Ashampstead Parish Council
Archive: Extraordinary/Planning Meetings
1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019
Minutes of an Extraordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
held in the Jubilee Hall on Wednesday 28 November 2018 at 6.00pm
Present: Councillors T Butcher (Chairman), C Butler, A Dick, R Butler and R Fisken
In attendance: P Thompson (Clerk) and five members of the public.
1. Apologies: Councillor A Keeley
2. Declaration of Interests: None
The Chairman adjourned the meeting at this point to hear comments from members of the public after which they chose to leave.
3. Planning Application:
18/02855/FULD - Demolition of existing house and erection of one new house and garage at Redwood House, Burnt Hill.
It was unanimously agreed that the Council should submit an objection to this application on the following grounds:
The proposed development is too large and its mass will have an overbearing impact on all neighbouring properties.
The numerous windows in both the proposed NW and SE elevations at first floor level will result in an unacceptable loss of privacy to the immediate neighbouring properties.
The ridge is set at an unnecessary high level, although it is noted from the plans that there is a proposed staircase to a third level but no plans as to what will be there. Councillors had been made aware of a very similar property in Whitchurch, near Pangbourne, which has three windows at the third level at the front of the property.
No comment could be made on the proposed garage block as no plans have been provided for that element of the development
The development clearly fails to meet WBC's policy C7 for replacement of existing dwellings in the AONB.
Trees have been removed at the site suggesting that works were already in progress. The tree officer should be asked to investigate.
The Clerk was asked to pass on these observations to West Berkshire Council.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 6.47pm