Ashampstead Parish Council
Minutes of Ordinary & Annual Meetings
1st April 2019 to 31st March 2020
Minutes of a Virtual Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Monday 19th May 2020 at 7.00pm
Present: Councillors R Fisken (Chairman), A Dick, C Butler, R Butler and G Light
In attendance: P Thompson (Clerk)
1. Apologies: Councillor A Keeley
2. Declaration of Interests: None
3. Police matters:
Councillor Alex Dick reported that there has been an increase in thefts of equipment from farms in the western area of West Berkshire. He also reminded councillors that with a bank holiday coming up there is a greater risk of illegal encampments.
4. Footpaths and Byways:
Councillor Colin Butler confirmed that he had nothing to report other than that the paths were being well used at the moment.
5. Roads:
The Clerk recorded that a new salt bin had finally been installed in the correct position on Pykes Hill.
The cost of the new bin would be taken from the CIL reserve but the removal of the old bin would be charged to the maintenance budget.
The Clerk was asked to contact WBC regarding the problem of speeding within the 30 mph zone of Holly Lane.
The Clerk was asked to contact District Councillor Alan Law regarding the poor road surface at the entrance to Palmers Hill from the Aldworth Road. Councillor A Dick advised that he was aware of one accident outside his property as a result of a driver trying to avoid the potholes and he frequently hears the squeal of brakes as a result of drivers trying to avoid similar incidents.
6. Open Spaces Maintenance Review:
Councillor Graham Light confirmed that ART had consulted residents both about the replacement of trees on Flowers Piece and also the proposed new playground scheme. Feedback suggested that the free trees available were not suitable and that more mature species should be planted. Issues were also raised regarding their ongoing maintenance.
As regards the playground, there was little support for the scheme design and its cost. An alternative scheme will be considered and presented at a later date.
Graham also mentioned that the signs placed around the recreation ground had been removed by vandals. This was particularly concerning as ART had been advised that they would assist a legal argument in seeking to remove any illegal encampment from the recreation ground.
7. Planning Applications:
19/03164 &03165 - Blorenge House, Holly Lane. Internal alterations, like for like replacement of bay window and installation
of chimney pot. Approved by WBC.
20/00763 - Redwood, Burnt Hill. Demolition of existing house, garage and outbuildings. Erection of one new dwelling at. Awaiting decision from WBC.
Appeal Updates:
19/00077 - Redwood, Burnt Hill. Demolition of existing house, garage and outbuildings. Erection of one new dwelling. Awaiting decision from Planning Inspector.
8. Infrastructure Levy:
The Clerk reminded Councillors that the Council had a balance of £4496.50 to spend following the purchase of the salt bin. The Clerk confirmed that a small balance of approximately £50 had to be spent by October 2021 and the balance by 2024. Councillor Graham Light advised that he would raise the matter again with ART. It had been suggested that better quality speakers for events could be purchased.
9. Finance:
Payments were authorised as follows:
P Thompson £227.86 Clerk's net salary and expenses for April and May
Scofell Landscapes Ltd £303.73 Grass cutting for April
BHIB Ltd £143.11 Insurance to 31 May 2021
CPRE £ 36.00 Subscription
Hampshire Association of Local Councils £90.19 Subscription
The following payments had been previously approved by email:
West Berkshire District Council £565.28 Removal of salt bin and new bin
West Berkshire District Council £ 75.00 Election 2019 contribution
Scofell Landscapes Ltd £303.73 Grass cutting for March
The Information Commissioner £ 35.00 GDPR registration fee
It was agreed that donations under Section 137 should also be made of £250 to Ashampstead PCC, £60 to Pangbourne & District Volunteer Centre, £25 to West Berkshire Citizens Advice Bureau and £30 to Berkshire Vision. Councillor Rita Butler suggested that Macmillan Nursing might be a suitable charity to support and would bring details to the next meeting.
10. Any Other Business: There was none.
11. Date of Next Meeting: This meeting closed at 7.30pm. The next meeting will convene at 7.00pm on Monday 6th July 2020.
Minutes of a Virtual Annual Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Tuesday 19th May 2020 at 6.30pm
Present: Councillors R Fisken (Chairman), A Dick, C Butler, R Butler and G Light
In attendance: P Thompson (Clerk)
1. Apologies: Councillor A Keeley
2. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman:
Councillor Roger Fisken was re-elected as Chairman and Councillor Alex Dick was re-elected as Vice Chairman. The Chairman completed the formal declaration of acceptance of office.
3&4. Minutes:
The Minutes of the last ordinary meeting of the Council were approved and signed by the Chairman.
The Minutes of the virtual extraordinary meeting of the Council held on 23 April 2020 were also approved and signed by the Chairman.
5. Confirmation of Councillors' Interests:
6. Agreement of Roles and Responsibilities:
It was agreed that Graham Light would represent the Council on ART, Rita Butler would continue to manage the village website, Alex Dick would take police matters, Colin Butler would take footpaths and byways, Tony Keeley would take the lead on planning matters and the Chairman would continue to maintain the defibrillator.
7. Standing Orders and Financial Regulations:
The Clerk explained that there had been no amendments to the documents. The Standing Orders were reviewed and approved. The Financial regulations were also reviewed and approved.
8. Inventory of Land and Assets:
The inventory of land and assets was reviewed and approved.
9. Risk Management Register:
The risks and responses thereto were considered. It was agreed that the back-up of the Council's records should be kept by the Chairman and that a deputy should be appointed to Councillor Rita Butler as cover for managing the website. Subject to the foregoing, the Register was approved.
10. Insurance Cover:
It was agreed that the cover offered through BHIB was adequate and should be accepted. The premium was similar to the current year.
11. Internal Controls and Annual Governance Statement:
The Councillors reviewed the statement of internal controls and the annual governance statement. These, together with the risk management register, accounting records and annual accounts had been reviewed by the Council’s internal auditor, Caroline Billing, as confirmed by her Annual Internal Audit Report. Both were approved and it was agreed that the Annual Governance Statement in the Annual Governance and Accountability Return should be signed by the Chairman and the Clerk. The Chairman recorded his thanks to Caroline for carrying out the internal audit so promptly.
12. Completion of Certificate of Exemption from External Audit:
It was agreed that the Certificate of Exemption from a limited assurance review by the external auditors should be completed and signed by the Clerk and the Chairman
13. Receipts and Payments Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2020:
The annual accounts which had been circulated to the Councillors prior to the meeting were adopted and signed by the Chairman. The accounting statements included in the Annual Return were also adopted and signed by the Chairman.
14. Complaints Procedure:
The complaints procedure was reviewed and approved.
15. Requests under the Freedom of Information Act:
The existing arrangements were reviewed and approved without amendment.
16. Future Meetings
It was agreed that ordinary meetings would be held at 7.00 p.m. on Monday 6 July 2020, on Monday 7 September 2020, on Monday 2 November 2020, on Monday 4 January 2021 and on Monday 1 March 2021.
The Statutory Annual Parish Council Meeting closed at 6.57pm
Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
held in the Jubilee Hall on Monday 9th March 2020 at 7.00pm
Present: Councillors R Fisken (Chairman), A Keeley, C Butler and G Light
In attendance: P Thompson (Clerk)
1. Apologies: Councillors A Dick and R Butler and District Councillor A Law
2. Declaration of Interests:
Councillor Graham Light confirmed that he had an interest in the update on planning application 19/01815 under item
9 of the agenda.
3. Minutes:
The Minutes of the last Ordinary Meeting of the Council were approved and signed by the Chairman.
There were no matters arising that were not covered by the agenda.
4. Matters Arising Not Covered in the Agenda: There were none.
5. District Councillor's Report:
As the District Councillor was unable to attend he advised that he would provide a written report, the main points of which were as follows:
The District Council budget for 2020/21 had been agreed with a council tax increase of 1,99% plus a further 2% rise for adult social care. This would enable the council to maintain services.
The Council has been working with Sport England and local sporting bodies with a view to developing and improving sports pitches for hockey, cricket and rugby as well as football, over the next ten years.
The environment strategy consultation has closed but that under the housing and economic land availability assessment and sites selection, settlement boundary and settlement hierarchy are on-going.
6. Police Matters:
Prior to the meeting, Councillor Alex Dick had reported that the proposed 'WhatsApp' messaging service was going well with 29 members. This provides speedy information about possible criminal activity in the area. He advised that it would benefit from more members. One can join by contacting Alex on add@culdenfawltd.com.
7. Footpaths and Byways:
Councillor Colin Butler was disappointed to report that he is still not being contacted by residents regarding footpath matters.
The Clerk confirmed that the fallen trees reported to the Estate had been cleared. He was asked to thank David Slack for organising the work.
8. Roads:
The Clerk confirmed that WBC had replaced the salt bin on Pykes Hill but that it appeared to be a recycled one with a poor fitting lid. Councillor Colin Butler agreed with this assessment.
The Clerk confirmed that it had been filled with salt. The Clerk was asked to take up the matter with WBC when an invoice is received.
It was agreed that the litter pick would take place on 19th April at 10.30 am. The Chairman would place a notice in
The Leaflet.
The Clerk confirmed that wheelie bin signs could be purchased for as little as £5 for three. However, whilst some district councils provided them free of charge, others thought that they were a distraction to motorists and encouraged residents to leave the bins on footpaths longer than they should. The Clerk was asked to obtain the cost of hiring 'smiley face' equipment.
The Clerk was asked to check and report a pothole on the Aldworth Road close to the Pyt House and one on Palmers Hill.
9. Planning:
West Berkshire local plan review:
The Chairman advised that he had attended one of the WBC events. He was told that Ashampstead has no settlement boundary and that it was best that it remain so. It is treated as open countryside for planning purposes. He was told that the visual impact of a new site is taken into account which, due to the open nature of the parish, makes any significant development unlikely.
Whilst there were possible sites within the settlements of Yattendon and Upper Basildon, the majority would be in the towns of West Berkshire.
The Chairman advised that he would complete the consultancy form and circulate it to Councillors prior to submission.
Planning applications update:
19/01815 10 Flowers Piece - single storey extension following demolition of 2 single storey rear elements. Approved by WBC.
19/03083 The Birches, Burnt Hill - variation of conditions 6 & 9 on permission 18/00832. Approved by WBC.
19/03027 8 Flowers Piece - front and rear pitched roof dormer windows. Approved by WBC.
19/03075 Merlin Cottage, Holly Lane - first floor side bathroom extension and porch. Approved by WBC
19/03164 & 03165LBC2 Blorenge House, Holly Lane - internal alterations, like for like replacement of bay window and installation of chimney pot. Awaiting decision from WBC.
The Clerk advised that the proposed replacement of Redwood, Burnt Hill (19/01946) which had been refused by WBC was now subject to an appeal.
10. Open Spaces Maintenance Review:
Councillor Graham Light confirmed that there were currently no maintenance requirements at the recreation ground as ART were investigating the replacement of the playground with a scheme that would also provide equipment for older children. He advised that this would be expensive but that grants were available. Views were being sought on the proposals.
Graham also advised that David Slack would ask the Estate's forestry team to review the trees on Flowers Piece. New trees could be obtained free of charge from the Woodland Trust. ART would then consider the options.
11. Community Infrastructure Levy:
The Clerk confirmed that the amount available was £4,778.96 of which a small amount had been allocated to replacing the salt bin. £330 must be spent by October 2021. In addition to the playground, blue tooth speakers and microphone had also been suggested. Councillor Graham Light will discuss the matter with ART.
12. Finance:
The Clerk presented his financial report for the year to date which showed that the predicted general reserve carried forward would be £7,777 against a budgeted figure of £7,141. This was dependent on the final invoices due from WBC for waste collection, salt bin removal and any initial election expenses. The underspend for the year largely relates to the fact that no election was held in the parish due to insufficient candidates. It is predicted that a maintenance reserve of £2,556 will be carried forward to meet any significant tree surgery or playground repairs on Flowers Piece. Input VAT, currently totalling £434, will be claimed after the final invoices are received up to 31st March, 2020.
Payments were authorised as follows:
P Thompson £223.05 Clerk's net salary & expenses
HM Revenue & Customs £ 82.60 PAYE on Clerk's salary
There were no donations under Section 137.
Internal Audit:
It was agreed that the Clerk should ask Caroline Billing to carry out the internal audit on behalf of the Council.
13. Proposed Local Events:
ART are organising a Jazz Evening on Saturday 16th May, to raise money for the playground. With a pub evening and BBQ scheduled for Saturday 4th July, it was decided that the proposed picnic on The Commons should take place on Sunday 14th June. The Chairman will put a notice in The Leaflet, including details of parking arrangements.
14. Any Other Business: There was none.
15. Date of Annual and next Ordinary Meetings of the Council:
It was agreed that these meetings would take place on Tuesday 19th May 2020, immediately after the Annual Parish Meeting which would convene at 6.30pm on that day.
16. Meeting Closes: There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.15pm.
17. Parishioners' Questions: There were none.
Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
held in the Jubilee Hall on Monday 13th January 2020 at 7.00pm
Present: Councillors R Fisken (Chairman), A Dick, A Keeley, C Butler, R Butler and G Light
In attendance: P Thompson (Clerk), District Councillor A Law and one resident
1. Apologies: There were none
2. Declaration of Interests:
The Clerk confirmed that the Councillors held dispensations to determine the budget and precept for 2020/21 under item 12 of the agenda.
Councillor Graham Light confirmed that he had an interest in the update on planning application 19/01815 under item 9 of the agenda.
3. Minutes:
The Minutes of the last Ordinary Meeting of the Council were approved and signed by the Chairman.
There were no matters arising that were not covered by the agenda.
4. Matters Arising Not Covered in the Agenda: There were none.
5. District Councillor's Report:
District Councillor Alan Law advised the meeting that WBC was now preparing a quarterly update report which he would send to the Clerk. He advised that WBC had recently appointed 9 honorary aldermen, including Pamela Bale who had served as a Councillor for Pangbourne for many years. He also advised that WBC were to issue interest bearing climate change investment bonds to finance initiatives such as solar panels on council property.
WBC was also to undertake a number of consultations, including 'Environmental Strategy' and the 'Local Plan to 2036'. The latter has little direct impact on Ashampstead as it has no settlement boundary but future identified housing sites will have an effect on the district. These consultations are available on WBC's website.
WBC also undertook a 'peer challenge' whereby 6 local government councillors and officers from other districts reviewed WBC's work and activities. The District Council was found to perform well against other authorities.
The Clerk was asked to send copies of Minutes to Alan in the future.
6. Police Matters:
Councillor Alex Dick advised that concerns had been raised regarding 'Nottingham Knockers'. Whilst some were selling goods, others appeared to be checking out properties. Needless to say residents must be wary of callers. Alex did offer a 'WhatsApp' group to provide members of criminal activities in the area. The Chairman would consider putting an article in The Leaflet.
7. Footpaths and Byways:
The Clerk was asked to write to Yattendon Estate regarding the poor state of the chalk path, Byway 24, due to tractors.
8. Roads:
The Clerk was asked to contact WBC to arrange the replacement of the salt bin on Pykes Hill. The Clerk was asked that it be placed further into the wood to avoid damage arising from vehicles trying to pass on this single track road.
Whilst a small saving could have been made by buying the salt and bin separately on-line, this did not take into account the costs of placing the bin and salt in position.
Councillor Rita Butler mentioned that she had received a complaint regarding the uneven road surface at the bottom of Palmers Hill. The Clerk was asked to report it to WBC.
The Clerk was also asked to check and report a pothole on the Aldworth Road close to the Upper Basildon turn.
9. Planning:
Applications -
19/03083 The Birches, Burnt Hill - variation of conditions 6 & 9 on permission 18/00832 . The Clerk was asked to advise WBC that the drainage from the garage was not flowing adequately as surface water was, apparently, still making its way onto the neighbouring property. The Council had been advised that this may be due to an additional down pipe which was not on the plan. Councillors were also not convinced that the sewerage system was adequate in view of the history of the site and comments made by WBC in connection with applications 19/00496 and 19/01921. The Councillors agreed that WBC should be requested not to approve the application unless it was satisfied that any future drainage issues at the site would not impinge on the neighbouring property.
19/03027 8 Flowers Piece - front and rear pitched roof dormer windows. The Clerk was asked to submit 'no objections'
19/03075 Merlin Cottage, Holly Lane - first floor side bathroom extension and porch. The Clerk was asked to submit 'no objections'.
19/03164 & 03165LBC2 Blorenge House, Holly Lane - internal alterations, like for like replacement of bay window and installation of a chimney pot. The Clerk was asked to submit 'no objections'.
Updates -
19/01815 10 Flowers Piece - single storey extension following demolition of 2 single storey rear elements. Awaiting decision from WBC.
10. Open Spaces Maintenance Review:
Bench on Flowers Piece: Councillor Tony Keeley advised that this had been repaired.
Playground: ART considering fundraising for a new playground.
Notice board at Pykes Hill: Councillor Alex Dick advised that it had been repaired.
The Commons: The Chairman advised that a resident had suggested a picnic day to encourage interest in this ancient environment. There was a video made some years ago, but this would benefit from updating.
Grass cutting contract: It was agreed that the three year quotation from Scofell Landscapes Ltd, the current contractors, would be accepted. This was lower than the alternative quotation received. The third contractor failed to respond.
11. Community Infrastructure Levy:
It was agreed that the cost of the new salt bin should be met from the CIL reserve as it met the criteria set by the Council. It was suggested that ART should consider having wi-fi installed at hall as it may help to increase lettings. Councillor Graham Light confirmed that he would raise this suggestion at the next ART meeting.
12. Finance:
The Clerk presented his financial report for the year to date which showed that income and expenditure would be broadly in line with the budget, other than the likely underspend of approximately £600 on the election and a significant underspend on maintenance. The latter would be carried forward as a maintenance reserve. It was also likely that most of the CIL funds would be carried forward as a reserve.
Payments were authorised as follows:
R Butler £ 94.97 reimbursement of website costs
P Thompson £225.05 Clerk's net salary & expenses
HM Revenue & Customs £ 82.40 PAYE on Clerk's salary
A Dick £ 25.03 materials for notice board repair
Donations - it was agreed that payments under Section 137 would be made of £375.00 to West Berkshire Council in respect of the agreed library contribution and £30 to West Berkshire Countryside Society.
Budget and Precept for 2020/21 - the Clerk presented his revised budget for the year to 31 March 2021 and explained the basis for his amended calculations. Reserves carried forward at that date will be made up of a general reserve, budgeted at £7,503, an election reserve of £400 together with underspends on the maintenance and CIL reserves. The budget was formally approved and the precept for 2020/21 set at £6,640.00
13. Any Other Business:
Councillor Colin Butler suggested that residents in Holly Lane could put 'slow down' stickers on their bins as some other villages do. The Clerk was asked to ascertain the cost before the matter is considered further.
Councillor Alex Dick mentioned that, whilst repairing the notice board at Ashampstead Common, a resident had complained of two permitted developments at Cedar Cottage. Both the Clerk and Alex had not managed to find a cottage with that name in the parish and no further action has been taken.
14. Date of Next Ordinary Meeting:
The next Ordinary Meeting will be held on Monday 9th March at 7.00pm
15. Close of Meeting:
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.30 pm
16. Parishioners Questions: There were none.
Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
held in the Jubilee Hall on Monday 11 November 2019 at 7.00pm
Present: Councillors R Fisken (Chairman), A Dick, A Keeley and R Butler
In attendance: P Thompson (Clerk)
1. Apologies: Councillors C Butler and G Light and District Councillor A Law
2. Declaration of Interests:
The Clerk confirmed that the Councillors held dispensations to consider the draft budget for 2020/21 under item 12 of the agenda. There were no other declarations of interest.
3. Minutes:
The Minutes of the last Ordinary Meeting of the Council were approved and signed by the Chairman.
4. Matters Arising Not Covered in the Agenda:
There were none.
5. District Councillor's Report:
As the District Councillor was unable to attend, he had provided a brief report prior to the meeting. The main points being:
Check WBC website and local press for road closures due to broadband cable and road maintenance operations.
WBC budget for 2020/21 in final stages of development. A further 2% increase can be levied to fund adult social care.
A new environment strategy is being developed following the West Berkshire Climate Conference and will be out for consultation in the near future.
Initial feedback on the planners' call for sites for the new Local Plan 2020-36 will be published in the near future. Whilst Ashampstead is unlikely to be affected there are some sites being suggested in Streatley, Upper Basildon and Pangbourne.
Councillor Alex Dick advised that he had responded to Alan regarding the latter matter as he believed that insufficient consideration is given to parking at the local railway station when allowing new developments. The one in Pangbourne is often full by 9.00 a.m.
6. Police Matters:
Councillor Alex Dick advised that there has been an increase in walk in thefts due to the darker evenings following the change in clocks. Thieves take advantage of residents failing to lock doors on returning home.
There has been an increase in rural crime with a silver Volkswagen Golf being involved.
7. Footpaths and Byways:
The Chairman advised that he had received reports of a fallen tree and would pass details on to the Clerk.
The Clerk was asked to chase WBC for a response to his request for an additional Councillor to be permitted to represent the Ashampstead Common/ Burnt Hill area.
8. Roads:
No further potholes to report.
The Clerk confirmed that salt bins were approximately 50% full at both Noakes Hill and Pykes Hill. The one on Palmers Hill was 85% full. The Clerk was asked to obtain quotes for a replacement bin for the one on Pykes Hill due to its significant damage.
The Clerk was asked to monitor salt levels during bad weather.
9. Planning Applications:
19/01646 Redwood, Burnt Hill - demolition of existing house, garage and outbuildings and erection of 1 dwelling: Refused by WBC.
19/01815 10 Flowers Piece - single storey extension following demolition of 2 single storey rear elements:
Awaiting decision from WBC.
10. Open Spaces Maintenance Review:
Bench on Flowers Piece: Councillor Tony Keeley advised that he had the materials but now needed to carry out the repair.
Playground: ART considering improvements.
Notice board at Pykes Hill: Councillor Alex Dick confirmed that he would carry out repair. The Clerk provided measurements of the perspex required.
The Commons: The Clerk confirmed that the article seeking local help for maintenance work to be carried out on 3 December had appeared in the November edition of The Leaflet. The Chairman advised that he would arrange for an article to be placed in The Leaflet encouraging people to visit the Commons, particularly in the Spring when there is an abundance of wild flowers.
Grass cutting contract: Whilst Councillors were happy with the current contractors, the Clerk was asked to obtain details of contractors used by other local councils with a view to obtaining comparable quotes.
11. Community Infrastructure Levy:
The Clerk confirmed that a further CIL payment of £2,806.06 had been received re the barn at Pyt House. This now produced a balance of £4,778.96 to spend on qualifying projects.
12. Finance:
The Clerk presented his financial report for the year to date which showed that income and expenditure would be broadly in line with the budget, other than the likely underspend of approximately £600 on the election. This would however very much depend on any maintenance required on Flowers Piece.
Payments were authorised as follows:
P Thompson £220.00 Clerk's net salary for October and November
P Thompson £61.60 Clerk's expenses
Scofell Landscapes Ltd £607.46 Grass cutting for September and October
It was agreed that a donation under Section 137 of £30 would be made to Sue Ryder Duchess of Kent Hospice.
Draft Budget 2020/21:
The Clerk presented his draft budget for the year to 31 March 2021 which indicated that the precept could remain unchanged at £6,640. It assumes that any underspend on maintenance would be carried forward as a specific reserve in view of the high cost of tree surgery when carried out. The figures would be updated once the grass cutting quotations were received. The Clerk was asked to enquire into the situation with Carebus now that the Reading bus had ceased. A donation of £200 had been made in the current year to help support its services.
13. Any Other Business:
There was none.
14. Date of Next Ordinary Meeting:
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 13th January 2020 at 7.00pm
15: Parish Council Meeting Close:
The meeting closed at 8.04pm
16. Parishioners' Questions:
There were none.
Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
held in the Jubilee Hall
on Monday 9th September 2019 at 7.00pm
Present: Councillors R Fisken (Chairman), C Butler, A Keeley, R Butler and G Light
In attendance: P Thompson (Clerk) and one member of the public
1. Apologies: Councillor A Dick and District Councillor A Law
2. Declaration of Interests:
Councillor Graham Light advised that he had an interest in item 9 of the agenda regarding the update on the planning application at 10 Flowers Piece.
3. Minutes:
The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting on 1 July 2019 and those of the Extraordinary Meeting on 5 August 2019 were approved and signed by the Chairman.
There were no matters arising that were not covered by the agenda.
4. Matters Arising not on the Agenda: There were none.
5. District Councillor's Report:
As the District Councillor was unable to attend, he had provided two detailed reports prior to the meeting.
6. Police Matters: No report received
The Chairman suspended the meeting at this point to allow a brief presentation by Dick Greenaway on the history of Ashampstead, its ancient commons and footpaths and what was required to maintain these for future generations. Although notice of the events of the West Berkshire Countryside Society are printed in The Leaflet there has been little support from local residents in recent years. A number of proposals were then discussed after which the meeting resumed.
7. Footpaths and Byways:
The Chairman advised that byway 33 was again impassable and in certain areas difficult to find due to brambles and other growth. The Clerk was asked to raise the matter with Yattendon Estate.
Councillor Colin Butler advised that he had received no comments from walkers concerning the state of public rights of way for some considerable time. It was agreed that the Council should try to find volunteer path wardens who walk the different sections of the parish.
Councillor Rita Butler advised that she would put some of the information concerning local walks onto the village website (ashampstead.net).
The Clerk was asked to establish whether the number of Councillors could be increased with a view to obtaining representation for the Ashampstead Common and Burnt Hill area.
8. Roads:
Litter pick: A total of 8 sacks were collected. The Chairman advised that WBC were very helpful in providing the necessary kit and also in collecting the sacks. It was agreed that the next litter pick should take place in the spring when the verges are less overgrown.
Highways winter service plan: It was noted that the B4009, Aldworth Road and Yattendon Lane were the only parish roads included in West Berkshire Council’s snow clearance and primary treatment routes. Roads through and within the main village will qualify for secondary treatment only. Salt bins are available on Noakes Hill, Palmers Hill and Pykes Hill to help clear those particular roads. The Clerk was asked to check the state of the salt bins and report back.
Maintenance review: The Clerk was asked to check and report a pothole in Chapel Lane and also to ascertain when the uneven road surface on the Aldworth Road between the Pykes Hill and Yattendon Lane junctions will be attended to.
9. Planning Applications:
Updates -
19/00934 Blorenge Cottage, Holly Lane - single storey extension to side. Amended design and materials approved by WBC.
19/01646 Redwood, Burnt Hill - demolition of existing house, garage & outbuildings and erection of 1 dwelling. "No objections" submitted, awaiting decision from WBC.
19/01815 10 Flowers Piece - single storey extension following demolition of 2 single storey rear elements. "No objections" submitted, awaiting decision from WBC.
19/01932/CERTE Pyt House - construction of dormer window on barn conversion. WBC have certified that lawful development has commenced.
10. Open Spaces Maintenance Review:
Weeds on Flowers Piece: ART decided to take no action as the ground is well cut.
Bench on Flowers Piece: Repair still to be carried out.
Playground: Necessary repairs have been carried out. ART may fund-raise for improvements.
Notice board at Pykes Hill: Clerk to check on repairs required.
The Commons: The Clerk was asked to put a specific article in The Leaflet regarding the working party being arranged to carry out maintenance of the glades on 3 December 2019.
11. Infrastructure Levy update:
The Clerk confirmed that the remainder of the initial receipt (£330) must be spent by October 2021. ART are currently considering improvements that might be made to the playground.
12. Finance:
The Clerk presented his financial report for the year to date which showed that income and expenditure would be broadly in line with the budget, other than a likely underspend of approximately £600 on the election. This would however very much depend on any maintenance required on Flowers Piece.
Payments were authorised as follows:
P Thompson £220.00 Clerk's net salary for August and September
P Thompson £20.43 Clerk's expenses
Scofell Landscapes Ltd £607.46 Grass cutting for July and August
HM Revenue & Customs £82.60 PAYE on Clerk's salary, July to September
The Chairman agreed to meet the Trustees of the North Wessex Downs Landscape Trust at Newbury Show. Their request for a donation of £75 would be considered at the next meeting.
Bank mandate: The bank has confirmed receipt of the changes to the bank mandate.
Annual Return 2018/19: The Clerk confirmed that no response had been received from residents following the notice of electors' rights.
13. Any Other Business (only for discussion). There was none.
14. Date of Annual and next Ordinary Meetings of the Council:
It was agreed that the date of the next Annual Meeting of the Council will be decided at a later date. The next Ordinary Meeting will be convene at 7.00pm on Monday 11th November 2019.
15. Close of Meeting. There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.11pm
16. Parishioners' Questions. There were none.
Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
held in the Jubilee Hall on Monday 1st July 2019 at 7.00pm
Present: Councillors R Fisken (Chairman), C Butler and G Light
In attendance: P Thompson (Clerk)
1. Apologies: Councillors A Dick, A Keeley and R Butler
2. Declaration of Interests: None
3. Minutes:
The Minutes of the Annual Meeting, the last Ordinary Meeting and the Extraordinary Meeting of the Council on 11 June 2019 were approved and signed by the Chairman.
4. Matters Arising: There were none.
5. District Councillor's Report: There was no report.
6. Police Matters:
Councillor Alex Dick had provided a brief report prior to the meeting. He has received a note from the police warning that there are Apps available for mobile phones that enable the user to steal your credit card data very easily due to the contactless payment function. One can however buy protective covers that stop the card being readable.
7. Footpaths and Byways:
Councillor Colin Butler reported that a complaint had been received regarding the narrowness and state of footpath 23, which runs from bridleway 22 to the church. The Clerk was asked to raise the matter with the Estate,
8. Roads:
Litter pick: The Chairman advised that he had three volunteers, other than Councillors, to date. He and the Clerk would liaise to confirm numbers before equipment had to be ordered from WBC.
SID training 7 August 2019: It was agreed that no one would attend on this occasion.
Maintenance review: No problems reported other than the uneven road between Pyt Cottages and the Yattendon turn on the Aldworth Road. Whilst this has been marked for repair, by WBC, with warning signs placed, no date has been given for such repairs.
9. Planning Applications:
19/00777 Variation of condition 2 on previous application 16/02117 at 6 Stubbles. Approved by WBC.
19/00934 Single storey extension to side of Blorenge Cottage, Holly Lane. Objection submitted due to Conservation Officer's comments, decision awaited from WBC.
10. Open Spaces Maintenance Review:
Bench on Flowers Piece: Repair still to be carried out.
Playground: It was agreed that the Clerk should meet with Les Billing to discuss the repairs required. It was also agreed that Councillor Graham Light would attend the next ART meeting with Councillor Rita Butler.
Lay-by at The Green: It was agreed that no repairs would be carried out at this time.
11. Infrastructure Levy:
The Clerk confirmed that, with the additional levy received of £1642.78, there was a total of £1972.90 to spend on qualifying expenditure. Councillor Graham Light was asked to raise the matter with ART and report back to the next meeting.
12. Finance:
The Clerk presented his financial report for the year to date which showed that income and expenditure would be broadly in line with the budget, other than a likely underspend of approximately £600 on the election as none was held due to a lack of candidates.
Payments were authorised as follows:
P Thompson £220.00 Clerk's salary for June and July
P Thompson £36.19 Clerk's expenses
Scofell Landscapes Ltd £607.46 Grass cutting for May and June
HM Revenue & Customs £82.40 PAYE on Clerk's salary, April to June 2019
It was agreed that a donation under section 137 should be made of £50 to Thames Valley Air Ambulance.
Annual Return:
The Clerk confirmed that the notice of public rights and publication of the Annual Governance & Accountability Return for the year ended 31 March 2019 had been posted to the Village website (www.ashampstead.net). The notice of public rights had also been placed on the three notice boards.
Bank Mandate:
It was agreed that all Councillors should continue to be signatories with any two to sign. Councillor Graham Light provided his details for the form although problems had been encountered in completing it online. The Clerk will add these details and complete the form.
13. Any Other Business:
It had been reported that beer bottles had been left lying on the recreation ground. These had now been placed in one of the three bins provided on the recreation ground.
14. Date of Annual and Next Ordinary Meetings of the Council:
It was agreed that the date of the next Annual Meeting of the Council will be decided at a later date. The next Ordinary Meeting will be convene at 7.00pm on Monday 9th September 2019.
15. There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.00pm
16. Parishioners' Questions: There were none.