill, Holly Lane and Noakes Hill.
9. Open Spaces:
Maintenance Review - Councillor Graham Light confirmed that ART had met the cost of removing two trees on the recreation ground. No further work was expected to be required at the present time.
10. District Parish Conference:
The Chairman advised that he had attended the event and that the principal matters discussed were as follows:
West Berkshire Council is moving forward with an environmental agenda and is giving it high priority. WBC declared a climate emergency in 2019 and aims for its operations to be 'carbon-zero' by 2030. They plan to commit £22m from their capital budget to environmental expenditure.
WBC aim to offer grants to about 120-130 households as part of a 'sustainable warmth' programme. This would involve funding for better insulation and more efficient boilers, amongst other things.
The environmental policies of large landowners such as Yattendon Estates will play an important part in determining what happens in individual parishes so it is important that Parish and Town Councils are in touch with their local landowners about this.
In future, all planning applications will be closely scrutinised for details of the energy consumption and energy efficiency of the proposed development. They plan to ask the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy for guidance on how they (WBC) can include greater efficiency and carbon reduction in their local plan.
WBC intends to discuss with Parish and Town councils the possibility of developing alternative energy sources to be used by small communities, for example heat pumps that could serve several properties.
11. Planning:
Applications -
22/01287 - Walnut Tree Cottage, Ashampstead Common: Construction of new garage. The Councillors unanimously agreed that an objection should be submitted due to the height of the building and the windows in the roof which were deemed unnecessary for the stated use. If granted, a condition ought to be applied such that the garage could not be occupied other than for purposes ancillary/incidental to the residential use of the cottage.
22/01437 - The Grain Store, Wyld Court Farm: Change of use to B8 storage. The Councillors unanimously agreed that an objection should be submitted due to its impact on highways. It is suggested that the reported traffic movements for existing use were exaggerated, having regard to the number of harvests and total contents of the store. In addition much of the existing traffic would be very localised and some on farm. The proposed use would have a much greater impact on other local roads which in some cases are partially single track, as with roads through Ashampstead. Whilst signage advises that such roads are unsuitable for HGVs, it will not stop their use when drivers are relying on satnavs to travel to/from Reading or east on the M4.
The Clerk was asked to submit the observations to WBC.
Updates -
22/00265/CERTE - Walnut Tree Cottage, Ashampstead Common: Use of land as domestic curtilage incidental to the property. Granted by WBC.
22/00480 - Redwood, Burnt Hill: Erection of 3 bay frontage carport. Refused by WBC.
12. Community Infrastructure Levy Reserve:
Update - The Clerk confirmed that £7,151.05 is currently held but that this must be spent by October 2024.
Councillor Graham Light advised that ART were obtaining quotations for a new fence and possibly a new climbing frame. The Clerk suggested that the saving on the Platinum Jubilee celebrations could be allocated to such improvements together with part of the maintenance reserve, although this would restrict any other expenditure on Flowers Piece.
13. Defibrillator Training:
The Clerk was asked to obtain potential dates for a second training course.
The Chairman will register the defibrillator on the national database so that its whereabouts can be advised in the event of a local emergency call.
14. Platinum Jubilee Celebrations:
Councillor Graham Light confirmed that the event had been well supported despite the disappointing weather.
15. Finance:
The Clerk presented his report for the year to date and explained that he had moved the savings on the Platinum Jubilee to the Flowers Piece maintenance budget for now, pending a decision on playground improvements.
Payments were authorised for the following:
Clerk's net salary £234.40
Clerk's expenses £ 86.57
Grass cutting £619.60
PAYE on Clerk's salary £ 87.80
Payments had been authorised prior to the meeting for the following:
Jubilee celebrations £1,133.99
Materials for notice board repair £ 135.66
It was agreed that donations under Section 137 should also be made of £50 to Thames Valley Air Ambulance, £25 to Macmillan Cancer Support, £25 to Marie Curie South Region and £50 to The Trussell Trust.
16. Any Other Business:
Councillor Rita Butler advised that she was currently preparing instructions for the management of the new website.
17. Date of the Next Meeting:
The next Ordinary Meeting would convene at 7.00pm on 5th September 2022.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.13pm
18. Parishioners' Questions: There were none
Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
held in the Jubilee Hall on Monday 16th May 2022 at 7.08pm
Present: Councillors R Fisken (Chairman), A Dick, C Butler, A Keeley, R Butler and G Light
In attendance: Paul Thompson (Clerk) and one parishioner
1. Apologies: None
2. Declaration of Interests: None
3. Police Matters:
Councillor Alex Dick advised that he had nothing to report.
4. Footpaths and Byways:
Councillor Colin Butler confirmed that he had nothing to report.
Councillors were pleased that the water leak on footpath 21 had been repaired following the report to the Estate.
5. Roads:
Maintenance review: Nothing reported but Councillor Alex Dick confirmed that the poor surface on part of Palmers Hill had finally been repaired.
6. Open Spaces Review:
Assets of community value: The suggestion that the Green and the recreation ground should be declared as 'assets of community value' was considered by the Council. The Clerk advised that The Green is subject to a 50 year lease from September 2006 at a rent of a peppercorn between the Estate and the Parish Council. It was agreed it was not necessary to register it as an asset of community value with the lease having such a long period unexpired.
The Clerk advised that the recreation ground and village hall are effectively owned by the community through Ashampstead Recreational Trust, a registered charity. The Trust is managed in accordance with a Scheme approved by the Charity Commission. Under the scheme, only the village hall can be sold if there are insufficient funds to maintain it. Any proceeds would be retained by the Trust. The Councillors agreed that no action was necessary.
Maintenance review: The Clerk was asked to establish whether the notice board at Ashampstead Common was irreparable. If so, it was agreed that a replacement should be purchased.
7. Planning:
22/00265/CERTE - Walnut Tree Cottage, Ashampstead Common: Use of land as domestic curtilage incidental to the property. Awaiting a decision from WBC.
22/00394/FULD Section 73A - Redwood, Burnt Hill: Variation of Condition 2 of previously approved planning application 20/02001 (additional 3 bay car port). Withdrawn.
22/00478 - Hilltop, Palmers Hill, Ashampstead: Gazebo. Approved by WBC
22/00480 - Redwood, Burnt Hill: Erection of 3 bay frontage carport at. Awaiting a decision from WBC.
8. Community Infrastructure Levy Reserve:
Update: The Clerk confirmed that £2,095.82, net of VAT, had recently been spent on 3 picnic tables and a marquee. However, a further sum of £2,812.25 had been received. The balance now held has thus increased to £7,151.05.
Councillor Graham Light advised that ART may wish the Parish Council to replace and enlarge the fence surrounding the playground or to replace the climbing frame.
9. Defibrillator Training:
The Chairman reported that about twelve residents had attended the course, which also covered basic life support. They provided very positive feedback. It was agreed that the cost would be met from the Jubilee celebrations budget. It was agreed that a further course would be of benefit to the community.
10. Platinum Jubilee Celebrations:
ART had confirmed that appropriate insurance cover is held and that risk management advice would be given to volunteers.
The Clerk was asked to purchase a megaphone for the event.
11. Complaint From Resident:
It was agreed that the Chairman would issue the agreed response on behalf of the Council.
12. Finance:
Payments were authorised for the following:
Grass cutting £619.60
Clerk's net salary £234.40
Clerk's expenses £ 88.06
Insurance £159.02
2 Subscriptions £126.50
Jubilee expenses £ 14.29
Data protection registration £ 35.00
Payments had been authorised prior to the meeting for the following:
3 Picnic tables £1,620.00
Marquee £894.98
Defibrillator training £250.00
It was agreed that donations under Section 137 should also be made of £250 to Ashampstead PCC, £60 to Pangbourne & District Volunteer Centre, £25 to West Berkshire Citizens Advice Bureau and £30 to Berkshire Vision.
13. Any Other Business:
It was agreed that no member's bid would be requested via our District Councillor.
14. Date of the Next Meeting:
The next ordinary meeting would convene at 7.00pm on Monday 4th July 2022.
15. There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.07pm