Ashampstead Parish Council
Archive: Extraordinary/Planning Meetings
1st April 2017 to 31st March 2018
Minutes of an Extraordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
held in the Jubilee Hall on Monday 26th March 2018 at 7.00pm
Present: Councillors A Dick, R Butler and R Fisken
In attendance: P Thompson (Clerk)
1. Apologies: Councillors T Butcher, C Butler and A Keeley
2. Election of Chairman:
Councillor Alex Dick was elected Chairman of the Meeting
3. Declaration of Interests: None
4. Planning Applications:
18/00444/HOUSE - Demolition of conservatory and proposed single storey extension providing kitchen, shower room and two bedrooms at The Bothy, Ashampstead Common. The plans, which had been previously circulated amongst the Councillors, were presented to the meeting. It was unanimously agreed that the Council had "no objections" to this proposed development.
18/00598/HOUSE - Proposed greenhouse at St Clements Cottage, Church Lane. The plans, which had been previously circulated amongst the Councillors, were presented to the meeting. It was unanimously agreed that the Council had "no objections" to this proposed development.
The Clerk was asked to pass on both these observations to West Berkshire Council.
5. There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.03pm
Minutes of an Extraordinary Meeting held at the Jubilee Hall
on Wednesday 24th January 2018 at 5.00pm
Present: Councillors Trudi Butcher (Chairman), Colin Butler and Rita Butler
In attendance: Paul Thompson (Clerk) and Councillor Virginia Von Celsing
1. Apologies: Councillors Alex Dick and Anthony Keeley
2. Declaration of Interests: None
3. Planning Application:
17/03356/HOUSE – Proposed single storey side extension and two storey garage with art studio ancillary to dwelling at Linden House, Burnt Hill.
After a discussion, it was agreed by a unanimous vote that an objection should be submitted on the grounds that the proposed further additions would result in an excessively large property which is out of keeping with its immediate neighbours within the AONB. The site is also in an area with no settlement boundary and therefore designated as open countryside.
The Councillors expressed concerns regarding the inaccurate description on the plans which refer to a "pool building".
The Clerk was asked to pass on these observations to West Berkshire Council.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 5.46pm