Ashampstead Parish Council
Minutes Ordinary & Annual Meetings
1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting
held in the Jubilee Hall
on Monday 13 May 2019 at 6.30pm
Present: Councillors T Butcher, C Butler, A Dick, R Butler, A Keeley and R Fisken
In attendance: Paul Thompson (Clerk), District Councillor A Law, D Slack (Yattendon Estate) and four parishioners
Councillor Trudi Butcher chaired the meeting.
1. Apologies: There were none.
2. The Minutes of the last Annual Meeting were approved and signed by the Chairman.
3. Chairman’s Report:
The Council met eight times during the year to 31 March 2019, including two extraordinary meetings to discuss planning applications.
As in previous years, certain councillors agreed to take lead roles for specific matters. Alex Dick undertook police matters, Colin Butler undertook footpaths and highways, Tony Keeley took the lead on planning matters, Rita Butler manages the Village website, Roger Fisken manages the defibrillator and I continued to represent the Council on ART. Subsequently, I took responsibility for Data Protection regulations in as much as they affect the Parish Council.
The Council was asked to make observations on a total of nine planning applications over the last year, one of which was subsequently withdrawn. Six of the remaining eight have been granted permission by West Berkshire Council with two, relating to the same property, being refused. One of those applications was subject to an appeal which has very recently been dismissed.
The Clerk continues to report potholes and other highway issues to West Berkshire Council on a regular basis. The Council is also now responsible for providing salt bins and maintaining the level of salt. Consequently I must ask residents to ensure that the salt is only used on the hills for which the bins are provided. If you have any concerns regarding the salt levels or the bins, please contact the Clerk.
The Council continues to monitor footpaths and byways, reporting problems to either the landowners or West Berkshire Council. We continue to cut the grass on the recreation ground and The Green. We have also allowed sums in the budget to meet the cost of tree surgery and essential playground repairs on behalf of ART. The Council has agreed to meet these costs until a regular hirer of the hall is found, although ART is expected to carry out works on the recreation ground that could be carried out by work parties. Emergency tree surgery was carried out at a cost of £450 but no other maintenance was required in this year. Any underspend from the maintenance budget will be carried forward as a specific reserve since work usually needs to be carried out every two to three years. Further inspections of both the trees and the playground will be carried out by ART during the current year.
Councillor Alex Dick continues to update us on police matters through the text alert system and dog watch which help to reduce local crime. These do however rely on residents being vigilant and reporting any suspicious activity to the police and Alex.
The Council had received a Community Infrastructure Levy of £2,263 in October 2016 which must be spent on capital projects within five years. So far we have spent £1725 on the defibrillator and £208 on portable goal posts leaving a balance of £330 still available. We have since been advised that we are to receive a further £1642 from another property extension. The Council would welcome any suggestions as to how this money could be spent.
Councillor Rita Butler is happy that the village website at "www.ashampstead.net" is working well. The site provides useful information about the village and its events as well as Parish Council matters.
As regards finances, the Council received a precept of £6,640 for 2018/19 and also received a VAT repayment of £805 for the previous year.
Income was spent on the following items, excluding VAT:
Clerk's salary £1,620; Administrative costs £731; Grass cutting £1,985; Flowers Piece maintenance £450; Dog and other waste collection £81; Donations to local charities £475 and the library contribution to WBC £375; VAT paid on these items totalling £574 will be recovered in 2019/20. This resulted in a surplus for the year of £1,154 against a budgeted deficit of £1,373. The difference is largely due to the underspend on Flowers Piece maintenance.
The Council’s retained funds of £9,881 at 31 March 2019 include an election reserve of £800, the CIL reserve of £330 and a Flowers Piece maintenance reserve of £2,200.
The precept for the current year is £6,640. This includes donations of £250 towards grass cutting of the churchyard, the councillors agreed this contribution as the church is a special feature of the village and footpath 23 passes through the churchyard, £200 to Carebus to ensure that the service is still available to residents following the reduction in support from the District Council and £375 to WBC's library service which is conditional on the continuance of the mobile library. Please use the latter two services as otherwise they may cease.
I would like to thank our District Councillor, Virginia Von Celsing, for the information and support that she has given the Council on a number of matters. I would also like to thank my fellow Councillors for their support over the last year but most particularly Paul Thompson, the Clerk, whose help and advice are, as usual, so invaluable to the smooth running of the Parish Council.
Finally, I should mention that after many years I decided to stand down from the Council as did Colin Butler. This has resulted in two vacancies on the Council which will need to be filled by co-option as no additional candidates put themselves forward for the recent election. Whilst we may not have many powers, Councillors can try to influence what happens within the parish and ensure that services are provided in a satisfactory manner. I hope that the new Council will find volunteers to be co-opted quite quickly.
The Chairman invited District Councillor Alan Law to say a few words. Alan explained that he had now become our District Councillor as a result of the recent boundary changes which joined our parish with Aldworth, Streatley and Basildon in the new "Basildon" Ward.
Alan advised that it was as a result of his intervention that this group was put together. He stated that he hoped that we would find his support as helpful as that provided by our former District Councillor Virginia Von Celsing.
4. Parishioners' Questions:
A resident raised concerns regarding the level of influence that the Parish Council had in planning applications, having been appalled by large developments in some villages.
The District Councillor explained that there is a national policy and a district policy, known as the local plan. There is currently a consultation on the new local plan for the period 2020 to 2036. One can influence planning by responding to this consultation, that said it is the government which sets the overall targets. They use a formula, based on demographics, to calculate the number of houses required in a district but the formula changes every two to three years! Alan explained that as part of the Basildon ward our planning applications will now come before the Eastern Area Committee of which he is Chairman.
The Clerk explained that our parish is in the AONB and that, as it has no settlement boundary, it is deemed to be open countryside. This is a useful barrier to stop major developments in the parish!
A resident asked whether the District Council has used compulsory purchase for developments. The District Councillor advised that the Council does use such powers when necessary although he could recall only one example where it was used in Newbury.
A resident queried the recent lack of text alerts regarding police matters. Councillor Alex Dick explained that the text alerts had stopped as the "mailchimp" system had ceased to be available to him. It was therefore no longer economic to inform residents of incidents by text. Dog watch alerts were available on its facebook page. It was suggested that an article should be put in The Leaflet.
5. Any Other Business:
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 6.57 p.m.
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council
held in the Jubilee Hall
on Monday 13 May 2019 at 7.00pm
Present: Retiring Chairman T Butcher, retiring Vice Chairman C Butler and Councillors A Dick, R Butler, A Keeley and R Fisken.
In attendance: P Thompson (Clerk), District Councillor A Law, D Slack (Yattendon Estate) and two parishioners.
1. Apologies: There were none.
2. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman:
Councillor Roger Fisken was elected as Chairman and Councillor Alex Dick was elected as Vice Chairman. Both accepted their respective offices. At this point Roger thanked the former Chairman Trudi Butcher for her long service as Councillor and more recently as Chairman of the Council and presented her with a small gift.
3. Minutes:
The minutes of the last ordinary meeting of the Council were approved and signed by the Chairman.
4. Co-option of Councillors:
Colin Butler was co-opted onto the Council. Graham Light was also co-opted onto the Council, but, as a recent newcomer to the village, the Clerk was asked to check from when his appointment would be effective.
5. Declarations of Acceptance of Office:
All Councillors declared acceptance of office.
6. Agreement of Roles and Responsibilities:
It was agreed that Rita Butler would represent the Council on ART and continue to manage the village website, Alex Dick would take police matters, Colin Butler would take footpaths and byways, Tony Keeley would take the lead on planning matters and the Chairman would continue to maintain the defibrillator. The Clerk would report back on GDPR at the July meeting of the Council.
7. Register of Councillors' Interests:
There were none.
8. Standing Orders and Financial Regulations:
The Clerk explained that the amended documents contained changes due to the new General Data Protection Regulations. The Standing Orders were reviewed and approved. The Financial regulations were also reviewed and approved.
9. Inventory of Land and Assets:
The inventory of land and assets was reviewed and approved.
10. Risk Management Register:
The risks and responses thereto were considered and the register approved.
11. Insurance Cover:
It was agreed that the cover offered through BHIB was adequate and should be accepted. BHIB's premium was significantly lower than the other quotation received.
12. Internal Controls and Annual Governance Statement:
The Councillors reviewed the statement of internal controls and the annual governance statement. These, together with the risk management register, accounting records and annual accounts had been reviewed by the Council’s internal auditor, Caroline Billing, as confirmed by her Annual Internal Audit Report. Both were approved and the Annual Governance Statement in the Annual Governance and Accountability Return was duly signed by the Chairman and the Clerk. The Chairman recorded his thanks to Caroline for carrying out the internal audit so promptly.
13. Receipts and Payments Accounts for the Year Ended 31 March 2019:
The annual accounts which had been circulated to the Councillors prior to the meeting were adopted and signed by the Chairman and the Clerk. The accounting statements included in the Annual Return were also adopted and signed by the Chairman and the Clerk.
It was agreed that the Certificate of Exemption from a limited assurance review by the external auditors should be completed and this was signed by the Clerk and the Chairman.
14. Complaints Procedure:
The complaints procedure was reviewed and approved.
15. Requests under the Freedom of Information Act:
The existing arrangements were reviewed and approved without amendment.
16. Future Meetings:
It was agreed that ordinary meetings would be held at 7.00 p.m. on Monday 01 July 2019, on Monday 9 September 2019, on Monday 11 November 2019, on Monday 13 January 2020 and on Monday 09 March 2020.
News from Yattendon Estate:
David Slack gave a brief summary of items which may be of interest to residents:
The Yattendon Village Fete will be held on Monday 27 May.
There will be an open day event at Haw Farm on 9 June, from 10.00 am to 4 pm. It will be a children friendly event.
There will be a classic car show opposite Yattendon church on 23 June.
The Statutory Annual Parish Council Meeting closed at 7.36pm
Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
held in the Jubilee Hall
on Monday 13 May 2019 at 7.37pm
Present: Councillors R Fisken (Chairman), A Dick, C Butler, R Butler and A Keeley
In attendance: P Thompson (Clerk) and two residents
1. Apologies: There were none.
2. Declaration of Interests: There were none.
3. Police Matters:
Councillor Alex Dick reported that fly tipping continues to be a problem in the area as are dog thefts. The latter now seem more targeted at popular breeds, particularly French bulldogs.
4. Footpaths and Byways:
The Clerk was asked to report fallen trees across byway 30 and bridleway 10 to Yattendon Estate. He was also asked to remind the Estate that the tree across footpath 16 still needed to be moved.
5. Roads:
The Clerk was asked to report potholes on the Aldworth Road to WBC.
The Chairman will organise a litter pick day and publish it in The Leaflet and on the website. WBC will provide the necessary equipment.
6. Flowers Piece & The Green:
Maintenance review: There was nothing to report.
7. Planning:
Applications update:
19/00777 Variation of condition (2) on previous approved application 16/02117 at 6 Stubbles. "No objections" submitted, awaiting decision from WBC.
Appeals update:
18/00063 Demolition of existing house and erection of two new houses at Redwood House, Burnt Hill. Appeal dismissed by Inspector.
8. Infrastructure Levy:
The Clerk reminded Councillors that the Council had received a levy of £1642.78 in respect of 9 Flowers Piece. He confirmed that this must be spent on qualifying expenditure within 5 years of receipt. The total now available to spend was £1972.90.
9. Finance:
Payments were authorised as follows:
P Thompson £220.00 Clerk's net salary for April and May
P Thompson £ 82.15 Clerk's expenses, including Chairman's gift
Scofell Landscapes Ltd £607.46 Grass cutting for March and April
Hampshire Association of Local Councils £ 83.49 Subscription
The Information Commissioner £ 40.00 GDPR registration fee
BHIB Ltd £142.94 Insurance to 31 May 2020
CPRE £ 36.00 Subscription
It was agreed that donations under Section 137 should also be made of £250 to Ashampstead PCC, £60 to Pangbourne & District Volunteer Centre, £200 to Carebus Volunteer Group, £25 to West Berkshire Citizens Advice Bureau and £30 to Berkshire Vision.
10. Any Other Business:
There was no further business.
11. Meeting Closes:
The meeting closed at 8.23pm
12. Parishioners' Questions:
There were none.
13. Date of Next Meeting:
The next meeting will convene at 7.00pm on 01 July 2019.
Minutes on an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
held in the Jubilee Hall on Monday 04 March 2019 at 7.00pm
Present: Councillors T Butcher (Chairman), A Dick, A Keeley and R Fisken
In attendance: P Thompson (Clerk)
1. Apologies: Councillors C Butler and R Butler and District Councillor V Von Celsing
2. Declaration of Interests: None
3. Minutes:
The Minutes of the last Ordinary Meeting of the Council were approved and signed by the Chairman.
4. District Councillor's Report: There was no report.
5. Police matters:
Councillor Alex Dick had circulated his report prior to the meeting which highlighted points from the Thames Valley Police Rural Crime Group. The main local issues were an increase in pheasant pens being attacked and dogs filmed being made to attack a sow protecting her piglets in the Streatley area. Another matter which was of concern was the theft of batteries providing back up supply to mobile phone masts. Other crimes within the wider district included thefts of livestock, lead and copper from church roofs and engines from heritage tractors and one acid attack on a dairy cow.
6. Footpaths and Byways:
It was noted that the Estate had appeared to abandon efforts to remove a fallen tree across footpath 16 due to its size. It was however possible to walk around the obstruction. The Clerk advised that all the remaining fallen trees reported to the Estate had been removed from the public rights of way.
7. Roads:
No problems reported although concern was expressed regarding the amount of litter on roads within the parish. The Clerk was asked to contact our District Councillor to establish whether WBC would support a litter picking day in providing equipment, hi-viz jackets and bags and their collection.
8. Planning:
appeal update: 18/00063 Demolition of existing house and erection of two new houses at Redwood House, Burnt Hill. Still awaiting the Inspector's decision.
9. Maintenance Review:
The Clerk advised that the salt bin on Pykes Hill was badly damaged and was filling with water. As it was half full, it was agreed that no action be taken until more of the salt had been removed. The Clerk was asked to check with the insurers as to whether any liability can be attached to the Council due to the provision of salt bins.
Councillor Alex Dick agreed to inspect the notice board at Ashampstead Common with a view to replacing the broken perspex sheet in the door.
Councillor Tony Keeley advised that he was having difficulty in finding suitable hardwood to fix the bench. He would, if necessary, use extra soft wood to strengthen the seat.
The Chairman confirmed that the Council would not need to meet any costs regarding repairs to the playground as the inspection report had required only minor repairs to a swing which ART will pay. Michael Cairns was still to carry out a review of the trees but it was unlikely to involve any costs before 31 March 2019.
It was agreed that an approach should be made to the Estate regarding repairs to the lay-by alongside The Green. Vehicles were encroaching further onto the grass and making the problem worse.
10. May Elections:
The Clerk advised that he had received the nomination packs which will be made available to all candidates standing for election. Notices of election would be placed on the website and notice boards once received from WBC.
11. Infrastructure Levy:
As the bench on Flowers Piece was to be repaired it was agreed that further thought should be given to utilising the balance of £330.
12. Finance:
The Clerk presented his financial report for the year to date which showed that income and expenditure continued to be broadly in line with the budget, other than the likely underspend of £2200 on the maintenance budgets. It had been agreed, when setting the precept for 2019/20, that this would be carried forward as a specific reserve, if not spent by 31 March 2019, due to the high cost of tree surgery.
Payments were authorised as follows:
P Thompson £216.00 Clerk's salary for February and March
P Thompson £63.72 Clerk's expenses
HM Revenue & Customs £81.00 PAYE on Clerk's salary, January to March 2019
There were no donation requests.
Internal audit - it was agreed that the Clerk should ask Caroline Billing to carry out the audit on behalf of the Council.
13. Any Other Business:
There was none.
14. Date of Annual and next Ordinary Meetings of the Council:
It was agreed that these meetings would take place on 13 May 2019 immediately after the Annual Parish Meeting which would convene at 6.30 pm on that day.
15. The meeting closed at 8.10pm
16. Parishioners' Questions:
There were none.
Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
held in the Jubilee Hall on Monday 14 January 2019 at 7.00pm
Present: Councillors T Butcher (Chairman), A Keeley, R Butler and R Fisken
In attendance: P Thompson (Clerk) and Alan Laws (District Councillor for Basildon Ward)
1. Apologies: Councillors C Butler and Alex Dick and District Councillor V Von Celsing
The Chairman adjourned the meeting so that the District Councillor could explain the changes to ward boundaries following the decision by West Berkshire Council to reduce the number of its councillors from 52 to 43. Ashampstead will be part of the new Basildon ward which will also include the parishes of Streatley, Aldworth and Basildon. Councillors were quite happy with the new ward as we have links with Aldworth, through "The Leaflet" magazine, and with that parish and Basildon through the church ministry. Alan proposes to stand as a conservative candidate for the new ward at the Council elections in May. Alan left at this point and the formal meeting continued.
2. Declaration of Interests: None
3 & 5. Minutes:
The Minutes of the last Ordinary Meeting of the Council were approved and signed by the Chairman.
The Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting on 28 November 2018 were also approved and signed by the Chairman.
4. Matters Arising not covered by the Agenda: There were none.
6. District Councillor's Report: There was no report.
7. Police Matters: There were none.
8. Footpaths and Byways:
The Clerk advised that there were further branches, at head height, leaning across footpath 18. The Chairman agreed to raise the matter with the landowner.
Councillor Roger Fisken advised that byway 33 was now clear.
9. Roads:
The Clerk advised that he had contacted WBC regarding flooding on the Aldworth Road by The Fleece and Feathers following a complaint from a parishioner. WBC have carried out significant work in exposing the drains which should alleviate the problem for now.
The Clerk was asked to report potholes on Palmers Hill and the Aldworth Road.
10. Planning Applications Update:
18/02811 Single storey rear extension following demolition of two single storey elements at the rear of 10 Flowers Piece. Approved by WBC.
18/02855 Demolition of existing house and erection of one new house and garage at Redwood House, Burnt Hill. Refused by WBC. The Clerk was asked to check whether appeals had been made against this refusal and the previous one for two new houses at the property.
11. Flowers Piece and The Green:
The Chairman advised that Martin Butcher would repair the fence surrounding the playground with the cost met by ART. Repairs to the swing will also be met by ART as the cost is insignificant.
The Chairman and Caroline Butler had checked the trees and believe that no work is necessary at the present time. They will however ask Michael Cairns to carry out a professional review.
Councillor Tony Keeley advised that the layby alongside the Green will probably need to be scraped to smooth the surface and stop large puddles forming, once the ground is soft enough. The Clerk will ask the Estate to carry out the work in due course.
12. Infrastructure Levy:
Councillor Roger Fisken and the Clerk reported that they had carried out a review of the cost of benches and that prices varied significantly, according to quality. It was agreed that the bench should be replaced if it could not be repaired. Any replacement must be sturdy and be of a design suitable for the conservation area.
13. Finance:
The Clerk presented his financial report for the year to date which showed that income and expenditure continued to be broadly in line with the budget, assuming that the likely underspend of £2200 on the maintenance budgets would be carried forward as a reserve. This would be necessary as any tree surgery required at Flowers Piece would be expensive.
Payments were authorised as follows:
P Thompson £220.74 Clerk's salary for December and January plus expenses
HM Revenue & Customs £81.00 PAYE on Clerk's salary to 31 December
LexisNexis £111.13 Book "Arnold Baker on Local Council Administration"
It was agreed that a payment under Section 137 should be made of £30 to West Berkshire Countryside Society.
An earlier payment of £94.97 to Councillor Rita Butler in respect of the website renewal fees had been approved by email.
Budget and Precept for 2019/20:
The Clerk presented his revised budget for 2019/20 and explained the basis for his amended calculations. The main amendment was to carry forward budgeted maintenance costs of £2200 from the anticipated underspend in 2018/19. He suggested that reserves at 31 March 2020 would total £6,820 including an election reserve of £200. This would be in line with recommended practice. The budget was formally approved and the precept set at £6,640.
14. Mobile Telephone Reception and Power Cuts:
Councillor Roger Fisken had raised the question of poor reception with Alan Laws who had advised that our local MP, along with the District Council, had had discussions with the CEO of Vodaphone with a view to improving reception for all providers. The matter was particularly important when trying to contact emergency services. The Clerk was asked to write to WBC regarding the problem locally.
The Clerk advised that he had raised the issue of power cuts with SSE following complaints from a parishioner regarding branches touching the low voltage lines in Holly Lane/Palmers Hill. It was thought that these should not cause a problem as they are sleeved. SSE engineers were however subsequently spotted checking the poles, although no work has been carried out. The Clerk will contact SSE again if further power cuts arise.
15. Any Other Business: There was none.
16. Date of Next Ordinary Meeting: The next meeting will convene at 7.00pm on Monday 04 March 2019.
17. Meeting Close: There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.41pm
18. Parishioners' Questions: There were none.
Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
held in the Jubilee Hall on Monday 5th November 2018 at 7.00pm
Present: Councillors T Butcher (Chairman), C Butler, A Dick, R Butler and R Fisken
In attendance: P Thompson (Clerk)
1. Apologies: Councillor A Keeley
2. Declaration of Interests: None
3. Minutes:
The Minutes of the last Ordinary Meeting of the Council were approved and signed by the Chairman.
4. Matters Arising not covered in the Agenda:
There were none.
5. District Councillor's Report:
There was no report.
6. Police matters:
Councillor Alex Dick reported that there had been a ram raid at the West Berkshire Brewery resulting in damage and the safe stolen. There has also been a theft of machinery at Hampstead Norreys. It was thought that a silver Subaru was involved in both incidents.
There has also been poaching from pheasant pens in the area with birds killed on site and taken.
Alex advised that any suspicious vehicles or activity should be reported to the police.
7. Footpaths and Byways:
Councillor Colin Butler confirmed that no issues have been reported. The Clerk confirmed that he had contacted the Estate regarding the matters raised at the last meeting and understood that action would be taken.
8. Roads:
WBC snow clearance plans:
It was noted that the B4009, Aldworth Road and Yattendon Lane were the only parish roads included in West Berkshire Council’s snow clearance and primary treatment routes. Roads through the main village will qualify for secondary treatment only.
It is important that the salt bins are only used to clear the hills for which they are provided as the Parish Council now have to meet the cost of refilling these bins and also replacing them when necessary.
Maintenance review:
The Clerk advised that he had contacted WBC regarding flooding at the bottom of Pyke's Hill following a complaint from a parishioner. Unfortunately, WBC advised that they thought that the problem was with the soak-away which would require an expensive repair. With funds being limited at the present time, priority was being given to property at risk of flooding. They have however offered to put out flood warning boards, when requested, until such time as they are able to carry out the repair.
No other problems have been reported.
9. Planning Applications:
Applications -
18/02811 Single storey rear extension following demolition of two single storey elements at the rear of 10 Flowers Piece. It was agreed that "no objections" should be submitted to this application.
Applications Update -
18/01974 Extension of existing garage block to form machinery store with art studio above at Linden House, Burnt Hill. Approved by WBC.
18/02042 Installation of outdoor swimming pool to replace existing pool and erection of pool house at Drift House, Aldworth Road.
10. Flowers Piece and The Green:
The Chairman advised that ART would meet the cost of repairs to the fence surrounding the playground. It was agreed that the cost of repairs to the swing would be met by the Parish Council.
Whilst the emergency removal of one tree had occurred since the last meeting, a further examination of the trees is to be completed by ART. Any works required will be carried out by the Parish Council.
11. Community Infrastructure Levy:
Councillor Roger Fisken suggested that one bench was in a poor state. It was agreed that the best option may be to look at replacement. The Clerk confirmed that the cost could come from the CIL reserve of £330. It was agreed that the Clerk should liaise with Roger in finding a replacement bench.
12. Finance:
The Clerk presented his financial report for the year to date which showed that income and expenditure was broadly in line with the budget, assuming that any underspend on the maintenance budgets would be carried forward.
Payments were authorised as follows:
P Thompson £217.74 Clerk's salary for October and November plus expenses
Scofell Landscapes Ltd £595.56 Grass cutting for September and October
It was agreed that payments under Section 137 should be made of £30 to Sue Ryder re The Duchess of Kent Hospice and £375 to West Berkshire Council regarding the agreed contribution to the library service. No payment would be made to West Berkshire Heritage Forum.
An earlier payment of £540 to Michael Cairns for emergency tree surgery had been approved by email.
It was agreed that the Clerk should acquire the next edition of "Arnold-Baker on Local Council Administration" with the cost being met from the contingency reserve.
The Clerk presented his draft budget for the year to 31 March 2020 which indicated that the precept could remain unchanged at £6640 even allowing for a suggested donation of £200 to Carebus. A final budget will be presented at the next meeting and the precept determined at that time.
13. Any Other Business:
There were none.
14. Date of Next Ordinary Meeting:
The next Ordinary Meeting will be held on Monday 14 January 2019
15. There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.10pm
16. There were no Parishioners' questions.
Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting held in The Jubilee Hall
on Monday 3rd September 2018 at 7.00pm
Present: Councillors T Butcher (Chairman), R Butler, A Keeley and R Fisken
In attendance: P Thompson (Clerk) and two members of the public
1. Apologies: Councillors C Butler and A Dick and District Councillor Virginia von Celsing
2. Declaration of Interests: There were none
3. Minutes:
The Minutes of the last Ordinary Meeting of the Council were approved and signed by the Chairman, subject to an amendment under footpaths and byways. The footpath in question was no.18, not no.16 as stated in the Minutes.
4. Matters Arising Not on the Agenda: There were none
5. Minutes of an Extraordinary Meeting:
The minutes for the extraordinary meeting on 30 July 2018 were approved and signed by the Chairman.
6. District Councillor's Report: District Councillor V von Celsing was not present.
7. Police Matters: There was nothing to report.
8. Footpaths and Byways:
The Chairman advised that footpath 23 had been partially ploughed and would need to be reinstated when the new crop was established. Councillor Roger Fisken reported that byway 33 was almost impassable from the B4009 for some distance. The Clerk was asked to raise these matters with the Estate.
9. Roads: There was nothing to report.
10. Planning:
Applications -
18/01974 Extension of existing garage block to form machinery store with art studio above at Linden House, Burnt Hill. It was agreed that "no objections" should be submitted to this application.
18/02042 Installation of outdoor swimming pool to replace existing pool and erection of pool house at Drift House, Aldworth Road. It was agreed that "no objections" should be submitted to this application.
Updates -
18/01678 Demolish house and garage and build replacements at The Birches, Burnt Hill. Refused by WBC.
18/01820 Front porch extension, single and two storey rear extensions, dormer and roof extension with two roof lights at 4 Stubbles. Approved by WBC.
11. Flowers Piece and The Green:
It was agreed that the ground was still too hard to carry out improvements to the lay-by at The Green.
The Chairman advised that the tree survey was still to be carried out at the recreation ground. The report on the playground is also still awaited although the delay suggests that no immediate work is required.
12. Infrastructure Levy:
The Chairman advised that ART had no requirement for the funds at present. The Clerk suggested that the balance of £330 could be used towards replacing playground equipment should the safety report indicate any uneconomic repairs required within the remaining three years that the fund must be spent.
13. Finance:
The Clerk presented his financial report for the year to date which showed that income and expenditure was broadly in line with the budget.
Payments were authorised as follows:
P Thompson £216.00 Clerk's salary for August and September
P Thompson £63.18 Clerk's expenses
Scofell Landscapes Ltd £595.56 Grass cutting for July and August
HM Revenue & Customs £81.00 PAYE on Clerk's salary for July to September
Annual Return 2017/18 -
The Clerk confirmed that no requests for information or to view the accounts and records had been received since placing the notice of public rights on the village website.
14. Any Other Business: There was none
15. Date of next Ordinary Meeting:
The next meeting will convene at 7.00 on Monday 5th November 2018
16. There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.53 pm
17. There were no parishioners' questions.
Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
held in the Jubilee Hall on Monday 02 July 2017 at 7.00pm
Present: Councillors T Butcher (Chairman), R Butler, A Keeley and R Fisken
In attendance: P Thompson (Clerk)
1. Apologies: Councillors C Butler and A Dick
2. Declaration of Interests: None
3. Minutes:
The Minutes of the Annual Meeting and the last Ordinary Meeting of the Council were approved and signed by the Chairman.
4. Matters Arising not covered in the Agenda:
There were no matters arising.
5. District Councillor's Report:
District Councillor Virginia von Celsing arrived after the close of meeting and her comments are noted below.
6. Police Matters:
There were no matters reported.
7. Footpaths and Byways:
Councillor Rita Butler raised concerns regarding brambles growing across part of footpath 16. Councillor Roger Fisken agreed to raise the matter with the landowner.
8. Roads:
Lay-by alongside The Green -
Councillor Tony Keeley advised that the lay-by was approximately 30 yards long by 1.5 to 2 yards wide. He believed that the simple solution to the problem would be to use a tractor with a blade (scraper) to level the surface once it was softer, the ground being too hard at present due to the lack of rain. The Chairman agreed to raise the matter with David Slack of Yattendon Estate. The Clerk confirmed that he had checked the lease and that this placed all maintenance and other costs onto the Parish Council.
9. Planning Applications Updates:
18/00576 Extension of Cafe at Casey Fields Farm. Withdrawn by the applicant.
18/00832 Demolish house and garage and build replacements at The Birches, Burnt Hill. Approved by WBC subject to conditions regarding drainage and other matters.
18/01107 Glasshouse at Well House Cottage, Church Lane. Approved by WBC. The Clerk explained that it was only the listed buildings consent that was not required for this application.
The Council had been informed by WBC that the application for the demolition of Redwood House, Burnt Hill and the erection of two houses on the site was invalid and that observations were not required.
10. Flowers Piece and The Green:
It was reported that a resident had raised concerns regarding the state of the tree at the junction of Flowers Piece with Holly Lane. Councillors believed, however, that the fallen branch was caused by a large vehicle rather than ill health of the tree. The Chairman reported that she and Caroline Butler were to carry out the formal inspection of trees on Flowers Piece on behalf of ART. The Chairman also advised that the playground safety report was still awaited from Wicksteeds although the inspection had been completed sometime ago. Both matters would be raised at the next ART meeting.
11. Community Infrastructure Levy:
The Clerk reminded Councillors that there was still £330 left in reserves for qualifying expenditure. The Chairman agreed to raise the matter at the next ART meeting.
12. Finance:
The Clerk presented his financial report for the year to date which showed that income and expenditure was broadly in line with the budget.
Payments were authorised as follows:
P Thompson £216.00 Clerk's salary for June and July
P Thompson £35.89 Clerk's expenses
Scofell Landscapes Ltd £595.56 Grass cutting for May and June
HM Revenue & Customs £81.00 PAYE on Clerk's salary for April to June
It was agreed that a donation under Section 137 should be made of £50 to Thames Valley Air Ambulance.
The Clerk confirmed that a payment of £35 had been made to The Information Commissioner in respect of Data Protection registration after the previous meeting.
The Clerk also confirmed that the Annual Report was available on the Village Website (www.ashampstead.net) together with the notice of public rights of inspection. Copies had been posted to the main Parish Council notice board on the recreation ground.
13. Any Other Business:
The Chairman reported that the recent "Open Gardens" event had proved to be a great success producing a profit of £2090 to be shared between ART and Ashampstead PCC.
14. Date of next Ordinary Meeting:
The next meeting will convene at 7.00pm on Monday 3 September 2018.
15: Meeting Closes:
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.00 p.m.
16. Parishioner's Questions:
There were no questions from parishioners.
At this point District Councillor Virginia Von Celsing joined the meeting having attended the Compton Parish Council meeting earlier that evening. The Councillors congratulated Virginia on her MBE and also expressed pleasure at David Slack's award of a British Empire Medal. Virginia advised that she had little to report other than to remind the Council that it would be joining Basildon Ward at the next election. Virginia hoped that she would continue to represent Compton Ward.
Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
held in the Jubilee Hall on Monday 14 May 2018 at 7.30pm
Present: Councillors T Butcher (Chairman), C Butler, R Butler, A Keeley and R Fisken
In attendance: P Thompson (Clerk), David Slack (Yattendon Estate) and two residents
1. Apologies: Councillor A Dick
2. Declaration of Interests:
The Chairman declared an interest in the planning application at St Clements Cottage, the decision of which is to be reported under item 7 of the agenda.
Councillor C Butler had reported an interest in the planning application at Well House Cottage which was to be considered under item 7 of the agenda but both the Council and Colin had been advised by WBC that the application was not required.
3. Police Matters:
Councillor Alex Dick had reported, prior to the meeting, that he had been advised of an attempted break-in in the area disrupted by the landowner. The thief had a screwdriver and attacked the landowner who fortunately managed to flee. The advice is that if you see something untoward, rather than intervene, call the police, particularly if it involves a Suzuki 4x4 with VRN starting R123.
4. Footpaths and Byways:
Councillor Colin Butler advised that he had received no reports of problems with rights of way.
5. Roads:
It was agreed that Councillors Colin Butler and Tony Keeley would investigate the state of the lay-by in Chapel Lane and report back at the next meeting. The Clerk was asked to check the lease
The Clerk was asked to report the pothole in Chapel Lane to WBC again as their markings had been washed away.
6. Flowers Piece and The Green:
The Chairman reported that the inspection of trees on Flowers Piece has not yet been carried out. The playground inspection has been completed but the safety report from the external inspectors is still awaited Any maintenance work required will be carried out by the Parish Council.
7. Planning:
18/00576 Extension of Cafe at Casey Fields Farm. The Clerk was asked to submit "no objections".
18/00832 Demolish house and garage and build replacements at The Birches, Burnt Hill. The Councillors decided that "no objections" should be submitted to the proposed buildings as they were similar to those on a recent proposed extension which had been granted by WBC. They were, however, greatly concerned with regard to the damage caused to a neighbouring property by drainage of both sewerage and surface water from The Birches. Councillors were not convinced that this would be solved by the new development and thought that WBC should investigate further before making a decision on the application. The Clerk was asked to write to WBC accordingly.
17/03356 Single Storey side extension and two storey garage/art studio at Linden House. Withdrawn.
17/02772 Change of use to B8 storage at the Grain Store, Wyld Court Farm. Granted by WBC.
18/00444 Demolition of the conservatory and extensions to The Bothy, Ashampstead Common. Granted by WBC.
18/00598 Greenhouse at St Clements Cottage, Church Lane. Granted by WBC.
8. General Data Protection Regulations:
The Chairman reported on her attendance at the recent course provided by BALC. The Clerk was asked to register the Council with the ICO. An audit of the information held would be carried out but it was still not certain that the Council would need a Data Protection Officer. BALC were happy to arrange further advice and could provide a DPO should this prove necessary. It was agreed that the email address of the Council should be changed to clerk.ashampstead@gmail.com.
9. Infrastructure Levy:
The Clerk reminded Councillors that there was still £330 left in reserves for qualifying expenditure.
10. Finance:
Payments were authorised as follows:
P Thompson £216.00 Clerk's salary for April and May
P Thompson £61.32 Clerk's expenses
Scofell Landscapes Ltd £595.56 Grass cutting for March and April
BALC £98.54 Subscription
BALC £51.60 Training course (GDPR)
CPRE £36.00 Subscription
BHIB Ltd £144.18 Insurance to 31 May 2019
It was agreed that donations under Section 137 should also be made of £30 to Berkshire Vision, ££60 to Pangbourne & District Volunteer Centre, £25 to West Berkshire Citizens Advice Bureau and £250 to Ashampstead PCC to help meet the cost of grass cutting in the churchyard through which footpath 23 runs.
11. Any Other Business:
News from Yattendon Estate -
David Slack gave a brief summary of items which may be of interest to residents:
The Yattendon Village Fete will be held on Monday 28 May.
There will be an open door event at Haw Farm on 10 June, visitors will be able to view the equipment and learn about the shoot.
The restoration of the cottage at the end of Chapel Lane is virtually complete.
The Royal Oak is to be extended with a new orangery and increased bar area.
The Pot Kiln has been acquired and will be extended to provide 10 bedrooms of accomodation.
There being no further business nor Parishioners' questions the meeting closed at 8.46pm.
The next meeting will convene at 7.00pm on 2 July 2018.