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Church Notices & Meetings

Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Parochial Church Meeting

held on Tuesday, 8th June 2021 in Ashampstead Village Hall at 7.00pm


Present: Revd Grant Fensome (Vicar GF); Revd Katy Weston (Curate KW);

Mrs Caroline Butler (Churchwarden CB); Mrs Sally Hardaker (Churchwarden SH); Mr Keith Whiteman (Hon Treasurer KRW); Mrs Jenny Fisken (Hon Secretary JF); Mr James Bartlett (JB); Mr Garry Stewart (GS); Mr Rodney Bailey (RB).

Apologies: Mr David Mountain


The meeting opened with prayer for guidance in our deliberations.


Annual Meeting of Parishioners and Election of Churchwardens.


Election of Churchwardens:
The main business of the Annual Parish Meeting was to elect the Churchwardens for the year 2021-2022.

Mrs Caroline Butler and Mrs Sally Hardaker were asked if they were willing to continue their very valuable contribution and were happy to do so.

Mrs Caroline Butler was proposed by Mr Rodney Bailey and seconded by Revd Katy Weston and elected unanimously.

Mrs Sally Hardaker was proposed by Revd Katy Weston and seconded by Mr Garry Stewart and also elected unanimously.

The meeting then proceeded to:


The Annual Parochial Church Meeting


1.  Those present and apologies were as above.


2)  Approval of Minutes of last APCM held on 6th August 2020:

The minutes were approved and signed as a true record of the meeting


3)  Matters Arising:

There were no substantive matters arising from the last year's minutes


4)  Elections to PCC and Officers:

Deanery Synod:

Mr David Mountain has declared his wish to stand down as both Deanery Synod Rep and from the PCC. The Council, and especially the Churchwardens, expressed their gratitude to DM for his tireless work on the  problems with damp, vermin and other issues and particularly the work preparing for the French Drain needed to protect the walls from further damp. The Council expressed their agreement and thanks wholeheartedly. There were no applicants for the post of Deanery Synod Rep, but Revd Grant has agreed to give reports as needed as he will be attending as a representative of the Clergy.

Hon Treasurer:

Thanks were expressed by the meeting for the work of Mr Keith Whiteman for his meticulous attention to keeping the books straight. He indicated his willingness to continue and was elected unanimously.

Hon Secretary:

JF was willing to continue as Secretary and the meeting confirmed this appointment as well as the new responsibility of Safeguarding Officer.

Members of the PCC:

All current members of the PCC, with the exception of DM, have indicated their willingness to continue and were all re-elected . Because of the increase in our numbers on the Electoral Roll and because of DM's resignation there are now three possible vacancies on the PCC. Current members are to discuss with any possibly interested people known to them if they would be willing to join the Council.


5)  Annual Benefice Report: (circulated by KW and comment by GF)

The report detailed the ways in which the Church had managed to keep a worshipping presence in the villages during the difficulties of the Pandemic and KW expressed her thanks to all the PCC members and particularly the Churchwardens for the various innovative ways in which we have responded.

The report was received and KW thanked for all her hard work in keeping the Church 'alive' . GF commented on his introduction to the Benefice and the difficulties and opportunities it afforded.


6)  Finance Report:  (circulated, signed and audited)

KRW presented the finance report for the year duly signed by our external auditor Mrs Sarah Sivyer. KRW had been instrumental in proving that, as a Charity, the Church does not have to pay Capital Gains Tax when selling investments.

The report was received.


7)  Appointment of Independent Examiner of Finances:

Mrs Sara Sivyer is happy to undertake this task again for this year.


8)  Churchwardens' Report:

This was received and many thanks were due to the CB and SH for their hard work in risk assessments, sanitising, quarantining, etc. to allow services to resume as soon as permitted.

There was a lengthy discussion on fund raising both here and in the following PCC meeting where the feelings of the meeting are reported.


9)  Report on the Electoral Roll:

Mrs C Henderson has reviewed the electoral roll figures and three new people have joined bringing the total to fifty five. There was a discussion as to the effect this might have on the calculation of the Parish Share, but there is no direct relation as there are many other factors taken into account.

There was some suggestion that Mrs Henderson might wish to step down from this role and JF agreed to find out if this is the case.


10)  Deanery Synod Report: (circulated)

One matter of debate was the possible continuation of live streaming and on-line services even after the pandemic emergency. There was some thought that this would broaden the number of people who could participate and further discussion will take place over the next few months.


11)  Confirmation of Sides Men and Women:

It was agreed to continue with the present arrangement that all members of the PCC who are happy and able to undertake this role should do so, plus DM who has expressed his willingness to be included.


12)  Fund Raising Update:

It was felt by the meeting that fund raising was better discussed in the PCC meeting.


13)  Any Other Business:

No items were brought forward for discussion in this meeting.


The APCM closed at 7.35pm. 

Annual  Parochial Church Meeting

 to be held in Ashampstead Village Hall 

on Tuesday 8th June 2021 at 7.00pm


Annual General Meeting of Parishioners:

Opening Prayer & Introduction

Election of Churchwardens


APCM Agenda:


  1.   Apologies

  2.   Confirmation of Minutes of Last Year’s Meeting held on
      6th August 2020

  3.   Matters Arising from the Minutes

  4.   Appointments to the PCC (including  Deanery Synod 
      Rep, Hon Treasurer, Hon Secretary and Safeguarding Officer)

  5.   Annual Benefice Report for 2020

  6.   Annual Accounts for 2020

  7.   Appointment of the Independent Examiner of the Finances

  8.   Churchwardens’ Report for 2020

  9.   Report on the Electoral Roll

10.   Deanery Synod Report

11.   Confirmation of Sides Men and Women

12.   Fund Raising Update

13.   AOB

14.   Closing Prayers


The PCC will meet immediately following this meeting.


Sunday 7th February 21 at 10.00am Benefice Holy Communion Zoom

You are invited to join the first Sunday service Grant will be celebrating with us: a service of joy and welcome for the whole Benefice.  After the service we shall continue for a virtual coffee and chat session – an opportunity for us all to meet Grant informally him and chat to him.  Please have your coffee cups at the ready!  Grant will be celebrating and preaching and I will act as his deacon.  More details will follow but the zoom connection will be the same as for previous Sundays.

Grant Fensome: Collation of our new Vicar: Tuesday 2nd February 21 at 7.00pm

Please remember you are all invited to join the Zoom service to install Grant as our new, long-awaited Vicar by the Bishop  of Reading.  Do join if you can – there is no limit on the number of people who can join the Zoom service. The service leaflet is on Zoom Services page.. 


Zoom details are: Meeting ID: 997 6405 5027. Passcode: 458758

We are delighted that Grant Fensome’s formal Collation as Vicar, Basildon with Aldworth and Ashampstead within Bradfield Deanery, will take place on Tuesday 2nd February 21 at 7.00pm.  Bishop Olivia will license him online via Zoom.  His induction by the Associate Archdeacon will take place at a later stage, in church and at a Service, when it is possible and safe to do so.  And, of course, we hope we will be able to have a big informal celebration and welcome for him, his wife Naomi and daughter Bethany in the summer - again when it is possible and safe to do so.


Grant does hope that you will be able to join him; it will be wonderful to welcome him formally to the Benefice  and rejoice in the start of his incumbency with us in the Benefice.  The Reading will be Luke 2.22-40.    It would be very helpful if you could all mute your microphones when you join the Service.

The Zoom link is below and also on p: Church>Zoom Services where there is also a template order of service so you can follow what is happening

The Rt Revd Olivia Graham is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Grant Fensome Collation

Time:  2nd Feb 2021 at 7.00pm

 Join Zoom Meeting at

Meeting ID: 997 6405 5027

Passcode: 458758



We are delighted to announce that the Revd. Grant Fensome is joining us as our new Vicar early in 2021.  He will be licensed by the Bishop of Reading on Tuesday 2nd February 21.  We will circulate more information about his licensing in due course.


Grant is currently Curate in the Parish of Broxbourne with Wormley in Hertfordshire and is very excited at the prospect of his ministry with us.  He is married to Naomi and has a young daughter Bethany who will be going to Sparklers Preschool in Basildon.  They plan to move into the Vicarage during January.


Please join us in giving  them a big welcome!


Ministry Team and PCCs of Basildon, Aldworth and Ashampstead

15th November 2020

A message from our new Vicar:


Hello everybody, I wished to send a quick message to you all on this exciting day. My family and I can’t wait to come and join you in the New Year. We are looking forward to getting to know you all, but in the meantime here is a little flavour of Fensome life.

I was ordained in 2017, following my training at Trinity College, Bristol. Before my journey into ordained ministry, I was a Transport and Sales Manager in the haulage industry. For the past three and a half years I have thoroughly enjoyed serving my curacy in Broxbourne and Wormley, Hertfordshire.


I am married to Naomi, who was a youth and children’s minister before we had our daughter. We have an enthusiastic three year old called Bethany who is keen to befriend you all.
While I enjoy watching (and playing if I can) most sports, Naomi is more inclined to spend her spare time doing something creative. Together, we love nothing more than spending time with family and friends - no doubt you will get to meet some of them soon too. We also spend time worshipping and creating music together as a family, sometimes tuneful, often not! 


We are looking forward to sharing some great adventures with you, as the Lord leads us. We will be praying for you all over the next few weeks, and eagerly await meeting you in due course.


With love and blessings,
Grant, Naomi and Bethany



Annual Church Meeting

will be held in the Village Hall on Thursday 6th August 20 at 7.00pm


Annual General Meeting of Parishioners


Opening Prayer & Introduction


Election of Churchwardens who will then take the Chair for the APCM


Annual Parochial Church Meeting:

  1.    Apologies

  2.    Confirmation of Minutes of Last Year’s Meeting held on 11th April 2019

  3.    Matters Arising from the Minutes

  4.    Appointments to the PCC (including Chair, Deanery Synod Rep, Hon 
       Treasurer, Hon Secretary and Safeguarding Officer)

  5.    Annual Benefice Report for 2019

  6.    Annual Accounts for 2019

  7.    Appointment of the Independent Examiner of the finances

  8.    Churchwardens’ Report for 2019

  9.    Report on the Electoral Roll

  10.    Deanery Synod Report

  11.    Appointment of Sides-men and women

  12.    Any Other Business

  13.    Closing Prayers


The PCC will meet immediately following this meeting. During this first meeting of the next church year, the PCC should agree between them who will act as chair during the continuing interregnum.


Please Note:  Due to social distancing, any parishioner who is not on the PCC, but wishes to attend please contact Jenny Fisken at 

Changes to Church Procedure due to Covid 19

Over the last few weeks our parish church has had to make changes in the light of the coronavirus pandemic.  So we want to let you know what steps we have taken to date to meet the situation.


  1. We have stopped holding services in the church or outside in line with Government restrictions.  The church is sadly now locked.

  2. The three parish churches of Basildon, Aldworth and Ashampstead have drawn up a continuity plan, together with our Area Dean, to ensure the continued mission and ministry of all three churches.

  3. Should you want to speak to a member of the Ministry Team for any reason, do ring either Revd Katy Weston (07765 255569), Jonathan or Rosemary Sandbach (01491 672494) or Mike Penny (01491 671357).  They are always there to help.

  4. Unfortunately because of the virus restrictions, we have had to postpone the interviews for a new vicar; however the vicarage in Upper Basildon is being redecorated so that it is ready and waiting!

  5. Because all meetings and gatherings are prohibited, we shall have to put off until some future date, the Annual Parish Church  Meeting we had scheduled for 28th April.



Caroline Butler and Sally Hardaker (Churchwardens)

Dear Friends


It is with great sadness that I have realised we are starting Holy Week today (Palm Sunday) and that we won’t be able to meet either for our Reflections during Holy Week or services during the Paschal Triduum this year.  It is such an important event in the Church calendar.  We had services planned right round the Benefice and I was particularly looking forward to celebrating Holy Communion on Easter Sunday with you all.  I had even bought 2 kilos of mini foil-wrapped eggs to celebrate Easter with you (they are still in sealed bags untouched by human hands!)


However what I thought might help us during the coming week is a little booklet which one of my fellow curates-in-training has produced.  I think it is a way for us to be together in prayer, if not in actual physical presence. Click on Church then Easter where you can scroll through the days of Holy Week.


The picture to the right is of a mini-garden created by Monty and India Barton especially for Easter and sits by our church door.


With love and prayers to you all, Katy


Reverend Katy Weston

Curate: Benefice of Basildon, Aldworth & Ashampstead

07765 255569


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